DS106 Color Walk Timeline


For this assignment we were supposed to pick a color and take a 20 minute walk snapping pictures of items we find of that color along the way. I am currently on vacation in Utah so I wanted to complete this assignment while hiking. I wanted to challenge myself with this assignment by picking a color that I wouldn’t normally find along a hiking trail. I could have picked blue or green, but I decided to pick orange and surprisingly I was able to find quite a few items of this color! I chose my top five favorite photos to upload to my color walk timeline. I found brightly colored orange moss on a rock, my friends new balance shoe and his water bottle were the color I was looking for as well. I also found another rock that was orange, and while I was sitting eating my snack, I snapped a picture of my extra toasted cheese its! Lastly, my friend snapped a picture of a woman and her dog because of the bright orange color the dog had on their harness. I had a lot of fun with this assignment, and I’m glad the friends I am with were so up for helping me find orange along our hike in the canyon!



Daily Create TDC2703 DS106



I have recently become obsessed with all things plant related. I love to stop in at Lowe’s down the street and see what they have for plants, and my collection has started to grow quickly.. especially since I found the clearance section where I can get a plant and a cute pot for a price range from $0.25-$9.00! This past weekend I got two new plants, one was $0.50 and the other was $3.00. I also helped my mother plant her garden this past weekend, which took approximately 5 hours. I like to think I have a green thumb and that I will be able to nurse my two new plant-babies back to health. I keep them on my windowsill, as these two plants like direct sunshine, so it was easy when I was scanning my bedroom for inspiration for what would hook me if I were a fish in the ocean and a fisherman was trying to catch me. I can’t pass up a clearance deal, regardless if its plants or clothes, and I especially can’t pass up trying to rescue a neglected plant.

Daily Create DS106 TDC2702


Since moving into my new third floor apartment with my golden retriever Casey, I am abruptly woken up at 6 am (or earlier) to take her out to the bathroom. Because I live on the third floor, I really have to hurry to get her downstairs to avoid an accident. I think this is probably just a preview to what being a parent of a human will be like.. getting woken up at all hours of the night to take care of someone else. I chose this gif to go along with my tweet because it’s exactly how I feel when Casey is standing over my face, heavy breathing and barking in my face. I just want to hide under the covers and ignore her, but as a parent I know that I am responsible for her and when she wants to go out, she gets to go out. Even if we are getting up at 5 am to do so…



DS106 MEME Assignment

Feelings… just pretend they aren’t there.

Sweep your feelings under the rug and pretend they don’t exist. That is the theme I was going for for this weeks meme assignment that focuses on demotivation. Most motivational posters would tell you to get in touch with your feelings and don’t be afraid to express how you are feeling.. so for my demotivational poster I want to encourage people to hide their feelings and ‘sweep them under the rug’… pretend that they don’t exist! It is almost like bottling up your emotions, eventually they will explode, or the messy pile of feelings will be exposed under the lumpy rug, but at least for now you won’t have to deal with them. As I sometimes tell myself: “That’s a future me problem” aka I don’t want to deal with what’d going on in the present, and I’ll let my future self deal with the issue. Although this tactic isn’t the healthiest, it at least buys you some time to figure other things out or just enjoy life despite whatever you are dealing with!




Daily Create DS106 TDC2699


Although I wasn’t alive at the time this song came out, I still find it amusing to listen to! I FEEL SO GOOD by Big Bill Broonzy is a song I could picture myself swaying away to if I was alive during the 1940s. I like to listen to this type of music from time to time to get away from the current music of today. I like music that sounds like it could be played in the background of a movie scene! This song is certainly something I could picture being played in the background of a sappy romance movie I frequently watch on the Hallmark channel or Lifetime!

DS106 Selfie With Your Pet

Hello Dogs!

This is my beautiful Golden Retriever named Casey! I got her for my 13th birthday and she has been my best friend ever since. She is almost 10 years old and although her face is getting a little bit white, she still has the personality of a puppy. I took this photo of us a few days ago on our way to the dog park down the street from my new apartment! She loves the dog park, but more for socializing with the people.. she could care less about the other dogs. You would think this defeats the purpose of bringing her tot he dog park, but if it makes her happy to go and greet every person who is in the park than I am perfectly fine with that. Casey’s like include staring out windows, sleeping, holding stuffed animals and/or socks in her mouth (not ripping them though), and begging for food. I’m happy to have her living with my here in Portland for the next year!


Mila is a Boxer and she is 7 years old! She is the worlds biggest cuddle bug and I absolutely love that about her. On the other hand, she is probably the sassiest dog I have ever owned. Her biggest love in life is Dunkin Donuts and the workers at the Dunks in town know her by name. She gets excited anytime someone says Dunkin Donuts! Mila has recently been diagnosed with T-cell Lymphoma, which is the worst kind of cancer that a dog can get. She has been going to chemo almost weekly and I’m happy to share with you that she is in remission! If we hadn’t gone through with the treatment, the vet said she would have had about three weeks max. She’s a fighter though and I’m sure she will live a long and healthy life from here on out (at least that’s what we keep telling ourselves).


Another Golden Retriever! This one’s name is Bailey and she is 5 years old. She loves laying out in the backyard underneath her favorite tree, even if there is a few feet of snow on the ground. She is an odd one, that’s for sure, but shes the sweetest girl ever. Fun fact about Bailey is that if you say her name in a lovey type of way shell start to cry and then accidentally go to the bathroom on the floor, so we have to be very careful with the baby talk around her.


Last, but not least with the big dogs that I own, there is sweet little Payten (not so little anymore). She is a Doberman and she is about 2.5 years old. Many people think that Dobermans are a scary breed, and I came across a lot of landlords that would not allow me to have her with me because of her breed and the reputation that they have as being aggressive. If anyone were to meet this dog they would laugh at her being described as aggressive! I have never had a dog that asks to go to bed at a certain time every night.. 8:00 pm rolls around and Payten is at the door, asking to be put in her ‘house’ (what we call her kennel). All the other dogs sleep in beds, but Payten prefers her house. She is also my little running buddy; the highest mileage she has ever done is 5 miles, however I tend to only take her out for 3-4 miles. She loves running just as much as I do!




Daily Create DS106 TDC2698

The Daily Create for June 1, 2019 was to watch and review Georges Melies short film titled “The Conquest of the Pole” that was created in 1912. I had no idea what the film was about, but after watching it and reading the summary that was provided beneath the video, I realized it was about the race to the North Pole by airplane. The actors in this film have to be extremely animated since it is a silent film, which I found to be somewhat comedic. In my tweet I wrote about how silent films make me feel anxious because I personally am horrible at reading lips and hate silence. I also feel like I hold my breath the entire time I watch a silent film, so I tend to stay away from them, regardless of the quality of acting or production.



When someone spoils the ending of Game Of Thrones for you…

Image result for meme


I chose this picture to use as my meme because of the recent popularity with Game Of Thrones. I never really watched the show, but because of its popularity, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and start watching it. However, I am only on season two, and since the finale of the entire show just aired, I have been seeing spoilers of how it ended and I cant help but be a little bit bitter towards those who start to share too much information about how it ends in front of me.



Daily Create DS106 TDC2689

The Daily Create for May 23, 2019 was to post a picture or describe a household detritus that I have. I took this as a space that is cluttered with belongings that have been there for a while, remaining untouched. Since I have just moved to Portland, I have boxes and bins in my bedroom of my new apartment full of my clothes and other various belongings. Instead of unpacking, they have been sitting in the corner of my bedroom. I have only gone through them to get what I need, although it would be easier if I were to just unpack. These bins and boxes are full of all of my belongings I deemed worthy enough to make the trip to Portland, although there is probably contents within the box that I do not need and they will end up remaining my household detritus.