Daily Create #tdc2725


I thought that this was a great Daily Create to end on. It was fun and not difficult at all and we really got to be creative with it! I really liked the whole concept of renaming a group of specific animals. I liked the theme of having the name of the group match the name of the animal. That was the only difficult part of this assignment was thinking of the name. At first, I was thinking of a flock and I was going to do a flock of ferrets because ferrets start with an f. But then the word cluster came to mind and I knew that I wanted to use that word instead. And the first animal name that I could think of that started with a c was cat. And so, I looked up different cat gifs and my favorite one was by far the Taylor Swift one. It is her sitting with a large group of cats. At first, I could find any gifs that had more than two cats in it. That was also a challenge because the whole point of this assignment is to use a group of animals. This gif was the first one that I saw and I thought that it was too funny not to use! I enjoyed this so much and it was a great way to finish off my time of tweeting Daily Creates!



Daily Create #tdc2720


I had a lot of fun with this Daily Create! The options were to do either a picture or a drawing and I decided to go with a drawing. One of my favorite things to draw are just shapes and doodles so I definitely wanted to incorporate that into my Daily Create. The five differences within my drawing were the colors of the circles were in a different order surrounding the red oval, the green slanted lines are facing opposite directions, the squiggly lines are purple on top and green on the bottom in the first picture while they are green on top and purple on the bottom in the second picture, the smiley faces have different colored eyebrows, and the swirls are going in different directions from each picture. I had a little bit of difficulty with thinking up these differences. I did not want to make them blatantly obvious but I also did not want them to be in any way challenging seeing as this is supposed to be a fun and creative assignment. I think that I did a good job at finding that middle ground of both kinds of spot the differences. Overall, this was a very creative assignment and it definitely made me think a little which I enjoyed because I always love a good challenge!



Daily Create #tdc2719


I thought that this was such a creative assignment. Of course, that is what all of this daily creates is about-creativity. We got to include arts and crafts into our assignment which I ultimately found very fun. I am not an arts and crafts kind of person. I am terrible at anything that has to do with art. I was originally very intimidated by all of the examples of other peoples’ posts for this daily create because they were all doing outlines of people and just very advanced stuff. I then thought that as long as I enjoy what I am doing and do it correctly, it doesn’t matter if my work may look simple to people. I decided to draw shapes because I like the way that an outline of a shape looks. The only difficulty I had with this assignment was the initial thought of not being able to do it. Like I said, art is not my thing so I thought that I might have to skip this daily create. But after thinking about it more, I decided that it could be a fun thing to do and it is definitely something different than what we have done with the past daily creates. Overall, I had a lot of fun with this assignment and I hope that we get the opportunity to incorporate more art into our daily creates!



Daily Create #tdc2712



I really liked the concept of this Daily Create. For the assignment, we were supposed to take a picture of anything that could have a beginning and a finish. This could be anything from cleaning your room to running a race. As long as pictures of what happened before and what happened after were taken. For this, I decided to take two pictures of me eating my muffin. The first picture is of the muffin in a bowl with the wrapper still on it, clearly uneaten. The second picture was one I took after I had eaten my muffin. All that is left in the bowl is the wrapper that was originally on the muffin. I thought this was a funny thing to tweet about. I also just really like looking at pictures of food and it is a necessity to eat every day so why not take a picture of it? I thought that this was one of the easier options for this specific Daily Create but I also think that the tweet was very creative and amusing. Overall, I thought that this Daily Create was a very fun and interesting one and it is definitely up there as one of my favorites that I have done yet.



Daily Create #tdc2704



For this daily create, I noticed that they posted about the discovery of the city of Atlantis. Immediately, my mind went straight to the popular disney movie, Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Growing up, that was definitely one of my all time favorite disney movies and maybe one of my favorites in general. The idea of finding a city that was known to be lost by so many people just really fascinated me as a kid. I know that it is not the most famous disney movie that there is out there, but I have always loved it and I have a special connection to the movie. So when seeing this tweet, I decided to find a gif of a scene from that movie. I wanted it to be a very significant scene, one that someone could look at and instantly know what movie it is from. I ended up going with the scene where they finally find Atlantis and at the bottom, the words say specifically “Welcome to Atlantis”. Overall, I really liked this daily create. It wasn’t as challenging as some of the other ones. There were ones throughout the week that I had absolutely no idea what to tweet about but this one seemed like something that would be right up my alley!



Daily Create #tdc2701

Upon reading the topic for today’s Daily Create, I knew this was one I wanted to take part in. I felt that there was a lot of room for originality in this daily create and was excited to come up with my own creation. I was unsure what sign to use but had a few ideas floating around in my head. I did a google search of “road signs” to refresh my mind of the street signs that exist but that I do not pay attention to (totally kidding). Once I seen this sign, I immediately chuckled thinking about how bothersome this sign is to me. It “bothers” me because I feel it is a ridiculous sign… I have yet to see a road that is this wavy, have any of you? Maybe Canada is better at constructing roads, but the curves shown on this road are obscure and no road mirrors this image. Immediately the “yellow brick road” from the Wizards of Oz popped into my head, as this is what the yellow brick road looks like! At this point I knew this was the sign I wanted to clet. Nearly everyone has seen this movie, HUNDREDS of times, and will thus be able to relate to this tweet immediately! Throughout the movie, all the helpers encourage Dorothy to follow the yellow brick road to receive all she is looking for in life. The yellow brick road was symbolized as a road for hope and comfort for Dorothy; two things I feel drivers need after seeing this sign consisting of an image of the most unsafe road!
