Daily Create #tdc2708:

NEVER SAY NEVER! This Daily Create was definitely one I wanted to partake in. I chose this song as my “theme song” for a few reasons. First, I feel that the lyrics of this song are motivational, and definitely words to live by. For instance, “Whenever you knock me down, I will not stay on the ground”. This lyric is incredibly important. We will all be knocked down in life, we will reach road blocks and have people put us down. We can not fall victim to this, we cannot give up because someone says we “can’t” do something. We should truly never say never, because we can accomplish anything if we put the work in to achieve it. I also chose this song because I feel it has a good rhythm and can truly hype anyone up… which should be the point of a theme song! Lastly, I am a sucker for Justin Bieber, and have always been a Belieber! But really though, no bias here, I feel we should all listen to this song as motivation each day.


DS106 Assignment: HOME VIDEO GIF

My home video is of course a video of my nonno! These were the good old days, when Nonno was still at home and I would eat dinner at his house every Thursday. I would always sit right next to him. In this home video, he was saying to me “You’re my girl”. I had to document this on video because the best thing I will ever be in this life is “his girl”. I am so thankful to have documented many memories as such on my phone, as I will always have them to look back on. This is one of the great things about technology; it is so easy to document things. I am always recording, snap chatting, or taking photos. I feel this is an important thing to do as it leaves us with wonderful memories such as this. This GIF assignment will be my favourite as it allowed me to reminiscence on a good memory from and old home video.


DS106 Assignment: Colour Walk Time Lines

http://<iframe src=’https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=12IUtaXqQAteBcqYqfay6EEFvp2Wul8cJkxGxDGNruZg&font=Default&lang=en&initial_zoom=2&height=650′ width=’100%’ height=’650′ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen frameborder=’0′></iframe>

On my 20 minute walk in my neighbourhood, I observed the colour grey. I was surprised at how many different items I seen that were grey! I enjoyed taking this walk as I love to get exercise. This assignment forced me to look around and take in my surroundings. In today’s society, I often fall victim to being sucked into my phone; and as such, am unaware of what is around me. This was a relaxing and enjoyable walk.. I am thankful I finally had a nice day as it has been raining daily!


DS106 Assignment: THE BIG CAPTION

After looking through the photos on the Boston website, I immediately had a caption idea for this photo. I felt like I related to this photo immediately, and feel that all STRESSED university students can relate as well, because let’s face it… we truly are all stressed. While this woman is holding onto the pole due to being stuck in a bad and windy storm, I felt this described my appearances during exam week. During exam week I typically have back pain due to my backpack being full of every book I own and having to carry them to and from the library daily….as I will be spending a solid 12 hours in the library! Also during exam week, I find myself putting off showering simply because I “do not have time”. This truly is a real university student issue. As for the sleep, it is lacking throughout the whole semester and not just exam week. The woman’s face in this photo shows she is stressed, tired, annoyed and feels like dying…similar to how university students feel during exam weeks. She is losing her balance, which is what I feel like during exam week as I have too much on my mind that I fail to even focus on walking… Anyone else?!




gif movie

One of my favourite movies is the movie ‘Hot Chick’. I have watched it a million times and can quote the whole movie. I think it is a funny and entertaining movie. This scene in particular is the first initial moment the character realizes she has became a boy overnight. She gets up in the morning to use the bathroom, surprised to see the changes. She then looks in the mirror, and well her face in this clip shows exactly how she was feeling! This was the first GIF I have personally made and I had some trouble creating it. I used an app on my iPhone called ImgPlay. I find it easier to use phone apps to create the memes and GIFs from this class. It is just easier to take the photo directly from my camera roll, which is accessible from the app, than transferring the image over to my computer and then making the appropriate modifications that way. Anyways, if you have not seen this movie I definitely recommend watching it! It is a great movie to watch to get a good laugh in.



Daily Create #tdc2702

I was eager to participate in today’s Daily Create as I have always enjoyed paradoxes. I find them interesting, funny and motivational. Since I am not a parent myself, I chose to write about another paradox that all students can relate to. Particularly for students in this course and summer courses, this tweet is intended to aid students in their studying. Summer courses are always more challenging than any other courses. It is incredibly hard and depressing being indoors studying when the sun is shining through your windows. Also in the summer, everyone else is typically doing fun things, such as tanning, swimming, going on vacation etc.; this causes students to be even more unmotivated in their studies. As such, I find this tweet as a useful reminder to keep going and stay focused. While studying can be exhausting and draining, we must remind ourselves of the bigger end goal. Hard work most definitely pays off, and if we put the work in we can achieve anything! I am taking this course right now because I require it as an elective for optometry school which I will begin in August. While this is supposed to be my summer since I already have my undergraduate degree, I have to complete this class. It is frustrating at times that I was not aware that I needed an additional english in my undergrad, but I just keep reminding myself that it will all be worth it in the end.

Daily Create #tdc2701

Upon reading the topic for today’s Daily Create, I knew this was one I wanted to take part in. I felt that there was a lot of room for originality in this daily create and was excited to come up with my own creation. I was unsure what sign to use but had a few ideas floating around in my head. I did a google search of “road signs” to refresh my mind of the street signs that exist but that I do not pay attention to (totally kidding). Once I seen this sign, I immediately chuckled thinking about how bothersome this sign is to me. It “bothers” me because I feel it is a ridiculous sign… I have yet to see a road that is this wavy, have any of you? Maybe Canada is better at constructing roads, but the curves shown on this road are obscure and no road mirrors this image. Immediately the “yellow brick road” from the Wizards of Oz popped into my head, as this is what the yellow brick road looks like! At this point I knew this was the sign I wanted to clet. Nearly everyone has seen this movie, HUNDREDS of times, and will thus be able to relate to this tweet immediately! Throughout the movie, all the helpers encourage Dorothy to follow the yellow brick road to receive all she is looking for in life. The yellow brick road was symbolized as a road for hope and comfort for Dorothy; two things I feel drivers need after seeing this sign consisting of an image of the most unsafe road!



When I first seen the topic for this assignment, I had no idea what I was going to include as a poster that was demotivating. I decided to take a break from doing work and go get ice cream. On my way to Dairy Queen, I drove by a veterinarian’s office and seen this was the message on their front sign! I immediately pulled over to take this photo. This message immediately made me chuckle as I am single and surrounded by a group of friends who all are dating someone and I always joke about how I will be “forever alone”. When I am not even looking for any advice to encourage me not to give up on love and that I will not be alone forever I come across this sign… proving that I really will be alone forever since all that is out there is cheaters! I always find myself saying I do not want to be in a relationship and put up with disloyalty and then I come across this sign and feel even more UNMOTIVATED to be in a relationship. I truly am happy on my own and am very independent but it is frustrating sometimes being a third, fifth, and even seventh wheel since all my friends are in relationships! I found this funny as it totally demotivated me in something that my friends keep telling me to pursue, which is a relationship; but I do not have time for the cheaters so looks like I am remaining single!


Daily Create #tdc2699

When seeing the title for this daily create, I immediately started thinking of the times I feel the best at. I started looking through my camera roll on my phone and realized I am happiest when I am comfy and watching a good show! My friend bought me this “snuggle” for my birthday because she knows how much I LOVE napping and lounging around… it truly was the perfect gift! This is different than a “snuggie” which I am sure most of you have seen before. This is more of a sweater/dress that is basically a blanket! So for a “snuggle” you just put your arms through it and your back is left exposed, but for this “snuggle” you put it on over your head like a hoodie. It is beyond comfortable and I encourage you all to order yourselves one off of Amazon! Let me know your reviews on it… I promise it does not disappoint!


DS106 Assignment 2: SELFIE WITH YOUR PET:

A photo of me and the best dog, Spike.. missing you buddy.

When asked to post a selfie with a pet, this photo immediately came to mind. This is Spike. He was my grandparents pet but since I was always at their house, he felt like my pet too. I have never had any pets of my own, but Spike set the expectations incredibly high. Spike is no longer with us, but I was lucky enough to have his energy, barking, and kisses for thirteen years of my life. Spike was a toy poodle. He was such a smart dog, I feel I will never have a better, more loving dog than Spike. This selfie symbolizes just how loving he was…dealing with me smothering him all day long and making no fuss! I would always just lay like this with him and rest on him as if he was a pillow; even though I felt like I was going to break his 20lb body, he was still the most comfortable pillow. While Spike was known for his intelligence, he was always known for his barking. The whole neighbourhood knew when my grandparents were leaving for a walk because he would bark constantly for the first five minutes of the walk. Spike was very protective of my grandparents. Whenever I would hug them he would bark at me. While we complained about this unnecessary barking, I would love to hear it again. It is crazy how much pets become a part of the family. I love and miss you always Spiffy.
