DS106: Digital Story Compilation

For my final DS106 assignment I created a video compilation of some of my daily creates/DS106 assignments I have created throughout the course. Creating this assignment was pretty fun, and was a great way for me to reflect on the work I have done in this class. To complete this assignment I used the program iMovie on my Mac. Surprisingly, this was my first time using the program iMovie. There were a lot of features I did not explore, but the basics were not hard to figure out. This is definitely a tool I can see myself using in the future. After looking at all the DS106 work I have completed, I realized how many new things I have learned. For example, prior to this course I had never made a GIF before, or even a meme. I have also learned how to make a timeline on JS Timeline, make a YouTube Video, and edit pages using X-Ray Goggles. Looking back, I have created a variety of different things in a short amount of time. All of the things I have learned are useful skills I can see myself using again in future classes.


DS106: The Forrest Gump Project

For this DS106 assignment, we were prompted to edit ourselves into a historical picture. I spent awhile trying to look for a picture to edit myself into. I thought about going with the famous picture of Neil Armstrong on the moon, until I asked my best friend what he thought. He suggested editing myself into a picture with the Queen. I decided to give it a try, and think that the editing turned out pretty good! To edit this picture, I just used an app that was already on my phone called Superimpose. I used it to cut out my face from a picture, and put it into this picture of Queen Victoria. The original image is “Her Majesty The Queen in Her Robes of State“. This was a painting created around 1859. Queen Victoria was the Queen of England and Ireland. She also had the title of “Empress of India”. She became Queen at only 18 years old after her uncle, King William IV had died. I also thought it was pretty interesting that she was the first member of the Royal Family to live in Buckingham Palace. Overall, this DS106 assignment was the hardest so far for me to create. Although, I am pretty happy with the outcome, and also thought it was pretty funny!


Daily Create #tdc2722

Today’s daily create prompted users to share whatever they have been reading. Unfortunately, I have not had much time to read for leisure, but I have been reading some assigned texts for school. Both of these books are for my Sociology of Food and Health online course. This is one of the three online courses I have been taking at UNE this summer session. I have really enjoyed this course, and have learned a lot about the food industry through the assigned texts and readings. The current chapters I am reading in the book by Carolan are about food security/sovereignty, alternative agri-food networks, and the “traps’ in agri-food studies. In the book written by Jou, I am reading its conclusion. Although these are not the most favorite books I have ever read, they have been surprisingly interesting. After Summer Session 1 wraps up, I look forward to reading some other books that personally interest me!


Daily Create #2719

Today’s daily create was actually pretty fun! I went on a search for some old magazines we had in the house. This reminded me of an activity I might have done in school years ago in kindergarten or first grade. Instead of making multiple people with the scissors, I decided to include a shark. There are tons of misconceptions and myths about sharks. One of these misconceptions is that sharks are “maneaters”. This couldn’t be father from the truth. Sharks do not eat humans for food. From a shark’s perspective, humans look a lot like seals or other prey.   I wrote one of my recent blog posts on shark finning, so I thought it would be fitting to include one in here. Also, sharks are just great in general. I have to admit, both the person and the shark are looking a little rough. I think I may prefer drawing with pencils or crayons rather than with scissors..


DS106: Remix Guinness Book of World Records


For this DS106 Assignment the instructions prompted us to “Pick any record you want and somehow remix it. Try and connect it to a story, and add some background inspiration into your idea for inspiration. Maybe it was the record you always wanted to set, or break.” After spending some time searching, I found a lot of crazy records. I decided to go with a basketball record since I’m a big Celtics fan. The original record can be found here. The original record was for the most basketball three pointers in one minute. I switched the original record holder’s name with Ray Allen who was just shy of 3,000 3-pointers for his whole career. He was notorious for his three pointers. To make this remix I used “X-Ray Goggles”, and it was a lot easier than I anticipated. Even someone with no prior knowledge of coding would be able to use this. The stats I used for the remix of this record are not completely true. Although I tried to make it somewhat accurate, adding a year that Allen played for the Celtics and correct city/venue. Allen was one of the first basketball players I thought of when thinking about NBA players who are known for their three pointers.


Daily Create: #tdc2718

After reading today’s daily create, I couldn’t help think about how it sounded like the beginning of a horror movie! Who has those kinds of things in their house? I also couldn’t help notice that there looked like there were teeth missing in the typewriter… The first thing that came to mind when I thought about a scary scene, is the famous scene from the movie Psycho. I decided to make a gif of this famous scene by trimming a clip from YouTube. YouTube seems to have every movie clip that you can imagine. After reading the original tweets for the prompt, I almost felt as if someone was going to sneak up behind that lady like in this scene. If I were her, I would have never tried to unlock a locked door! After seeing the picture, I guess the owner of the house had it locked for a reason.


DS106: We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch


Here’s the Basantes Batch! In the left upper corner is my younger brother, Evan. He usually does not like to smile for many pictures, so the closest one I found is this one where he still looks semi-serious but is giving a half-smile. Beneath him is a picture of me at Old Orchard. Beneath me on the lower left corner is my betta fish, Nicholas. One of my roommates and I got him at the beginning of the spring semester, and he’s still sticking around! It’s no secret that I love all things marine-related so having him around isn’t so bad. In the upper right corner is a picture of my dad. He’s looking a little less serious than my brother in that picture.. Below him is a picture of my aunt’s Yorkie, Dante, who we all love! There was extra space in the collage for another picture, so I decided to add him in. And finally, on the lower right corner is my mom. To make this collage I used a free app called “PicCollage”. I downloaded a few other collage apps at first, but did not like them because they all had pre-designed layouts. I settled on PicCollage because it allowed me to arrange the photos in the manner that I wanted. I was also able to add text in the middle and choose from a variety of different fonts. I did not need to edit it in from my laptop or anything. The only thing I was not a fan of is the watermark in the corner. Unfortunately, I would need to pay to go “pro” to remove it. Overall, it was pretty fun getting to create my own “Brady Bunch”!


DS106: Turn A GIF Into a FIG

Turning this GIF into a FIG was much easier than I thought! To make this GIF I used ezgif to reverse it. It was super quick and easy, and I even had other options to choose from for effects. To make this “FIG” I chose a video that I found on my laptop, trimmed it down, made the original gif, and then reversed it! This FIG was taken at Thunder Hole in Acadia National Park. Thunder Hole is a small inlet of carved rocks where the waves come crashing through. When the water is forced out, it almost sounds like a clap of thunder, hence the name “Thunder Hole”. If you wait for the right weather and tide, it looks like you can get some great pictures here. My roommates and I were lucky enough to come here on a sunny, clear day. It was my first time visiting Acadia National Park and seeing these high waves was pretty impressive. Acadia National Park was extremely beautiful, and I highly recommend that people visit if they are able! Overall, making this “FIG” was pretty fun, and it was interesting to make something different than the normal animated gifs we’ve been creating throughout the course.


Daily Create: #2712


Today’s daily create prompted followers to make something that shows both the beginning and the end in one creative work. At first I was not sure what to do for this particular prompt. After giving it some thought, and doing some digging in my camera roll, I found this picture that I took in Toronto last summer. This picture was specifically taken in Nathan Phillips Square, on a dreary day. Nathan Phillips Square is a plaza where many concerts, farmer’s markets, and other events take place. I was lucky enough to get this great picture of a rainbow on a rainy day. The reason I put “end” in quotations in my Tweet is because rainbows do not truly have an end. Although it may appear like that in the picture, the end of a rainbow is just an illusion. The distance between you and a rainbow will never change, no matter how close you think you are getting. They consist of water droplets, with sunlight shining into each droplet to reflect the colors that you see. It is impossible to reach the end of the rainbow, because there is no “end”. Although, from the the picture it appears that there is a beginning and and end.


DS106: What They Might Have Done in Social Media

For this assignment I chose Cornelis Drebbel, a famous Dutch engineer and inventor. He is most commonly known for the invention of the first navigable submarine and also made contributions to optics and chemistry. I thought the fact that he invented the first navigable submarine around 1620 was extremely impressive. I would have never thought the submarine would have been invented so long ago.

I never knew who Cornelis was until I did some light research on different inventors and engineers. Although he is not the most commonly known inventor, I still thought that his work was impressive. His “Facebook” can be found at this link.

In addition to making a Facebook profile for a historical figure, the instructions prompted students to also make a Twister. A Twister is a “fake twitter” made for classroom use. At first, I had a lot of problems trying to embed the page to Cornelis Drebbel’s Twister. Because of the issues I was having I opted to take screenshots of both the Facebook and the Twister account.

I chose to tweet about Cornelis taking King James I out on a test dive beneath the Thames, a river that flows through Southern England. I chose to Tweet about this because the invention of the submarine is one of Conrelis’ most notable works.
