DS106Assignment Digital Story Compilation


I made a YouTube video of my six favorite DS106 Assignments that I have created this semester. Just to put it into perspective, this semester I have created:

  • 10 Daily Creates
  • 3 MEME assignments
  • 3 Animated GIF assignments
  • 3 IMAGE assignments
  • 3 WEB assignments

In this compilation video, that I made using a video editing software, I used two image assignments, an animated GIF assignment, a meme assignment, and two daily creates that I had the most fun creating this semester. I really liked the image assignments where I got to crop myself into an image or something into an image. Although I am not the best at editing and photoshop, I still had fun creating them. The first image in this video is when I had to recreate the Brady Bunch intro picture, and I did so with various pictures of my dog and named it “The Payten Bunch”. The second image is one of the image assignments where I had to crop myself into a historical photo. I decided to crop myself holding my dog Payten into this famous picture of the moon landing. The third image in the video was another assignment that I used my dog in, but this one was a GIF I had to create. This GIF is one where Payten runs and jumps through the railing on my deck. I was unable to get the GIF into the video, so the image is a stillshot of the funniest part of that video. The fourth image is a daily create that I had to mix up two shows that had something in common. I chose the voice actor Patrick Warburton, who voices Joe from Family Guy and Kronk in The Emperor’s New Groove. I think he has an iconic voice, and it was fun cropping these two into the same scene. The fifth image in this compilation video is from the beginning of the semester when I had to make a meme that was demotivational. I decided to create a meme where a man was sweeping dirt under the rug and I encouraged people to do this with their own feelings. Lastly, the image I create for my last daily create was to rename a group of animals into something that they aren’t actually called. I decided to rename a group of penguins as a parade, because I thought that this was a cute name for a cute group of birds.

I had a lot of fun creating some of these images and assignments for this course. Some were hard, others were easier, but overall I have learned a lot with different kinds of software and websites. I feel as though I have a better grasp on technology than I did before entering this class, and I am really happy that I took it!

Daily Create DS106 TDC2725



For my final Daily Create, I renamed a group of penguins. I googled what they are usually called when they are in a large group, and those names were actually pretty great: a colony, a rookery, and a waddle. I liked going with a grouping that started with the letter ‘p’ because I thought it flowed well, so I chose parade. A parade usually consists of large groups of beings in one location, or forming an assembly line marching somewhere. I picture the little penguins all shuffling along in a little line, getting to their final destination slowly but surely. I think “parade of penguins” fits pretty well! However, I still like that they are collectively called a waddle, I think that makes them even cuter (if that was even at all possible).

Daily Create DS106 TDC2689

The Daily Create for May 23, 2019 was to post a picture or describe a household detritus that I have. I took this as a space that is cluttered with belongings that have been there for a while, remaining untouched. Since I have just moved to Portland, I have boxes and bins in my bedroom of my new apartment full of my clothes and other various belongings. Instead of unpacking, they have been sitting in the corner of my bedroom. I have only gone through them to get what I need, although it would be easier if I were to just unpack. These bins and boxes are full of all of my belongings I deemed worthy enough to make the trip to Portland, although there is probably contents within the box that I do not need and they will end up remaining my household detritus.

Daily Create DS106 TCD2720


Today’s Daily Create was to take an image and alter it 5 ways to see if viewers could spot the differences. I used an application on my phone that helps you edit photos, so I removed 5 things from the photo that I wonder if people who look at it can spot the differences. Also, the photo is from m trip to the grand canyon, so any opportunity I have to post a photo from that amazing experience, I will take it! I also think because there is so much detail in the photo, it won’t be super easy to spot the differences, but they are there!

Daily Create DS106 TDC2718

We’re Going To Die Here, Aren’t We??


I searched through my photo gallery on my phone for an image that would go with the daily create caption of “we’re going to die here, aren’t we?” and this is the image I thought to be most fitting. This is a picture of two of my dogs, Payten and Bailey. Bailey is the golden on the ground and Payten is the doberman I am holding by her collar. Although the image looks terrifying, they were just trying to play and I snapped the image because I thought it was comical. These two dogs love to rough house and although it seems like they are going to kill each other sometimes (biting each others necks and tackling each other) it is just how they play. They are two of the sweetest dogs on the planet, which is why I thought this scary image of them playing fit well with the daily create caption!

DS106 Brady Bunch Assignment

The Payten Bunch

I decided to do the Brady Bunch assignment and create the famous sitcom theme opening with one of my dogs Payten. I thought it would be comical to do 8 pictures of her because she has the most expressive faces. I titled it “The Payten Bunch” because it is just a bunch of pictures of Payten. She is a doberman and we never got her ears docked, so she looks a bit funny with the big ears always sticking out in different directions, but I think that it makes her look less intimidating, as is usually the case with this breed. I remember when I was growing up I would see the Brady Bunch and I always liked the introduction to it, so I am just imagining what it would be like if it was just a bunch of Paytens popping up on the screen instead of the usual cast.



Daily Create TDC2713 DS106

Patrick Warburton

For today’s Daily Create, I decided to make an image that showed two characters that have both been voiced by Patrick Warburton. The scene is from Emperor’s New Groove, where he voices Kronk. I photo shopped Joe from Family Guy (poorly) into the image because I thought it would be funny! I am a huge fan of Warburton’s acting and I think he has a great voice to play animated characters!

Daily Create DS106 Beginning and Ending

Beginning & Ending

Today’s Daily Create was to tweet a piece of media that showed the beginning and ending of something in a creative way. I decided to take a picture at the beginning of my red eye flight and another one at the end of my flight. I flew out from Salt Lake City, UT at midnight and into Boston, MA at 6am. I liked the idea of taking a picture at the beginning and ending of my flight because as you can see the time difference in the pictures is very evident. The first picture is in the dead of night as we flew over the city. You can see the bright lights contrasting against the pitch black background. The landing picture is clearly when it is very bright outside when we were landing over the harbor. I am glad I was able to capture these two photos, because both are pretty in their own way! 



DS106 Animated GIF Through The Fence

Through The Fence

For my Animated GIF assignment this week, I wanted to take a home video I shot about two years ago of my dog accidentally getting onto the deck via the railing. I had come home from college that day and wanted to video tape my dogs reactions to me returning home after a few months of being gone, as they usually have funny/excited reactions. I never knew I would capture this wonderfully hilarious moment on camera. Payten, my dog, was 100% unharmed from this, which is why I posted it (I wouldn’t if she had gotten hurt). She is a very young and energetic pup, and I think this GIF captures how her goofiness can often get her into trouble. I really enjoy this memory I have of her, and I am glad I have it on film, because I look back on it and show it to people and it is always something funny to watch! I love my dog endlessly, but sometimes she doesn’t use her brain, especially when she is excited.  



DS106 MEME The Big Caption

Two Minutes Before Best Buy Opens on Black Friday…

For this week’s MEME assignment, we had to take a popular photo and add words over top of it to change the meaning of the image. I chose a picture of the start line at the Boston Marathon but decided to take it out of the running context. I put the words “Two Minutes Before Best Buy Opens On Black Friday” over the picture because that is what it seems like when you go out in public on Black Friday. This “Holiday” consists of people gathering in huge groups outside of stores to see what deals they can get on marked down items. I am never one to take part in Black Friday festivities because of the large crowd, however, I would be willing to stand in this crowd to start the Boston Marathon, which I think is a bit strange I’d be willing to do one and not the other. Regardless, I thought putting these words over this picture was a bit comical, as Memes are usually meant for comedy purposes.

