DS106 Digital Story Compilation


This was a great little sentimental assignment! It was challenging but also a great way to end our time of doing these DS106 assignments. I love things that kind of end full circle and this definitely felt like a full circle kind of project. We were asked to pick some of our favorite DS106’s that we had created and make a video compilation of them. The first one I chose was Selfie With My Cat because I love my cat so much and I think that it is such a cute picture. The next one that I wanted to include was the Demotivational Memes assignment because I just got such a kick out of doing that one. The third one that I added was the Big Caption because it included one of my biggest passions which is gymnastics and I felt that that really encapsulated who I am as a person. And the final assignment that I chose to add to my compilation was the Turn A Gif Into A Fig because I like how that video turned out and it also includes one of my favorite things which is Disney. I think that not only did this compilation give viewers a summary of my DS106 assignments, but it also gave an insight as to who I am as a person which is what the DS106’s are all about.



Daily Create #tdc2725


I thought that this was a great Daily Create to end on. It was fun and not difficult at all and we really got to be creative with it! I really liked the whole concept of renaming a group of specific animals. I liked the theme of having the name of the group match the name of the animal. That was the only difficult part of this assignment was thinking of the name. At first, I was thinking of a flock and I was going to do a flock of ferrets because ferrets start with an f. But then the word cluster came to mind and I knew that I wanted to use that word instead. And the first animal name that I could think of that started with a c was cat. And so, I looked up different cat gifs and my favorite one was by far the Taylor Swift one. It is her sitting with a large group of cats. At first, I could find any gifs that had more than two cats in it. That was also a challenge because the whole point of this assignment is to use a group of animals. This gif was the first one that I saw and I thought that it was too funny not to use! I enjoyed this so much and it was a great way to finish off my time of tweeting Daily Creates!



DS106 The Forrest Gump Project

For this DS106 assignment, I really wanted to photoshop myself onto a Beatles picture. I wanted it to be a black and white picture because I thought that that would look cooler and more realistic. Turns out, I was completely wrong. Unfortunately, I had a lot of problems with trying to complete this assignment. The first obstacle that I encountered was trying to find a photoshopping app to download. My apple ID wasn’t working so I had to change the password. And then when I tried downloading a photoshopping app,  it didn’t have the option to photoshop images onto already existing images. The next two times I downloaded other photoshopping apps that supposedly had this feature, I found that this was not the truth. It wasn’t until the fourth app that I downloaded that I finally found a feature to let me photoshop on picture onto another. So I took a picture of myself and made it black and white to fit the background of the Beatles picture, but the picture did not end up looking good. This app didn’t give me the option to blend the picture of me into the background to make it look more realistic. It also didn’t allow me to size the image how I wanted so I look extremely disproportionate compared to the Beatles. I eventually got the picture to be photoshopped but it turned out, in my opinion, terrible. If there is one thing I learned from this assignment, it is that I never should be trusted with photoshopping any sort of image in the future.



Daily Create #tdc2720


I had a lot of fun with this Daily Create! The options were to do either a picture or a drawing and I decided to go with a drawing. One of my favorite things to draw are just shapes and doodles so I definitely wanted to incorporate that into my Daily Create. The five differences within my drawing were the colors of the circles were in a different order surrounding the red oval, the green slanted lines are facing opposite directions, the squiggly lines are purple on top and green on the bottom in the first picture while they are green on top and purple on the bottom in the second picture, the smiley faces have different colored eyebrows, and the swirls are going in different directions from each picture. I had a little bit of difficulty with thinking up these differences. I did not want to make them blatantly obvious but I also did not want them to be in any way challenging seeing as this is supposed to be a fun and creative assignment. I think that I did a good job at finding that middle ground of both kinds of spot the differences. Overall, this was a very creative assignment and it definitely made me think a little which I enjoyed because I always love a good challenge!



DS106 Remix Guinness Book Of World Records

I found this picture while I was perusing through different pictures of record holders. I thought that this one would be good to make a story about. I predict that this guy swallowed a very big magnet. If it was a small magnet, the amount of spoons that he could stick to his body would be significantly lower. Anyway, I think that he swallowed a giant magnet that makes him capable of sticking any kind of metal to him. And this power of his allows him to stick metal to any part of his body, not just his shoulders. The reason behind this is because of how big the magnet was that he ingested. Once he figured out his newfound talent, he immediately reached out to the Guinness Book of World Records for the fame. He tried to use his powers to make it seem like he is just good at balancing spoons on his shoulders. But what everyone doesn’t know is that he secretly is a magnet himself. He didn’t want to explain to the world that he is a human magnet because no one would believe him. So instead, he made up this story of just being a really good balancer of spoons and people believed him.



Daily Create #tdc2719


I thought that this was such a creative assignment. Of course, that is what all of this daily creates is about-creativity. We got to include arts and crafts into our assignment which I ultimately found very fun. I am not an arts and crafts kind of person. I am terrible at anything that has to do with art. I was originally very intimidated by all of the examples of other peoples’ posts for this daily create because they were all doing outlines of people and just very advanced stuff. I then thought that as long as I enjoy what I am doing and do it correctly, it doesn’t matter if my work may look simple to people. I decided to draw shapes because I like the way that an outline of a shape looks. The only difficulty I had with this assignment was the initial thought of not being able to do it. Like I said, art is not my thing so I thought that I might have to skip this daily create. But after thinking about it more, I decided that it could be a fun thing to do and it is definitely something different than what we have done with the past daily creates. Overall, I had a lot of fun with this assignment and I hope that we get the opportunity to incorporate more art into our daily creates!



DS106 We’re The Real Life Brady Bunch

For this DS106 assignment, I decided to create a collage of all of my family members. In this picture, I have included my dad, my mom, myself, my sister who is a little under two years younger than me, and my brother who is six years younger than me. Some people would say that I don’t have that many people in my family, while others would say that there are so many of us. I believe that I read somewhere that the average family size is four people: two parents and two kids. According to that standard, my family is above average in size. And this doesn’t even include the animals that we have in our house. We also have two cats and a dog. My mom always complains that there are just too many people in our house, pets included. And like I mentioned, for some people this really isn’t a lot of family members. However, living in a house with this many people can become quite hectic. Overall, I really enjoyed making this collage of my family. Creating anything that has to do with my family is always a very fun experience for me because it is not something that I often do but I had a lot of fun with this!



DS106 Turn A Gif Into A Fig


I decided to go with this gif for the “Turn A Gif Into A Fig” assignment. I thought it was very fitting seeing as the new Aladdin movie just recently came out. This gif is extremely funny because the whole point of this scene, originally, is that Aladdin is a thief and he steals to survive; which consists of mostly stealing food. This scene takes place right after he had just stolen a loaf of bread. He is all ready to just sit down and enjoy his reward given to himself. However, just before taking that first bite, instead of eating the food that he had taken, he chooses to give the loaf of bread to two little kids who probably need it more than he does. It is a really nice scene in the movie and it shows just how generous Aladdin is. Though, this is not what the gif depicts. Because it is a reverse gif, instead of showing Aladdin giving two kids his loaf of bread, it comes across as though Aladdin is stealing the bread and then walks off and eats it without showing any remorse. I thought that this was really funny because it turns the entire point of the scene upside down which is what I find to be really interesting when it comes to reverse gifs.



Daily Create #tdc2713



At first, I was having the hardest time trying to think of two tv show characters that have the same actor, who also have similarities to them. I am not a big tv show person so this was a bit of a challenge. But in the end, I decided to use one of my favorite actresses, Alyson Hannigan, who portrays both Willow Rosenberg in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Lily Aldrin in How I Met Your Mother. I tweeted about how both Willow and Lily are so loyal to their friends. Willow is always ready to help the rest of the gang and Lily never left Marshall’s side after the first season. They are always by their sides no matter what which is something that I really admire. These characters also both have such determination. They have this innate drive in them to the point of strong ambition to meet their end goals. Whether for good intentions or evil ones, Willow always seemed to get things done the way that she wanted them done. And Lily never gave up on her dreams of becoming an artist and one day having kids. These two characters are such great role models to look up to and Alyson Hannigan is such an amazing actress. Overall, I had a great time completing this assignment.



DS106 What They Might Have Done In Social Media



I really enjoyed doing this assignment. I love historical people in the pop culture industry such as musicians and actors so doing something like this was very enjoyable. I decided to pick Marilyn Monroe as my historical figure. At first, I was having trouble deciding on who I wanted to choose because I really just couldn’t think of anyone. Then the image of Marilyn Monroe popped into my head. I could have her write on Facebook updates on her career and tweet about photoshoots. It was perfect. So I did exactly that. The one thing that I thought would be a very funny tweet was doing something about her famous photoshoot where her dress flies up. It was hard to word it at first but I finally found something that I liked that I also thought was extremely funny. I wrote about her going to the photoshoot and hoping that nothing goes wrong. Kind of similar to the Abraham Lincoln example given to us; writing about him going to the play. It is just funny because since these are historical figures, we know what happens in their lives, making the tweets that much better. Overall, this was a very fun assignment and I loved how I got to play around with what Marilyn would say and talk about!

