Daily Create #td2720


This tweet made it clear that the same types of activities one would do during their childhood start to have the ability to become more and more complicated. It can also speak to the realm of responsibility that each age group tends to have over time but really speaks to the simplicity in the childish games. In this particular picture, I only see about two differences but I am pretty sure there are plenty more to discover.


Daily Create #tdc2716


This particular tweet was interesting to research. As it turns out, a Norwegian island, due to its time zone and relationship with daylight, or lack thereof, wants to become the worlds first time-free zone. At first, I was curious to wonder why taking away the concept of time would help any area on the globe. A global system that runs on the clock would cease to interact in a timely manner with an area that has no time. But then as I thought about it more, the amount of time you would then have to accomplish your daily tasks and goals would become boundless.



Daily Create #td2715


As I am a very avid music listener, I can’t help but notice when one of my favorite artists is involved in some other type of art that I am also a fan of. Movie production has been a part of Donald Glover’s professional repertoire for a while, starting with his comedic introduction as well as show appearances on “Community” the tv show. I compare him in a way to the famous Will Smith, who obviously being apart of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air show, also had a few very popular songs in the 90s. Same with the rapper, “50 cent”.




Turn A GIF Into A FIG

In this gif, the original video is a prank on regular mall goers, and a manikin is actually a real person in disguise. If you get too close, you’ll be sure to be reminded to keep your eyes open and attention on your surroundings. As it gets reversed it becomes humorous as it looks like a regular person is attempting to attack the manikin.



What They Might Have Done In Social Media

Albert Einstein Fakebook Link


As many may know, the author of a world-renowned equation Albert Einstein was originally born in Germany and eventually immigrated to the USA in the early 1900s. I created a Fakebook page that held a couple of points in his life that stood out to me personally. One was from his second and last wife, Elsa Einstein, and she asked Albert if moving to New Jersey would be a nice move. This connects to the time period in which Albert actually immigrated to the US and landed in that state. Another was from his son, Hans, after graduating from University in Germany at which he received his diploma in Civil Engineering.

Next was the tweet. This sadly was the time period in which Albert Einstien actually passed away. He had internal bleeding that was caused by an abdominal aortic aneurysm which simply was an issue with his circulatory system. I aimed to add a little humor to the late scientists passing by saying “That’s enough science for one day”, ultimately ending in his death. There are other current Einstein pages on both Twitter and Facebook and they also post things I believe the real Albert would post. Things about science and different things associated with his area of study.



What They Might Have Done In Social Media

Albert Einstein Fakebook Link


As many may know, the author of a world-renowned equation Albert Einstein was originally born in Germany and eventually immigrated to the USA in the early 1900s. I created a Fakebook page that held a couple of points in his life that stood out to me personally. One was from his second and last wife, Elsa Einstein, and she asked Albert if moving to New Jersey would be a nice move. This connects to the time period in which Albert actually immigrated to the US and landed in that state. Another was from his son, Hans, after graduating from University in Germany at which he received his diploma in Civil Engineering.

Next was the tweet. This sadly was the time period in which Albert Einstien actually passed away. He had internal bleeding that was caused by an abdominal aortic aneurysm which simply was an issue with his circulatory system. I aimed to add a little humor to the late scientists passing by saying “That’s enough science for one day”, ultimately ending in his death. There are other current Einstein pages on both Twitter and Facebook and they also post things I believe the real Albert would post. Things about science and different things associated with his area of study.



Say It Like The Peanut Butter


This scene is from the movie “The Matrix”. Originally produced in the 90s, a movie that has been popular for a while as its views on reality are controversial but its action scenes are intense and amazing. This scene specifically is the point in which the main character, Neo or Mr. Anderson, has a choice to make about his situation. To either take one pill and return to the life he has known and the choice to believe whatever he wants to believe or to take the other pill and see the reality he actually lives in. Morpheus, the character in the gif, is the main believer of this prophesy that Neo is an essential part of and is offering him these choices in the forms of pills. I decided to put a filter on the gif to further illuminate the purpose of this scene which is to understand that the reality we all believe to be concrete, isn’t “real” at all.

“And I can show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”



Home Video GIF

When your sick of your younger siblings shenanigans

The gif I found off youtube shows that even different species have sibling squabbles. Here in this gif, it seems that one of the younger individuals pushes another off the ledge and into the water for whatever reason. But as a person with younger siblings, I can understand the appeal to do so.



Daily Create #tdc2712


This tweet went a little deeper into the motivation and process of life events and in general, how things operate within our reality. The image displays the correlation not only between pressure and performance but the same U shaped graph represents the connection between action and time. This is why there are such things as “hump day” and “a midlife crisis”. It is when we are in the middle that things change either for the better or for the worse but more often than not when the dust settles, you end at a similar point just further down the line.

Demotivate Yourself

As a toddler, you may put an immense amount of burden on some sort of toy or plaything. Then as you aged into a young child, those same toys didn’t seem to excite you as much. Instead, you turned to something even more, in my case it was video games. And although those interactions stayed similar as I aged, the amount of interest changed. The meme represents the changing of care from your first college party to when they’re just a dime a dozen. As you age and mature through the college ranks, certain things just don’t excite you any more or you simply don’t care about them the same way. Getting dressed up and going to a party is just one example.

