Daily Create #tdc2694


When I first read this daily create topic this morning, I had no idea if I would be able to make a post about it. I have spent my whole day being very aware of my surroundings, looking around for any areas that seemed like they could be from a different planet. I went to quite a few places today and could not find anything. It was not until I was sitting on my couch completing my other assignments that I looked on my coffee table and seen the basket of stitched balls that is considered a “centre piece” for the table. Right then I realized that could act as a perfect landscape for an unknown far away planet. To top it off, there was a toy spider already in the basket (my little cousin was over this weekend). I was able to then note that this sequinned spider was the prettiest of it’s kind and the only inhabitant on the planet. Who knew a centre piece on your table that has been there for years could make up such a good story?!


DS106 Assignment 1: WHAT’S THE MEME?

Can anyone else agree that being asked to stay past your shift end time or come in earlier than your start time is the top five most annoying things you could be asked!? While we all need and love money, getting asked to work longer than you are scheduled is so irritating… especially when the schedule has been out for a week or more, and you have thus planned your week around your work schedule! Even though I am typically only asked to either come in or stay and hour longer, the question still aggravates me! To the point where anytime I see my manager’s name pop up on my phone, my eyes literally roll out of their sockets! For this meme topic I chose an image of DW from Arthur. I chose this because everyone has watched Arthur and everyone knows DW is full of sass…. similar to how we are when asked to work longer! DW would get annoyed so easily and was usually always somewhat miserable….similar to how we are while working our part-time jobs! I hope this meme was relatable and gave you all a little chuckle.. I also hope none of you got asked to go in early or stay late today as that is definitely a day ruiner question!



Daily Create #tdc2689

Some may call it “hoarding”…I call it “covering my bases”. My household detritus consists of notes from my undergraduate classes and even some high school notes. I get anxiety about throwing notes away from classes I worked so hard in, and spent so much time making. I also feel that I will need the information contained within these notes (in case you know, Google ever breaks). While the amount of times I have actually went back to these notes could be counted on one hand, I still do not have it in me to get rid of them. With four more years of school ahead of me, the cleanliness of my house is surely threatened! If anyone needs to know anything about grade 10 science or university Microbiology… you know who to go to! I would be happy to help, even though I definitely do not remember what is contained within each binder. I truly need to invest in a bookshelf..or shredder..

#tdc2689 #hoarding #junk #help #attached #messy #garbage
