DS106: The Forrest Gump Project

Today’s assignment was to find a historic photograph and place yourself into the scene using photo editing software, just like Forrest Gump.

My secret is out guys. I’m actually an immortal time-walker. I can’t believe they caught this picture of me. 

I’ll admit, I was worried about this project. I’ve had zero experience editing photos (unless you count using drawing apps), but I was able to do it easily thanks to this website called Pixlr that I saw some other blogs use. After that, it was all a matter of picking a historic image and a picture of my self to insert it into. 

My chosen photo is an image of Times Square, taken in 1947. I’ve never been to time square, present day (0r past, obviously), but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to walk the streets of certain cities before they became as big as they are today. Here’s the original image.

~ Charlotte


DS106 IMAGES assignment, The Forrest Gump Project



Yea… no biggie. Just me and my best buddies hanging out next to a U.S Air Force fighter jet. My arm is around a Civil War Veteran who I got to spend celebrating his 107th Birthday at the Eglin Air Force Base (1955). This veteran’s name is “Uncle Bill” Lundy, who is claimed to be the very last living Civil War Veteran. Pretty cool huh?! I think so too. According to Rare Historical Photos, “The plane pictured is North American F-100 Super Sabre. The F-100 flew extensively over South Vietnam as the air force’s primary close air support jet until being replaced by the more efficient subsonic LTV A-7 Corsair II. The F-100 also served in other NATO air forces and with other U.S. allies. In its later life, it was often referred to as the Hun, a shortened version of “one hundred”.”

I will have to say, this was the most challenging DS106 assignment yet. I am assuming that it was the last one assigned because of the challenge. However, I did not give up, maybe just walked away from my laptop from time to time to then revisit my work to final complete it. I found this image on Rare Historical Photos and I thought the story was very cute. I also was trying to find a photo where I could try and make my hack job of a photoshop look realistic. I am terrible at photoshop and give those who have the skills all the credit in the world. Once I was able to use the Lasso Tool on Pixlr, I was able to then size the image of myself. After I got the correct sizing, I saved the image and then once it was on my laptop, took the image and made it black and white. After that, I was happy with it enough to upload it here! Enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc2722

Today’s daily create prompted users to share whatever they have been reading. Unfortunately, I have not had much time to read for leisure, but I have been reading some assigned texts for school. Both of these books are for my Sociology of Food and Health online course. This is one of the three online courses I have been taking at UNE this summer session. I have really enjoyed this course, and have learned a lot about the food industry through the assigned texts and readings. The current chapters I am reading in the book by Carolan are about food security/sovereignty, alternative agri-food networks, and the “traps’ in agri-food studies. In the book written by Jou, I am reading its conclusion. Although these are not the most favorite books I have ever read, they have been surprisingly interesting. After Summer Session 1 wraps up, I look forward to reading some other books that personally interest me!


Daily Create #tdc2722

Before high school, I spent my summer vacations in and out of the library with different books. Throughout high school, I had books assigned to me and I barely made time to get through those books. This summer, my life is consumed with 40-55 hour work weeks on top of summer courses. I have a line up of books I want to read next but I haven’t had the time to sit down and relax with a book. Work and summer courses are over on August 9th. After that, I plan on reading a book or two before I head off for my next semester. Now I just have to pick which book is next on my read list.


DS106 work Significant Objects

Beautifully painted and versatile Ceramic Pumpkin

Purchased a week before Halloween on the day of a full moon. This little pumpkin has the energy of spirits flowing through it. Wither the spirits are troublesome or not depends on you but this pumpkin has never lasted long in homes. But that doesn’t mean odd things don’t occur to the pumpkin its self.  When placed in water it floats when it should sink, placed on tables or other surfaces you’ll always here a “clUNK” or “THUD” at night to find it had fallen on the floor. With all these strange occurrences happening the oddest one, is the appearance of hermit crabs and other small animals in the pumpkin itself. This only happens at night and I capture this photo by staking out all night. Typically you can hear the noise of the animals scurrying around the room at night and find things amidst in the mornings; if you leave a hand or foot outside of the covers the creatures start to nibble and bite in hopes devour your flesh.


DS106 Digital Story Compilation

DS106 Digital Story Compilation

Hello everyone!  It is with with great happiness that I share with you my digital story compilation.  Although it doesn’t show every step of my journey, it highlights some of the projects I really enjoyed, freaked out about, and struggled with.  Isn’t that really what life is all about?  Not only is it enjoying the ride, but it’s learning how to face challenges (sometimes we don’t always win), reflecting on how you can improve yourself, and figuring out how to inspire your teammates in the process.  Don’t forget to take some time and look back on your experiences with some satisfaction.

From memes, to GIFs, to FIGs, to tweets-let’s just say  it was easy for me to say that I just wasn’t up to the task.  Maybe I was too intimated or too old to figure things out.  Yet I learned that everyone in our class did  have questions; it wasn’t just me.  That fact helped motivate me.   As my advisor says, the race to graduation isn’t a marathon, it’s a test of stamina.  Here’s hoping you learned as much as me.  I enjoyed working with all of you! 


DS106 Video Assignment “Digital Story Compilation”




It feels like an end of an era doesn’t it? As I spent time looking back and reflecting on the work that I am most proud of, I am really surprised all that I have become capable of. Besides the fact that I now have a brain filled of fun tools and recourse, I am able to now share them with my future students as well as coworkers. I would argue that everything we have learned over the past six week has been so very beneficial. I think that going able creating a Digital Story Compilation of some of work that has been our favorite is a great way to wrap of the course and showcase if you will all that we have learned. It is a true belief of mine that each and everyone of us has taken someone different out of completing these Daily Creates and DS106 Assignments. Being able to read the prompt to then create something of our own was really special. How I created my Digital Story Compilation was I used the platform, Adobe Spark. I was able to create a free account (I had to delete iMovie because of storage on my laptop) and I took screenshots of all of my favorite Daily Creates (tweets) and DS106 Assignments. From here, I uploaded the photos and took some text from the excerpts that I wrote up about it. After that I was able to download the video to my laptop and then upload it on to YouTube. After it was on YouTube I was able to place it into my post! Again, I am going to miss having these assigned every week. (I might have to set myself a reminder everyday or every other day to participate in the Daily Creates!!)


DS106 #tdc2720


This assignment asked us to draw a ” find five differences” activity. This was one of my favorite activities when I was a child. my mom would go to the store and get us these booklets with all different versions of these activities. I could never find all the differences with out looking over my brothers shoulder at his booklet. The one i create was not nearly as colorful as the ones my mom used to get for my siblings and I. But, I hope you enjoy trying to look for what is missing or different between my two drawings.

Daily Create #tdc2720


I had a lot of fun with this Daily Create! The options were to do either a picture or a drawing and I decided to go with a drawing. One of my favorite things to draw are just shapes and doodles so I definitely wanted to incorporate that into my Daily Create. The five differences within my drawing were the colors of the circles were in a different order surrounding the red oval, the green slanted lines are facing opposite directions, the squiggly lines are purple on top and green on the bottom in the first picture while they are green on top and purple on the bottom in the second picture, the smiley faces have different colored eyebrows, and the swirls are going in different directions from each picture. I had a little bit of difficulty with thinking up these differences. I did not want to make them blatantly obvious but I also did not want them to be in any way challenging seeing as this is supposed to be a fun and creative assignment. I think that I did a good job at finding that middle ground of both kinds of spot the differences. Overall, this was a very creative assignment and it definitely made me think a little which I enjoyed because I always love a good challenge!



Daily Create #2719

Today’s daily create was actually pretty fun! I went on a search for some old magazines we had in the house. This reminded me of an activity I might have done in school years ago in kindergarten or first grade. Instead of making multiple people with the scissors, I decided to include a shark. There are tons of misconceptions and myths about sharks. One of these misconceptions is that sharks are “maneaters”. This couldn’t be father from the truth. Sharks do not eat humans for food. From a shark’s perspective, humans look a lot like seals or other prey.   I wrote one of my recent blog posts on shark finning, so I thought it would be fitting to include one in here. Also, sharks are just great in general. I have to admit, both the person and the shark are looking a little rough. I think I may prefer drawing with pencils or crayons rather than with scissors..
