Daily Create: #tdc2711

Today’s daily create prompt instructed students to “tell them about our dreams”. Coming into UNE and throughout highs school my dream was to originally become a Marine Biologist. During my sophomore year at UNE, this changed. By this point, I knew that Marine Biology was not really what I wanted to do, and I no longer saw myself doing that kind of work in the future. Although I was no longer interested in biology, I still had a huge passion for marine life and the ocean. I decided to switch to become a Marine Affairs major, one of the best decisions I’ve made! After college, I would love to pursue a civilian career with the Coast Guard. I have always respected and admired the work that the Coast Guard does. They have a number of responsibilities such as Search and Rescue, Environmental Protection, Port Security, Maritime Law Enforcement, and more. They also have over 200 types of civilian jobs! To make this gif I pulled a clip from one of the videos on the Coast Guard’s YouTube channel. I chose to put the “Dreamy” filter over the gif because it seemed extremely fitting considering the prompt of this daily create.




The instructions for this assignment prompted students to make an animated gif using a home video. After looking through my videos, I decided to go with a video of my best friend’s dog. Laine must have been trying to dig into the bed for about a minute, then I decided to film it. I lightly tossed some Junior Mints into her direction to see if she would stop whatever she was doing, then I got this funny reaction. To make the gif, I used giphy, a free website the allows users to create their own gifs, or look for gifs that have already been made. When making the caption, I decided to go with the “default” style”. The other styles did not seem to suit this particular gif. The website allows allows users to pick the color of the caption. I decided to change the color from the original white, since this seemed boring. The last option that I had was to change the style of animation. There were a few different styles such as rainbow, sparkle, etc. Again, none of these styles seemed to suit this gif so I did not opt to change the style of animation. Overall, creating this gif was pretty fun, and quick!


DS106: The Big Caption

For this DS106 assignment, students were instructed to take any photo from The Big Picture featured on the Boston Globe website, and add a caption that changes the message of the picture. After spending some time looking through the various photos, I decided on this photo of the Red Sox winning the World Series. The Red Sox beat the Los Angeles Dodgers at Dodger Stadium in California in a 5-1 game. In the original photo, the Red Sox are clearly ecstatic over their win over the Dodger’s in the 2018 World Series. One of the players in shown jumping onto Red Sox pitcher Chris Sale with excitement. When thinking about a caption for this picture, the first thing that came to mind was finals. As we all know, finals week is probably one of the most stressful times of the school year. There is nothing more exciting than finishing your last final exam of the semester and finally getting to go home for the summer. I think this is something that all college students can relate to. After the last final exam of the semester all of the stress seems to go away, and it is like a big weight is lifted off my shoulder! This picture was made by using imgflip, which is extremely quick and easy to use!




Daily Create #tdc2706

Today’s DS106 prompt called for us to make a rule of our own. The rule I came up with was to “Be original and bring creativity into the assignments”. The famous cofounder of Apple once said, “Creativity is just connecting things”. Although this quote is short and simple, I think it can apply to this course. He thought that in order to be successful creatively, we need to think of all of the ideas that have come before us. Making connections and drawing from other ideas can be beneficial. It is important that we our ideas unique, and make them our own. To make this image I used a free program called “picfont”. This was my first time using this website, and it was relatively easy to use. I chose to use this website over others due to the fact that it did not put a watermark in the corner of the image. All I had to do was upload the image, and add the text I wanted. I was able to change the font of the text as well as the size and color. Although there are images out there with this same exact quote, I wanted to make my own. During the process, I learned how to use a new website!


DS106: Color Walk Timeline

This assignment instructed us to take a 20 minute walk and to take 5-8 photos of a color of our choice. I decided to pick the color pink! All of the pink things that I came across on my walk were all flowers of some kind. I was able to find five different locations where there were pink flowers. To make this timeline I used Timeline JS, which was instructed in the prompt.  Watching the instructional “How to” video on their website, along with an additional YouTube video on Timeline JS helped a lot. I found that the “Preview embed” area was also extremely helpful. It took me a few edits to make the timeline look correct. The outline that Timeline JS provides was a little particular with blank spaces, but I finally got it to look correct after a few times. While doing this timeline I also made a Flickr, where I uploaded the photos for this assignment. I saw that the outline Timeline JS provided used Flickr, and gave it a try. I think that Timeline JS is a very useful tool, and could see myself using it in the future. It is fairly easy to use, and also free!


Daily Create #tdc2705

Today’s daily create prompt was to “Gif your favorite thing”. I decided to gif my favorite marine mammal, a seal. Seals are very intelligent, and I find them to be extremely interesting. They are able to communicate with each other by making clicking noises and live on a carnivorous diet. There are over 30 species of seals, with the elephant seal being the largest. I used gipfy to create this gif, using a clip from a youtube video. The clip I used for the gif can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7hOqOGFDP4. My favorite thing about using giphy is that it is free! Also, it does not leave a watermark in the corner unlike some other gif creator sites and apps. There were lots of different videos and clips on YouTube of seals doing funny/interesting things, so it was a little hard to pick one. I decided to go with a clip of a video where the seal appeared to be going in a circle while swimming in one place.




DS106: Say It Like the Peanut Butter

Animated GIF

This GIF was taken from one of my favorite movies, Spider-Man! This was taken from the scene where Peter discovers his new powers and is using them for the first time. In this GIF he is attempting to use his web slinging powers to jump from building to building. A few seconds after this, he actually crashes into the wall when he gets to the next building. I thought this scene was important because it is where Peter is first learning and using his new abilities as Spider-Man. I was debating whether I should pull a scene from Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man or Tom Holland’s Spider-Man Homecoming. I finally decided on the original film adaptation starring Tobey Maguire. This was my first time making a GIF, and it was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. I made the GIF using giphy, a free website. I was able to choose multiple images to create a GIF slideshow, choose a video to trim, or add a URL from YouTube or Vimeo. I opted to use a link from YouTube since the clip I wanted to use was already on there. From there, all I had to do was choose how long I wanted the GIF to be, and which clip from the YouTube video I wanted to use. Making the GIF turned out to be quick and fun!


DS106: Demotivate Yourself


At first, I was a little stuck doing this assignment because I could not find any pictures in my camera roll that gave me inspiration. After spending some time scrolling, I came across this picture of a seal taking a nap, looking pretty tired and demotivated. This picture was taken last summer at a park in Niagara Falls, Ontario in Canada. Although the seal was very cute, this was pretty sad to see for a view reasons. The harbor and grey seals were kept in a very large indoor exhibit. The exhibit had its own auditorium, but the park no longer hosted shows with these seals. The seals were kept in a very large tank with hundreds of empty seats around them. Although shows are no longer offered, the park still allowed visitors to come up to the tank and view these seals. It was sad to see that the seals were clearly not given much attention. At my time in this exhibit, I saw maybe 3 other visitors, and no staff to oversee these seals. This exhibit (along with all the other exhibits in the park) were extremely run down, dirty, and outdated. I felt as if I stepped into a time machine that went to the 60’s. The seal in the picture seems to be extremely demotivated, and made me feel down and demotivated as well as I thought about the conditions this poor seal is kept in. I certainly will never be visiting this park ever again. To make this meme I selected a picture from my camera roll and sent it to my email so I was able to view it from my laptop. Then, I uploaded it to a a free meme-maker site (that can be found at https://imgflip.com/memegenerator). This site is very quick and easy to use. It allows the user to upload his or her own picture, or to scroll through previously made memes that other people have made.





Daily Create #tdc2698

After watching the work of George Melies for today’s daily create, I was immediately reminded of Charlie Chaplin. When I read the daily create for today, I immediately recognized who George Melies was. I had learned about him and watched some of his previous work in an Evolution to Documentary Film class at UNE. Many of his early films resembled the work of the Lumiere Brothers. The Lumiere Brothers were some of the first filmmakers ever in history. After watching the YouTube video of Melies’ work, I was reminded of Charlie Chaplin. Charlie Chaplin was a famous actor and filmmaker during the silent movie era. I was also familiar with some of his work because of an earlier documentary course I have taken. For this daily create I opted for a GIF of Chaplin. This GIF is from the silent movie The Adventurer. In the GIF he is seen to be on the run from the prison guard.



Selfie With a Pet




Unfortunately, I do not have any cats or dogs at home, so I had to take a selfie with my betta fish, Nicholas. I didn’t think I would ever be taking a picture with my fish tank! Since it is pretty hard to see Nicholas in this picture, I provided a second one where you are able to see him more closely. I first got Nicholas about 6 months ago with one of my roommates. We bought him at the Petco in Biddeford after our other fish passed. Since she will be studying abroad in the fall semester, he now lives with me! Nicholas is a male doubletail halfmoon betta fish. He has survived many trips back and forth from UNE, so he is a pretty hardy guy! He does not have any tank mates currently. Although, the tank does have two moss balls named Larry and Terry. In the past, he has had two panda cory fish living with him named Ben and Jerry. Unfortunately, they both mysteriously died a few months ago. Since he does not currently live with any friends, he has the whole tank to himself! In the future  I may try getting him some tetras or ghost shrimp since they make good tank mates as well.
