Daily create 2689

 This is a window into my daily life at this moment in time. I work two jobs equaling a 50-60 hour work week, with that, I also am a research assistant to gain experience and build my resume. So picking up my clothes or putting things in their home isn’t always a top priority. But I always remember to water my plants. I am hoping once I get used to my new schedule things will be a little less chaotic.

Daily Create Funny Animal

I use to take care of the touch tank, and after a while and wearing the same color shirt. She became accustomed to me and would be excited when she saw and smelled me knowing I would bring food. And typically greet me, She would even let me get pretty close to her mouth with the food. Our bond was pretty special to me even though I know she associated me with food, she also knew that I wouldn’t hurt.


Rip Van Wrinkle

This is prompt was inspired because I want to try my hand at making a Gif, and While looking in my videos I saw this and thought how the bumblebee looked like it was running into the camera. The daily create challenge was about waking up after a 100-year nap. I figured that if fell asleep I would be in the woods and be woken up in a very ridiculous way. I love telling stories and often tell them to my siblings and friends, impromptu stories are my favorite as they hold so much potential. If I wasn’t an environmentalist I would have been a storyteller or novelist.

ds106dc ds106assignment. 

DS106 Selfi With Your Pets

These are my pets they are hermit crabs and they help me when I have bad anxiety days and struggle to leave my dorm. I’ll take them with me and they help ground me and give me the confidence and safety I need to leave my dorm and finish homework assignments on bad mental health days.

Poseidon is hiding in the big shell I’ve had him for almost three years from a New Jersey board walk and he recognizes my sent and voice, when I am anxious he’s actually starting to climb on my shoulder and sit in the crook of my neck. Which calms me down I think it’s really cool that he can recognize when I am anxious and try’s his best to help me. Favorite snack is blueberries in season but only the insides he won’t eat it if there’s skin on it. He loves exploring and hiding

Colossus is my shy baby in the green shell me and my friend Sara are his two favorite humans that he trusts to confidently come out of his shell for. Everyone else he will barely come out for his favorite snack is honey crisp apple. His favorite activities include watching Netflix (his fav is Sabrina teenage witch)

Rouge is my baby girl in the grey shell, I’ve had colossus and rouge for about a year now from pet smart. She kinda does her own thing but also knows when I am having a rough day. Favorite snack are apples. She loves exploring taking baths and burrowing


Rip Van Wrinkle

This is prompt was inspired because I want to try my hand at making a Gif, and While looking in my videos I saw this and thought how the bumblebee looked like it was running into the camera. The daily create challenge was about waking up after a 100-year nap. I figured that if fell asleep I would be in the woods and be woken up in a very ridiculous way. I love telling stories and often tell them to my siblings and friends, impromptu stories are my favorite as they hold so much potential. If I wasn’t an environmentalist I would have been a storyteller or novelist.

ds106dc ds106assignment. 

daily create 2689


daily create funny animal story

I use to take care of the touch tank, and after a while and wearing the same color shirt. She became accustomed to me and would be excited when she saw and smelled me knowing I would bring food. And typically greet me, She would even let me get pretty close to her mouth with the food. Our bond was pretty special to me even though I know she associated me with food, she also knew that I wouldn’t hurt.


Rip Van Wrinkle Daily Create challenege

This is prompt was inspired because I want to try my hand at making a Gif, and While looking in my videos I saw this and thought how the bumblebee looked like it was running into the camera. The daily create challenge was about waking up after a 100-year nap. I figured that if fell asleep I would be in the woods and be woken up in a very ridiculous way. I love telling stories and often tell them to my siblings and friends, impromptu stories are my favorite as they hold so much potential. If I wasn’t an environmentalist I would have been a storyteller or novelist.


DS106 Daily Create


This is a window into my daily life at this moment in time. I work two jobs equaling a 50-60 hour work week, with that, I also am a research assistant to gain experience and build my resume. So picking up my clothes or putting things in their home isn’t always a top priority. But I always remember to water my plants. I am hoping once I get used to my new schedule things will be a little less chaotic.
