Daily Create #tdc2703: Catching the You-Fish

In today’s daily create, they ask us to imagine what bait or lure we would be caught with if we were a fish. I’m a huge fan of sweet things, like cake, ice cream, candies, and breakfast sweets, so I imagine if I was a fish, I would be caught with sweets. I went on Giphy for some inspiration. My main challenge was figuring out which specific sweet I should focus on for my daily create. A lot of the gifs I could find mainly focused on burgers and pizza, so I had to filter through that to get to gifs related to sweets. I ended up finding the perfect gif while looking, so I used it for the create. I liked it because I know Salem the cat can be sassy, kind of like me, and the gif of him eating the pancakes looked kind of funny to me. This may not be my most creative submission, but I thought it fit well with the prompt.


DS 106: Selfie With Your Pet

In this picture is me and my cat Bootsie. We inherited her from a family friend and she bonded with me at first sight. If you’re wondering what she’s looking at, she saw a bird outside my window next to the bed (yay spring!). The assignment seemed pretty straightforward, so I just had to pick which pet to take a selfie with. In my house, I have 2 cats, Kiara and Bootsie and 1 dog, Phoenix, so I had a few options to choose from. I would have been fine with a picture with any of them, but I decided to go with a picture of Bootsie since that one had decent quality (read: not blurry) and was also cute. I decided to use my phone camera because it took decent quality pictures and would always be available for me to use when taking a selfie for this assignment. I decided to start taking the photos while my pets were awake and around me since I thought the photo would look cuter if they were awake. I took many photos during one particular day and had to filter out the ones that were blurry from movement. The main challenge I had during this assignment was from the animals themselves. If you’ve ever owned a pet before, you know that they will move however they want whenever they want. This sadly left me with a large chunk of photos out of the running for being on this post. Although, I’m very happy with the end result.


DS 106: What’s the Meme

I had a lot of trouble figuring out what angle I should go for when doing this assignment. Do I use my own pictures or one I found on the internet? Do I base my meme off of one I know or make one up myself? After looking at all my photos from the past year, I came across one that I took of my roommate’s cat. She was sleeping on the couch while I was playing a game and she stuck her tongue out at one point, which I thought was cute and funny. Given how she looked and seemed really tired, I thought I would do a meme related to sleep. Since all of us know how tiring finals can be, I figured the meme would be extra relatable with that subject.

First, I put the photo in Gimp and cropped it to make the cat more centered. Then, I added another layer and put a black box at the bottom to make the text easier to read. I finally added the text on top of the box and changed the font type and size to fit the box nicely.

I had a few major challenges when it came to this assignment. Originally, I had made another meme that I thought would go well with this assignment, but I ended up scrapping it since the quality of the photo didn’t come out like I wanted when I went to post it. Since there was text in that photo, the quality was necessary to fully understand the meme. I was also super indecisive on which font would work best for this meme, as well as the wording of the text. I decided to go with a generic bold font so it was easy to read.
