Daily Create #tdc2725:


The final Daily Create of this class! This daily create was fun and got me thinking. I was unsure of what to name a group of animals, and what animal to chose. As I was thinking of a word I could use to describe a ‘group’, chickens were potent in my mind, so I knew I wanted to choose them! I then searched “a group of chickens” on google. I immediately came across this photo and the first thing I thought of is what a riot! I thus decided to go with a ‘Riot of Chickens’! I feel like chickens are definitely a riot, in the sense that they are crazy and full of energy. If you have every seen a group of chickens, they are usually running around within a fenced area, just running in circles. They always seem lost or hyper to me, which is why riot came into my head so quickly. I know someone who has about 10 chickens, and her stories about them are always crazy and funny, just like riots are! While chickens seem like a riot, I do have a slight fear of them. Whenever I have been around chickens, especially a group, I try to avoid them and get scared! Birds in general make me nervous sometimes, as I feel they are so unpredictable! You definitely cannot read their facial expression to get an idea of what they are thinking or going to do next!





MOVIE ds106


This movie includes a few of my favourite creations from the ds106 assignments! I have enjoyed this class because it taught me how to do some new things with technology, such as creating a meme. Creating a meme was definitely my favourite thing I have learned from this course! Memes are becoming so common and popular in today’s society, and they are used greatly as a form of entertainment. I always wondered how to create them but never dedicated the time to figure it out. This class provided me with examples of possible apps to download in order to be successful in creating memes. The app I chose to use is called “MemeGenerator” from the App store on my iPhone. It is very easy to use and creates excellent memes! I will definitely continue to use this app even after this class is complete, as memes are a means of communication and are fun to use with your friends; I am excited for my future meme creations! I also included my most recent ds106 assignment creation, me photoshopped into a photo from the past! I had a lot of fun with this assignment as it gave me a good chuckle. I will definitely be incorporating myself into more photos in the future as a means of entertainment as well! My video thus is dominated by a few of my favourite meme creations, and of course me photoshopped photo from the past! This class was truly unlike any class I have ever taken. I just had to take this class as a pre-requisite for Optometry school, which I am attending in August. I needed any English credit and I am beyond happy I came across this class! This is not your typical English course; it enables loads of creativity and expression, and is not simply just tedious essays like past English courses I have taken. I am happy to have completed this course, but I truly will miss blogging and the ds106 assignments.



Off to Canada we go!

Not going to lie, I had a lot of fun with this assignment- there is something hilarious to me about editing myself in to a photo. Maybe it is just because my photoshopping skills are HORRIBLE.. but I found myself laughing when I created this, and sent it to all my friends to give them a little chuckle too. The photo I chose to use is a photo of people immigrating to Canada from Italy! I am Italian and my grandparents always talk about this moment and how it was the most life-changing event that they have experienced. It is crazy to think that immigrating was such a common event for people in previous generations. Nearly all my friends have parents or grandparents who immigrated from either a foreign country or a troubled country. I cannot imagine making such a life change and then surviving on my own in a completely different country… as many people often immigrated alone. My grandparents for instance each left their families and came on a boat all by themselves to Canada. That is actually how my grandparents met one another. My nonna had a photograph of my nonno and she waited for his boat to arrive, they met and fell in love. It is crazy to think about how different their lives were and how simple our lives seem, compared to the past. I love listening to my grandparents tell their immigration story, it is so fascinating to me and I am always left in awe at their bravery, strength and success.


Daily Create #tdc2720:



Spot the differences! This was a very fun Daily Create to participate in! It reminded me of my childhood, as I remember playing games of photos that had slight differences. I remember doing these at restaurants on the kids menu or in colouring books. It is always fun to reminiscence, I enjoy these little games, even at the age of 23! For my creation, I decided to take a photo of my couch. I then made five changes as subtly as possible. First, I removed the yellow light house on the coffee table. I then removed the remote control. In it’s place, I added a pair of reading glasses. I hoped that adding the reading glasses in the place of the remote would kind of trick people into not noticing the missing remote. I also added a cellphone as well. Finally, I removed one of the pillows. I hope that it was a bit challenging for you all to notice the changes! I figured that using ordinary objects that are not uncommon to be on a couch (ex: remote, glasses, cell phone), would aid in making noticing the changes more difficult. As if I were to add bananas on the couch for instance, it would have been immediately noticeable as bananas do not belong on a couch. That was my motive behind this! I hope you guys enjoyed!



To complete this assignment, I began looking through photos of individuals who hold world records. I came across this photo and thought it would be interesting to make a story about! While this looks like the world’s largest bowl of pasta, it is actually the world’s hottest obstacle course. People dive into this bowl of pasta noodles, sauce, and even some meat balls, and have to venture their way out through a trap door. No one can reveal where the trap door is. Once people dive into this obstacle, all they see is black, as they are immediately surrounded by so much pasta. They are also boiling with sweat, as this pasta is still undergoing cooking; evident by the chefs with the extremely long spoons. This is thus the hottest obstacle course known to man. While hot, competitors are dressed accordingly to protect themselves from any damaging burns. However, there is no protection against sweat, and they typically escape looking as if they have just exited the ocean. It is a fan favourite obstacle course to watch and happens every summer! Typically around the time Italians begin to prepare their homemade pasta sauce. It is hot, it is deep, it is tasty… Will YOU compete!?



Daily Create #tdc2715:


This daily create was tricky, having to choose between music and movies. Both of these are something I feel greatly enhances society and have a big impact in our world today. I love both of these and feel they have changed the world of entertainment for the better. When asked to choose between the two, I asked myself, which one could I live without? I then came to the conclusion that I listen to music was more often than I watch movies. While I love both, I feel the world would just be so quiet and boring without music. For instance, car rides would be silent without music on the radio. I feel like many emotions can be received from listening to music as well, just as watching a movie. I feel that more people have time to listen to music than to watch movies. Personally for instance, I rarely have time to watch a full movie since I am usually busy with school and work. But I find myself listening to music everyday, while at the gym, on my car rides, the background music at work, etc. I feel like music is more vital in today’s society and we would notice it’s absence way more than the absence of movies. This daily create required me to do some deep thinking, but ultimately, I am happy with the answer I have come to.



The best cousin bunch known to man!


This assignment was very fun to partake in and I enjoyed the freedom associated with it! I immediately knew I wanted to incorporate my cousins for this assignment, as growing up it felt like we were the Brady bunch! We were always together while young, and ALWAYS causing some sort of trouble. While I wanted to get individual photos of everyone, I then decided these photos from our most recent outing at my nonno’s birthday party would be just as good. I chose to use these group photos as you can see us really interact and look like the happy, loving, crazy bunch we are! While we annoy each other to no end, we will always have each other’s backs. The photos show us hugging each other and our grandparents, and also some funny faces. We try to get a few group photos every event like this, as it is important to capture such memories, especially with our grandparents. I also included a photo of my nonna and nonno in the bottom corner, as they are the ones who started this whole crazy bunch and raised us all together!
I am so thankful for my cousins, whom have felt like my siblings all my life!


DS106 Assignment: TURN A GIF INTO A FIG:

This assignment has the potential for very humorous creations! I decided to look through my million videos on my snapchat (since I video tape EVERYTHING) to find a cool video to use for this assignment. I then found this video of me putting melted strawberry sauce onto my delicious cheesecake while on my cruise vacation in April! It looked so appetizing adding the sauce over the cake, and is even more appetizing in reverse! It is super cool in reverse as the sauce looks like it is magically floating back into the container! This assignment was fun to create, but now I am left starving and craving this dessert again! I have such a sweet tooth…



Daily Create #tdc2710:

This Daily Create topic was nice and refreshing! It gave me the ability to reflect on memories from my childhood, which is something I always enjoy doing! I had a great childhood. One of the main reasons I had such an enjoyable childhood is because I was surrouinded by 6 cousins all close to my age. The summertime was the best time, as we were all off of school and would spend every day at my grandparents house! Our favourite game was called “village”. We would turn the basement into a mini village. We would all have a job and our own money (monopoly money) to survive in the village. I would always run the grocery store and would sell food, toys and clothes. My one cousin was the hairdresser and she created a mini hair salon and would style our hair (she actually became a hairdresser in real life). My brother had a mini golf course, and he would use VCR tapes to make the obstacles blocking the hole (which was created using cups). My other two cousins ran the hospital. Somehow everyday in the village someone would be hurt, break a leg, or have a baby! This was such an enjoyable time of my life. We would play this game for hours on end every day. I am so thankful to have had cousins close to my age, and to have grown up with them in the most perfect childhood. I miss these stress-free days (aka the days when we didn’t have “real” jobs).





I chose to create a profile and tweet on behalf of Thomas Edison! Being a science major, Thomas has a place in my heart for all of his work with electricity. Thomas is best known for his work behind the creation of the first light bulb in 1879. After doing a bit more research into Thomas’ life, I learned he was married (Mina Miller) and had several children. I also discovered that he was best friends with Henry Ford, who is recognized for his automobile manufacturing work.

Through my readings, I discovered that Thomas was regarded as a grumpy man; this inspired the posts I created for him. The statuses I created for him are intended to be regarded as somewhat sassy, arrogant and self-centred; as that is how Thomas seems to be remembered by. I also read that Thomas had a good relationship with his children. As such, I included a bit of commentary between one of his kids, showing the love and good relationship that existed between them.

This was a fun WEB assignment and the program was relatively easy to use! I also enjoyed learning a bit more about Thomas and his life. While I have heard his name in class since about the third grade, I never knew anything about him other than his work with the light bulb, so it was nice to learn a bit more about such a legend!

