DS106 Forest Gump Project


This is a photo of the liberty bell and I love this photo because everyone is doing something different it’s not the typical old photos where everyone is possing and such. Its a photo of everyday people probably not knowing their photo was being taken. So I inserted myself hugging a poll because I wanted to also be doing something a little odd but normal to fit in with the mood of the photo

What Are You Reading

This book was written by a woman and it talks about her roots and how the environment played a role throughout her life. Throughout the story, she incorporates nature and how that helped her throughout her life changes.


DS106 work Significant Objects

Beautifully painted and versatile Ceramic Pumpkin

Purchased a week before Halloween on the day of a full moon. This little pumpkin has the energy of spirits flowing through it. Wither the spirits are troublesome or not depends on you but this pumpkin has never lasted long in homes. But that doesn’t mean odd things don’t occur to the pumpkin its self.  When placed in water it floats when it should sink, placed on tables or other surfaces you’ll always here a “clUNK” or “THUD” at night to find it had fallen on the floor. With all these strange occurrences happening the oddest one, is the appearance of hermit crabs and other small animals in the pumpkin itself. This only happens at night and I capture this photo by staking out all night. Typically you can hear the noise of the animals scurrying around the room at night and find things amidst in the mornings; if you leave a hand or foot outside of the covers the creatures start to nibble and bite in hopes devour your flesh.


Daily Create Brady Bunch

This is my Brady bunch photo, containing some of my plants. I would do many things differently here. 1. I would make the photos look like they belonged and not as I took the photos and added them. 2. I would move my self to the middle bottom square.


GIF into FIG

My GIF into FIG is a video of my teacher Pam digging up tea bags from the marsh. This project is run by a lady in New Zealand whos doing her Ph.D. research on how upland and wetland sites hold or release the carbon dioxide from the decomposing tea bags over the course of 4 years. When you lift the soil up the suction noise is very funny but thent the smell of rotting eggs hits you in the face lol.  In this instance, she was putting the tea bag back in the ground as we accidentally dug up year 4 instead of year 3. So instead of her putting it back i made the video of her pulling it out as I thought the situation also fit the assignment. Digging year 4 before year 3 is also backward much like how this assignment is supposed to be.


Daily Create Fruit or Veggie transportation

For this daily create my mind immediately flew to this Heirloom tomato. When first saw this photo I thought it looked like the balloon part of a hot air balloon; As I think all Heirloom tomatoes look like hot air balloons.


DS106 Home video

This ds106 assignment was to create a GIF of a home video that I had. Home to me is more a feeling than an object, so this video is from the farm/landscaping business I work at. Chickens aren’t typically graceful in any sense of the word they have their moments but typically they are just awkward tiny dinosaurs; I love them. The story behind this is in the chicken coop there are places for the chickens to sit on that causes them to jump if they want to get down; I’ve had many chickens try to use me as an in-between for them. It doesn’t end well for either party as you can image, here I was calling Diana (yes they have names) to jump down before I went in to grab the food.


DS106 What They Might Have Done In Social Media

For this ds106 assignment, we were to use either http://www.classtools.net/twister/ to create a fake Twitter or https://www.classtools.net/FB/home-page to create fake facebook for a historical figure. But what we created had to be coherent with the persons background and what it might have meant for that person to use either facebook or twitter.

Everyone meet Marianne North a self-made naturalist between 1871-1885 traveled to 17 countries within 6 continents without escorts or a man. She used oil paint to depict plants in their natural habitat instead of picking them and pressing them. She also wrote about how she detested many social norms that were present in her day. Now more on why I love her so much, as an environmentalist and botanist I always hear the word he, him, MEN. When my friend was doing an art paper on her and told me about her I instantly fell in love. I had a kick-butt woman who loved plants as a role model SHE was and is such an influential person in my life. I’ve read some of her passages in “Recollections of a happy life”  https://archive.org/details/recollectionsofh01nortuoft/page/n3 vol 1 that was written by Marieann North and published by her sister. For a paper, so I tried to portray her the best I could.


Daily create scene that book


I just finished this book that a friend gave me for my birthday. It’s her favorite book and one of mine as well, this book is a series and I’ll now be buying and read the whole series lol. The realness of the characters is striking and the images that Maggie paints with her words makes the book play like a movie in your head.

Daily Create I Feel Good

I love nature and being surrounded by it makes me feel good. I don’t think a day goes by where I interact or somehow involve nature in my life. The ancient roots connect the natural world and I together, connecting each other much deeper than a feeling.
