Daily Create #tdc2725: Renaming Clusters of Animals

This assignment was pretty fun to do, in my opinion. We were told to come up with a new name for a group of animals. For instance, you’ve heard of a flock of geese or a school of fish. I decided for this create to show the seals some love, since I’ve featured marine animals in some of my past creates. The actual name for a group of seals is a pod or a bob. Those names sounded nice, but I wanted to see if I could come up with something better. It was a bit hard for me to decide, but I came up with something pretty quickly.

In the past few months, I’ve come across a couple of memes showcasing the seal behavior of bouncing around in order to move on land. They do this because their flippers aren’t opposable enough to move well on land, so they bounce to make up for it. Because of this, I decided that I would call a group of seals a bouncing of seals.

After coming up with the group name, I wanted to create a gif to go along with the post. I looked for the original clip that the memes I saw (like the one above) were based on, and I think I came to the closest I could get. I then took the clip and put it onto GIPHY, trimmed the clip, added cute stickers, and posted it.



MOVIE ds106


This movie includes a few of my favourite creations from the ds106 assignments! I have enjoyed this class because it taught me how to do some new things with technology, such as creating a meme. Creating a meme was definitely my favourite thing I have learned from this course! Memes are becoming so common and popular in today’s society, and they are used greatly as a form of entertainment. I always wondered how to create them but never dedicated the time to figure it out. This class provided me with examples of possible apps to download in order to be successful in creating memes. The app I chose to use is called “MemeGenerator” from the App store on my iPhone. It is very easy to use and creates excellent memes! I will definitely continue to use this app even after this class is complete, as memes are a means of communication and are fun to use with your friends; I am excited for my future meme creations! I also included my most recent ds106 assignment creation, me photoshopped into a photo from the past! I had a lot of fun with this assignment as it gave me a good chuckle. I will definitely be incorporating myself into more photos in the future as a means of entertainment as well! My video thus is dominated by a few of my favourite meme creations, and of course me photoshopped photo from the past! This class was truly unlike any class I have ever taken. I just had to take this class as a pre-requisite for Optometry school, which I am attending in August. I needed any English credit and I am beyond happy I came across this class! This is not your typical English course; it enables loads of creativity and expression, and is not simply just tedious essays like past English courses I have taken. I am happy to have completed this course, but I truly will miss blogging and the ds106 assignments.


DS106: Digital Story Compilation

For my final DS106 assignment I created a video compilation of some of my daily creates/DS106 assignments I have created throughout the course. Creating this assignment was pretty fun, and was a great way for me to reflect on the work I have done in this class. To complete this assignment I used the program iMovie on my Mac. Surprisingly, this was my first time using the program iMovie. There were a lot of features I did not explore, but the basics were not hard to figure out. This is definitely a tool I can see myself using in the future. After looking at all the DS106 work I have completed, I realized how many new things I have learned. For example, prior to this course I had never made a GIF before, or even a meme. I have also learned how to make a timeline on JS Timeline, make a YouTube Video, and edit pages using X-Ray Goggles. Looking back, I have created a variety of different things in a short amount of time. All of the things I have learned are useful skills I can see myself using again in future classes.


DS106 Digital Story Compilation


This was a great little sentimental assignment! It was challenging but also a great way to end our time of doing these DS106 assignments. I love things that kind of end full circle and this definitely felt like a full circle kind of project. We were asked to pick some of our favorite DS106’s that we had created and make a video compilation of them. The first one I chose was Selfie With My Cat because I love my cat so much and I think that it is such a cute picture. The next one that I wanted to include was the Demotivational Memes assignment because I just got such a kick out of doing that one. The third one that I added was the Big Caption because it included one of my biggest passions which is gymnastics and I felt that that really encapsulated who I am as a person. And the final assignment that I chose to add to my compilation was the Turn A Gif Into A Fig because I like how that video turned out and it also includes one of my favorite things which is Disney. I think that not only did this compilation give viewers a summary of my DS106 assignments, but it also gave an insight as to who I am as a person which is what the DS106’s are all about.



Digital Story Compilation

Today’s ds106 assignment is a callback, literally: Make a video compilation of some of your favorite things you’ve made from ds106. 

Being an artist, I’ve always tried to incorporate some of my drawings into these assignments and daily creates. Therefore, I’ve uploaded all my drawings and paintings I’ve made in the ds106 assignments. 

Here we have my responses to Draw With Scissors, I Feel So Good, What’s in your ToastColor Walk Timelines (when I misunderstood the assignment), and Beginning and End.

I thought it would be challenging to create a video compilation, but it wasn’t. I simply created a powerpoint slideshow of my works and exported my slideshow into a video. It was a fun little assignment, bringing up memories of when I was making these drawings and paintings. 

~ Charlotte 


Digital Story Compilation

Here is the compilation of my favorite digital story assignments. Some of the work comes from DS106 assignments, others from the Daily Create prompts. I added everything to iMovie and then exported the final product to YouTube. I considered adding music to the video but I couldn’t think of a fitting background that would not distract from the work.  I got to experiment a little bit with iMovie and got to look back at all of my assignments throughout the term. These are the projects I am most proud of.


Daily Create DS106 TDC2725



For my final Daily Create, I renamed a group of penguins. I googled what they are usually called when they are in a large group, and those names were actually pretty great: a colony, a rookery, and a waddle. I liked going with a grouping that started with the letter ‘p’ because I thought it flowed well, so I chose parade. A parade usually consists of large groups of beings in one location, or forming an assembly line marching somewhere. I picture the little penguins all shuffling along in a little line, getting to their final destination slowly but surely. I think “parade of penguins” fits pretty well! However, I still like that they are collectively called a waddle, I think that makes them even cuter (if that was even at all possible).

Daily Create #2723

Book: Warning, this story has an unhappy ending! I repeat, this is NOT HAPPY
Me: Nah it’s fine
Book: Ends on a sad, tearjerking note

Okay, I think we were all thinking it, but this is uncannily similar to the Surprised Pikachu meme, which is used as a reaction image paired with captions where a set-up leads to a predictable outcome that nevertheless leaves one surprised.

Seriously, the resemblance is astounding:

We all see it. 

I’m convinced this is what they did in ancient times. For instances where a set-up leads to a predictable outcome that nevertheless leaves one surprised, people in the old times carried a stone mask of that person just for that occasion. They had to do this for all reaction memes. 

Historians debunk me, I dare you.

~ Charlotte


DS106 The Forrest Gump Project

For this DS106 assignment, I really wanted to photoshop myself onto a Beatles picture. I wanted it to be a black and white picture because I thought that that would look cooler and more realistic. Turns out, I was completely wrong. Unfortunately, I had a lot of problems with trying to complete this assignment. The first obstacle that I encountered was trying to find a photoshopping app to download. My apple ID wasn’t working so I had to change the password. And then when I tried downloading a photoshopping app,  it didn’t have the option to photoshop images onto already existing images. The next two times I downloaded other photoshopping apps that supposedly had this feature, I found that this was not the truth. It wasn’t until the fourth app that I downloaded that I finally found a feature to let me photoshop on picture onto another. So I took a picture of myself and made it black and white to fit the background of the Beatles picture, but the picture did not end up looking good. This app didn’t give me the option to blend the picture of me into the background to make it look more realistic. It also didn’t allow me to size the image how I wanted so I look extremely disproportionate compared to the Beatles. I eventually got the picture to be photoshopped but it turned out, in my opinion, terrible. If there is one thing I learned from this assignment, it is that I never should be trusted with photoshopping any sort of image in the future.



DS106: The Forrest Gump Project

For this DS106 assignment, we were prompted to edit ourselves into a historical picture. I spent awhile trying to look for a picture to edit myself into. I thought about going with the famous picture of Neil Armstrong on the moon, until I asked my best friend what he thought. He suggested editing myself into a picture with the Queen. I decided to give it a try, and think that the editing turned out pretty good! To edit this picture, I just used an app that was already on my phone called Superimpose. I used it to cut out my face from a picture, and put it into this picture of Queen Victoria. The original image is “Her Majesty The Queen in Her Robes of State“. This was a painting created around 1859. Queen Victoria was the Queen of England and Ireland. She also had the title of “Empress of India”. She became Queen at only 18 years old after her uncle, King William IV had died. I also thought it was pretty interesting that she was the first member of the Royal Family to live in Buckingham Palace. Overall, this DS106 assignment was the hardest so far for me to create. Although, I am pretty happy with the outcome, and also thought it was pretty funny!
