DS106: Digital Story Compilation

DS106: Digital Story Compilation 

This class has allowed me to create so many unique things through digital story telling. I chose to highlight five of my favorite DS106 daily create and assignments. For my first I chose the daily create titled “What’s in Your Toast”. This was so fun because my toast is my home and I printed an actual picture of my house and put in on top of a piece of toast. For my second I chose the renaming a cluster of animals. This assignment was so fun to create as I got to change the name of a group of animals to whatever I wanted. The next I chose the Say it like the Peanut butter where I took a scene that I thought was important to the overall plot of the story and turn it into a Gif. The fourth in this video is the We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch. This was so much fun as it allowed for me to create a picture of my best friends. The fifth is The Forrest Gump Project where I took an old picture and put myself into it. All of these daily creates and assignments allowed me to use different online tools and understand digital story telling in a way that I hadn’t understood before. 

Link to video here


Daily Create #tdc2725

Daily Create #tdc2725 

Renaming a Cluster of Animals 

For this assignment we were asked to remain a cluster of animals. I have always thought Hippos were so cute every zoo that I have been to I make sure I always go and see them. When you’re looking for them in the water they really just look like a big blob because they tend to always blend into the water. Especially when there is a large group of them it is always just a big blob. So because of this I decided to change the group name from the official name of bloat to a blob.


DS106: The Forrest Gump Project

DS106: The Forrest Gump Project 

For this assignment we were tasked with taking an old photo and photoshopping ourselves into it. I decided to choose a picture from a Beatles concert. If I were alive in the 1960’s I would have definitely been apart of the Beatle mania for sure. I love their music so so much and if I could have attended one of their concerts I would have been as excited as all of these people in the photo.

This was a bit of a challenge finding a picture that fit into this picture but believe it or not I had this selfie (I’m in the front row with the glasses) that I had taken in high school for decades day. While what I am wearing in this picture is more 50’s then 60’s, for the most part I feel as though it fits. I also chose to attach my head to another persons body in the picture which although a little awkward looking works pretty well also.

This daily assignment was a challenge for sure and I had to find a way to photoshop myself into the picture and for not knowing really what I was doing it came out as a good final product. Here is the link and the original photo for comparison!


DS106:Remix Guinness Book Of World Records

DS106: Remix Guinness Book of World Records

For this assignment I chose to remix the Guinness World Record for the fastest lacrosse shot set by Patrick Luehrsen in 2015. I chose this record because I play lacrosse at school and I was interested in what, if there were any, lacrosse records in the Guinness Book of World Records. I found this one and I though of remixing in into a funny story about how the person that set this wanted to impress his girlfriend and thought this would the best thing to do.

My made up story for this would that the girlfriend and the person recording the speed of the shot were standing behind the net. The shot went top left corner and in doing so ripped through the net and hit her in the face. This speed as shocking as it is caused some serious damage but she ended up making a fully recovery. Obviously after this the girlfriend left this guy. In order to try and make it up to her he created a stick called “I’m Sorry I Hit You in the Face”. This however did not win her back. 

For information on the actual Guinness World Record click the link here.



DS106: We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch!

DS106: We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch!

For this assignment I chose pictures of people in my life that have never failed to make me laugh or smile. Starting at the top left corner, this is my friend Lilly. We have been best friends now for 6 years and our friendship has survived through high school into present day. I can always count on her to cheer me up. To the right of Lilly is my big sister Brittany. Brittany is five years older then me and although we used to fight when we were younger now she is my biggest support and always knows what to do when I’m feeling down. To the right of Brittany is my best friend Lauren. Lauren and I met almost 9 years ago now and she has been like my second sister. When we were younger we would always make each other laugh so hard that we ended up with hiccups. Below Lauren is my friend Jess who I met this past year as we had all the same classes together so we became close friends. We have this inside joke about the song Baby Shark and it always makes me laugh. Below Jess is my best friend Brianna my Mamma Mia loving roommate. Brianna transferred to UNE this past year and I was happy to help her adjust to a new school. We were roommates and found out we both had a love for Mamma Mia. Dance parties in the kitchen with her always cheered me up. To the left of Brianna is my boyfriend Zach. I am lucky that he came into my life because I don’t know what I would have done without him. He always brings a smile to my face everyday. To the left of Zach is my best friend Ally who has been my friend now for 6 years. She is so funny and when I get to hang out with her I am for sure going to smile and laugh, like a lot. And finally above Ally is my friend Grace. Grace is 7 years younger then me and I have known her since she was 5. She considers me her big sister and that means so much to me. She is so funny and I always smile knowing how much it means for me to be a part of her life.



Daily Create #tdc2716

Daily Create #tdc2716

What Have You Learned?

My Marine Pollution class that I took in my Fall semester of my Sophomore year taught me so much about the pollution of the worlds oceans that I had never known before. In this class I learned that it isn’t just plastics as pollution but there is also land runoff (such as animal waste and fertilizers), oil, pesticides, and abandoned fishing gear. This was so shocking to me to think that there were so many other ways that humans contribute to ocean pollution other than just the use of single use plastics. Currently there is 8 million metric tons of plastic that occupy the oceans which includes micro plastics. Tiny microscopic broken down pieces that will never be able to be taken out of the oceans. This class and the information that I learned made me more aware of how I dispose of plastics and I have also tried to limit my use of single use plastics. 


Daily Create #tdc2715

Daily Create #tdc2715

Movies or Music?

This daily create is so hard to answer I love music and movies so much especially when it comes to Disney movies and songs that go with those movies. So to answer this question when it comes to Disney I have to say both music and movies. When I listen to Disney music on it’s own without watching the movie it’s just never the same experience. Also if I were to watch a Disney movie without music it would lack it what makes Disney movies so great and fun to watch. I feel as though you can’t have one without the other in this case. The soundtracks found in Disney movies help the story and imaginary worlds unfold and feel more alive. It also allows for the person watching the film to feel more connected to the characters through song. This daily create was difficult for me to answer and I’m sure it’s not the expected answer to chose both but when I’m relating back to a genre of movies and music that go hand and hang with one another I have to choose both.


DS 106: Turn a Gif into a Fig

DS 106: Turn a Gif into a Fig

For this assignment, just as I had difficulty choosing a home video to turn into a Gif, I had some trouble choosing a home video to turn into a Fig. I had found this video of my boyfriend trying apple crisp for the first time when we went to Flatbread Pizza in Portland. Although he didn’t spit it out as he appears to be doing in this Fig he actually didn’t like the apple crisp. I found this crazy to believe but apparently he doesn’t like cooked apples haha. Anyways this assignment turned out pretty funny to me and made me think more creatively. 



Daily Create #tdc2713

Daily Create #tdc2713

Two Show Mashup

For this assignment when I heard two show mashup it was kind of difficult to wrap my head around this. I couldn’t really think of an actor that appeared in two shows similar to one another. I then remembered two shows that I really enjoy watching that are set in the same tv universe, “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” and “Riverdale”. These two shows are based off of the Archie Comics written back in the 1960’s. They take the stories found in the comic books and turn them into stories made for the modern world though not always very realistic. Whats interesting about these two shows also is that there is no set time period in which they take place. In “Riverdale” and “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”, elements such as cars or clothing prominent in the ’60’s are shown along with modern day things such as cellphones and computers. This is something I really love about these shows as well as the characters. If you haven’t checked out these shows and have an interest in the science fiction/murder mystery/horror genre I suggest checking out these two shows both on Netflix!


Daily Create #tdc2712

Daily Create #tdc2712

Beginning and End

For this assignment when I heard beginning and end I thought of a sunset. On my vacation to the Outer Banks I saw several beautiful sunsets but my favorite was this one. The beginning of the sunset is so different from the end but they are one in the same. Watching the sunset is always so fascinating and if you look away for a couple minutes the sky looks completely different then it did before. Watching these sunsets on vacation meant that another wonderful day was coming to a close but I knew that another great one was only a few hours away.