DS106 TDC2693

DS106 TDC2693 5/27/19

What happens after a 100yr nap?

Well, not eating for 100 yrs has taken its toll… since I do not have the nutrients to sustain my body, my soul has left. I have been turned into a zombie, age 121 yrs. My house has been dismantled by the Earth’s tectonic plates shaking and now I’m literally the walking dead.

DS106: What’s the Meme?

When making a meme, dogs always make for quality content. If someone doesn’t like dogs- well they probably don’t like memes or any other fun things (jk, cats are cool too!). The featured star in this meme is my brother’s dog, Dixie, my dog niece. Her favorite part about springtime is running around and finding dirt piles to dig in around our house. Prior to this picture being taken, she found her way into my mother’s prized flower garden- whoops! Dixie is a good girl, however, she definitely didn’t get a treat for this stunt. With this cute face though, how could you not still give her kisses on that dirty nose? 

I have used the app memetic before and it is fairly easy to maneuver. My friends and I actively participate in “memeing” each other in our group chat- in a friendly way of course! Although I do like the presets that the app can offer, I prefer to use my own pictures to make it more personal. 


DS106 Assignment 1: WHAT’S THE MEME?

Can anyone else agree that being asked to stay past your shift end time or come in earlier than your start time is the top five most annoying things you could be asked!? While we all need and love money, getting asked to work longer than you are scheduled is so irritating… especially when the schedule has been out for a week or more, and you have thus planned your week around your work schedule! Even though I am typically only asked to either come in or stay and hour longer, the question still aggravates me! To the point where anytime I see my manager’s name pop up on my phone, my eyes literally roll out of their sockets! For this meme topic I chose an image of DW from Arthur. I chose this because everyone has watched Arthur and everyone knows DW is full of sass…. similar to how we are when asked to work longer! DW would get annoyed so easily and was usually always somewhat miserable….similar to how we are while working our part-time jobs! I hope this meme was relatable and gave you all a little chuckle.. I also hope none of you got asked to go in early or stay late today as that is definitely a day ruiner question!



What’s the meme?

I was scrolling through my photos trying to find a picture that was meme-worthy. I’m not sure what I was looking for really, I guess something that could have a bunch of different contexts to the photo. This photo is of my best friend, Allie, outside of the forum. She came to UNE during her spring break and was on campus for maybe 60 seconds before this photo was taken. I decided it was definitely a contender for this project so with her permission, of course, I started adding captions to it. I like the posts that involve something ridiculous that people do or say without anyone prompting them. This photo wasn’t taken on a Monday, but sometimes Mondays make me feel like Allie on the volleyball. So I guess that’s what inspired the Monday part of the caption.

I used an app on my phone to make this. I had to make American history memes for a class in high school so I am fairly familiar with the mematic app and it is fairly easy to use!



Daily Create #tdc2692

For this DC I thought “Whats in your toast?” was a really interesting question. I couldn’t quite think of what toppings would be interesting or would make sense. But as I was getting ready to leave for work I thought of how toast is such a comfort food, I mean it’s literally so easy to make with just a piece of bread and butter but it’s still so good. I began to think metaphorically about this question instead of literally to find what or where was my “toast”. I came to the conclusion that my toast is my house. It is the place where I grew up in and have so many memories in. When I am away at school I sometimes feel myself wanting that comfort of my home and my family. Also toast was always something my mom would make for me whenever I was sick and had to stay home from school.  This daily create allowed me to think critically as well as creatively about the deeper meaning of toast.


DS106 Work- First Meme


Insubordination: The Story

Okay, this one may take some explaining. This is from a personal story.

We’ve all had a bad teacher or two. The most memorable one I had was my English teacher from senior year of high school. She treated us like kindergartners, tried to induce singalongs, the works.

Often times we’ve had to argue with her over grades. We’d been covering old poems, ones by Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allen Poe, for example. We all have our own interpretations of what the authors meant from their stories and poems. Obviously, this would form some form of conflict over exam answers. During days when we would try to defend our answers and try to explain ourselves, she would refuse to listen to other peoples’ interpretations.

Until one day, she snapped and yelled, “You are all being insubordinate!” To which she turned to the chalkboard, spelling “INSUBORDINATION” in all capital letters, screeching lines of chalk included all the while.

The thing about memes is, they spread, quickly. The next day, almost all the senior class knew about “INSUBORDINATION”, joking said over minor disagreements between friends. “INSUBORDINATION” written in neat letters under photographs in the yearbook as senior quotes. “INSUBORDINATION”, fondly remembered between my friends from that class, years after we’ve graduated.

Never let it be said that I don’t know how to spell “INSUBORDINATION”.  It’s now embedded in my brain (not that I didn’t know how to spell it beforehand).


DC106 TDC2689


5/23/19 – Post a picture or describe personal household detritus.

Since I struggle with cleaning compulsions, so I don’t have much in terms of detritus but I do have this big paper bag for recyclables (sorry the image is tilted, it wouldn’t allow me to upload it right-side up) that is next to my desk. I emptied it a few days ago but previously it had plastics, paper covers, receipts, old sticky notes, and drawing drafts, but now it just has cardboard and tissue paper remains from my mailed textbooks for my other class.

DS106 Work

When I was looking through my camera roll for the perfect image to use as a MEME, I found this picture of one of my three dogs after I had told her she was done playing in the mud for the day. She is a beautiful bullmastiff named Stella, with an abundance of sass. This is her common “pouting” that can be seen almost anytime she hears the word “no” or “all done”. And yes, she is aware of the many the english words! What I find the most amusing while creating this MEME of Stella, is how often we speak for her with her hilarious facial expressions. The process that I took to go about taking this image from my camera roll and turning it into one of my most favorite MEME’s was quite simple. I took the image that was on my laptop and uploaded it to an online (free!!!) photoshop website. This website was called, “Pixlr Editor” (you can find it here: https://pixlr.com/editor/ )From here, I was able to add text to the image. After I typed out the text , it was easy to move the text around the image to place it directly where I wanted it. Once I was happy with the final image and MEME, I clicked ‘save’ and it was on my desktop waiting to be uploaded for this assignment! Have I mentioned how much I love technology when it works! Anyways, time to go wash my dirty dog…



DS106 Work

When I was looking through my camera roll for the perfect image to use as a MEME, I found this picture of one of my three dogs after I had told her she was done playing in the mud for the day. She is a beautiful bullmastiff named Stella, with an abundance of sass. This is her common “pouting” that can be seen almost anytime she hears the word “no” or “all done”. And yes, she is aware of the many the english words! What I find the most amusing while creating this MEME of Stella, is how often we speak for her with her hilarious facial expressions. The process that I took to go about taking this image from my camera roll and turning it into one of my most favorite MEME’s was quite simple. I took the image that was on my laptop and uploaded it to an online (free!!!) photoshop website. This website was called, “Pixlr Editor” (you can find it here: https://pixlr.com/editor/ )From here, I was able to add text to the image. After I typed out the text , it was easy to move the text around the image to place it directly where I wanted it. Once I was happy with the final image and MEME, I clicked ‘save’ and it was on my desktop waiting to be uploaded for this assignment! Have I mentioned how much I love technology when it works! Anyways, time to go wash my dirty dog…

