Art can change the World


The Best way to change the world is to escape into another. I would love leaving this world and traveling to Rapture. Rapture is a place where everyone is the same, treated the same, and there are no issues.


Disappearing into the World of Bioshock is one that is a natural tradition for me. I would like to play it when I was little, but ended up getting to afraid of the game and ended up hating it. Now that I am older I can see that there is nothing scary about it and it really is an enjoyable game. This may not be what is exactly asked for for the daily create but I feel like it helped my world into a better place. I learned to conquer my fears.

#ds106dc @ds106dc #tdc271 @eng304cripps


Spot the Difference

Katy Perry

I felt again like a kid. I had remembered this page from some gossip magazine where they added emoji’s into Katy Perry’s dress. So, similar to that page, I took Katy Perry and made her into my spot differences. There are indeed 5 differences in this. All of them are on her person. The difference in size and how she is flipped do not count in this!

If you need any help with this, please leave a comment on here and I will help you out! Other than that, Please enjoy!


#ds106dc @ds106dc #tdc2720  @eng304cripps


Draw with Scissors

Release the Inner Child

  1. Grab your scissors.
  2. Grab a newspaper or disposable text.
  3. Cut and make people.
  4. Take a pic and share your art out.

I am all on top of this daily create. Honestly I love arts and craft. I am just a 21 year old living with a child dream. Regretfully the only recycled paper I could use is the one from my Medical Sociology class from my first paper in that class. #sorrynotsorry . I also had really fun making this, I didn’t expect much from it, but Honestly really fun. If I could just do arts and crafts for my job I would love it. Alas, I love Aquatic animals more. I am also really proud of this. To do it I first made the Cut out of the people, then through he cant have nothing come out of his hands. So with my sticky notes I made a Fire ball and angled this just right.


#ds106 @ds106dc #tdc27139 @eng304cripps


DS106 Work: Turn a GIF into a FIG

Turn a GIF into a FIG

Find a video clip or shoot one yourself, and then make it playback in reverse over and over again as a GIF. Try to find a situation that is absolutely mind-blowing when played backwards.

I didn’t have any ‘mind-blowing’ scenarios recorded on my phone (or many videos recorded to begin with), but I felt it was ideal to pick a personal video rather than a clip from the internet. 

This FIG isn’t mind-blowing by any means, but I fondly remember when it happened, and the video is just as cute backwards as it was forwards. It’s of one of my lovebirds, Lemon, who, for some strange reason, decided to start swinging his head back and forth. I don’t know why, but it was the cutest thing I’ve seen him do. He was grooving just for fun. 

This FIG took a bit to create. I had to reverse the video and create a fig from it on, but for some reason WordPress doesn’t like gifs from that website, so I had convert my fig into a video, and upload that video to giphy to turn it into a fig/gif that WordPress would accept. It was very annoying and complicated.

~ Charlotte


Daily Create #tdc2713

Two Show Mashup

Today’s daily create is to think of two shows that have a common thread. Maybe the same actor appeared in two different shows. Do a mashup of the shows using the commonality.

This isn’t necessarily following the prompt, but it was a funny thought. Chris Hemsworth played a role in the Marvel Universe as Thor and in Ghostbusters (2016) as Kevin. Can you imagine if they had been one in the same? Think about it. An abnormally handsome man who does not know how telephones work, or what doctors even do. Spends time with female scientists and somehow manages to never get hurt from anything that happens to him? Secretly-a-god intern. It’s perfect. 

Maybe Thor needed to work undercover because spirits were escaping Hel. Maybe he needed to get a job. Whatever the motivation, it’s hilarious to think about. 

Even more so when you realize Ghostbusters and Captain America: Civil War came out during the same year (2016), and most likely he knew what was happening with the Avengers and decided, “I’ll let them work it out.”

~ Charlotte 


Two Show Mashup

#tdc2713 #ds106

I know this kind of resembles a MEME but I tried my best not to. Today’s Daily Create had us think of two shows that had some type of a common thread. The same actor could have appeared in two different shows, and movies, things like that. We then had to make a mashup of the two shows using the commonality.

For my choice, as you can tell, I picked Samuel L. Jackson. For my images I chose one of Nick Fury holding a gun from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Jules Winnfield also holding a gun from Pulp Fiction. Obviously the commonality is that they are both holding a gun, In this case at each other!



DS106: What They Might Have Done On Social Media

What They Might Have Done On Social Media: Vincent van Gogh

Let it be said: Mental illness is not a joke. It’s hard. It’s painful. It’s horrible.

So why the hell is the idea of the ‘Tortured Artist’ so romanticized? I don’t understand. When I first learned about Van Gogh, all I heard about was ‘Oh he was that guy who cut his ear off and gave it to the woman he loved’ or ‘He drew inspiration from his mad tortured genius’. No, that man suffered from bipolar depression. He painted some of the most inspirational art of all time while combating and suffering from it, not because of it. In fact, when he admitted himself to a mental health asylum, he painted some of his best work while he was getting help and improving. 

Why this post? Well, originally, I wanted to write a post from Copernicus (the astronomer who discovered the sun was the center of the solar system) and how he wasn’t actually scorned against by the catholic church (fun fact, he actually worked for it), but then I decided to relate to my topic and write a post from the point of view of a historical artist. Vincent van Gogh came to mind, and in that moment, I decided, I didn’t want to just make a post. I wanted to make a statement. A bit of dark humor and nailing my point to the door like the 95 Theses.  

I decided on this because, after thinking about it, I realized that when I took Art History we never covered the kind of struggles historical creators faced. I personally had to research this myself or learned from a completely different source. Artemisia Gentileschi, an Italian Baroque painter from the 1600s, was (trigger warning) raped by her instructor and suffered from the memory from the rest of her life (if you look, most of her paintings feature women in positions of power). Van Gogh suffered from bipolar depression and psychotic occurrences, driven to (trigger warning) self harm. 

Mental illness is a horrible thing. It’s important to talk about and treat. And it sure as hell isn’t something to be romanticized. Mental illness is not the reason for someone’s skill. It’s harmful to think that way. 

So, pardon my French, fuck the concept of the Tortured Artist. 

~ Charlotte



Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These

#tdc2711 #ds106 

For my Aunt and Uncle parties were their main act of fun. Since they raised me I would always be there. They taught  me how to prepare for them, how to be a nice host, how to make sure all the guests are happy and well fed. Making sure that everyone was happy was the greatest feeling I could have ever felt.


When I am older and have the money for it I want to be able to have a large enough kitchen and dining area so that I can Host people the way that I know how too. Just do a way to make everyone happy, and make sure they have a good time.


I feel like making other people happy I can be happy.



Clet A Sign

Portal 2 Clet

For my Clet a Sign I decided that I wanted it to be original. So I looked up examples on one. I saw, some of a naked man holding a do not enter, some religious related ones, and so on. For this I wanted to make it not political and not have any religious factors in. So I sat back and thought about it. I thought why not a Rotary sign. There are a lot of things that can go wrong in those. So I came up with this Beauty.


As some of you may know, In the game Portal two, they jump through a lot of circles. With games as my main companion as a child, Portal is one of the classics. Right now he is just trying to get to the next level, the only way to do that? Jump through a Rotary.



Gif your favorite thing


This Post was hard for me to think about. I couldn’t give myself a definitive answer. Then It hit me! I REALLY like Iced Caramel Macchiatos, like they are amazing. I have gotten to like them so much that my summer roommate has an Espresso machine, and I feel like I use it more than her now.

I might have an addiction.


As A Kid I always Hated Caramel, and I was more into Mocha, But oooo boy, this really opened up my world. I also feel like too much Caramel, is never enough.


#tdc2705 #ds106

**Editors note, Realized my tweet was never added the GIF, so I had to re-Tweet it. Which sucks**