Daily Create #tdc2719: Draw With Scissors

This daily create was one of the few ones I did that didn’t involve much technological use. We were tasked with creating a piece of art using only scissors and some paper. I knew I wanted to do something somewhat simple since it’s hard to cut good details with the regular scissors I had. After thinking about what I wanted to do for a while, I eventually decided on doing a scuba diver with fish swimming around them. I figured for the scuba diver that I wanted the flippers and mask to be distinct from the person so it was more clear what was going on, so I decided to use distinct colors and base the mask design off of old scuba masks.

PsBattle: This person in an old fashioned diving suit from photoshopbattles

Thankfully, my parents haven’t taken out the paper recycling yet, so I had plenty of paper to choose from. I decided on a newspaper for the body, since it was a neutral color, and green from a flyer for the mask and flippers. I also drew the mask on to be more realistic. On the same flyer was some blue, so I cut out some bubbles to add detail to the art. I then picked out another flyer and cut out some tiny fish to complete the work. I put them on a piece of printer paper to get the background. For the Twitter caption, I thought it would be interesting to use the double meaning of “swimming with the fishes”, so I did that as well as make a reference to the fact that my art was made with scissors.


DS106: Remix Guinness Book Of World Records

Remix Guinness Book Of World Records

So this assignment is to remix a guinness book of world records webpage. Pick any record you want and somehow remix it. Here, we see the world record for most hamburgers eaten in three minutes. I saw this and laughed at my instinctual thought, so here it is.

This is actually the guy in your math problems. You know, the random ones that make you tilt your head and wonder when this would ever happen in real life. Like, Johnny has 19 bottles of dishsoap, and if he gives half away, and buys two more, how many dishes can he wash? You’re left wondering why he has so many bottles of soap in the first place, but you were in elementary school and the teacher scolded you for talking during the test. One of those questions, but instead of Johnny having dish soap, his name is Takeru Kobayashi and he has twelve hamburgers that you wonder if he’s going to share any of them, and the question is how long it takes for him to eat them all.

The answer is three minutes.

~ Charlotte



DS106: Remix Guinness Book of World Records


For this DS106 Assignment the instructions prompted us to “Pick any record you want and somehow remix it. Try and connect it to a story, and add some background inspiration into your idea for inspiration. Maybe it was the record you always wanted to set, or break.” After spending some time searching, I found a lot of crazy records. I decided to go with a basketball record since I’m a big Celtics fan. The original record can be found here. The original record was for the most basketball three pointers in one minute. I switched the original record holder’s name with Ray Allen who was just shy of 3,000 3-pointers for his whole career. He was notorious for his three pointers. To make this remix I used “X-Ray Goggles”, and it was a lot easier than I anticipated. Even someone with no prior knowledge of coding would be able to use this. The stats I used for the remix of this record are not completely true. Although I tried to make it somewhat accurate, adding a year that Allen played for the Celtics and correct city/venue. Allen was one of the first basketball players I thought of when thinking about NBA players who are known for their three pointers.


DS106 Remix Guinness Book Of World Records

I found this picture while I was perusing through different pictures of record holders. I thought that this one would be good to make a story about. I predict that this guy swallowed a very big magnet. If it was a small magnet, the amount of spoons that he could stick to his body would be significantly lower. Anyway, I think that he swallowed a giant magnet that makes him capable of sticking any kind of metal to him. And this power of his allows him to stick metal to any part of his body, not just his shoulders. The reason behind this is because of how big the magnet was that he ingested. Once he figured out his newfound talent, he immediately reached out to the Guinness Book of World Records for the fame. He tried to use his powers to make it seem like he is just good at balancing spoons on his shoulders. But what everyone doesn’t know is that he secretly is a magnet himself. He didn’t want to explain to the world that he is a human magnet because no one would believe him. So instead, he made up this story of just being a really good balancer of spoons and people believed him.



Daily Create #tdc2719


I thought that this was such a creative assignment. Of course, that is what all of this daily creates is about-creativity. We got to include arts and crafts into our assignment which I ultimately found very fun. I am not an arts and crafts kind of person. I am terrible at anything that has to do with art. I was originally very intimidated by all of the examples of other peoples’ posts for this daily create because they were all doing outlines of people and just very advanced stuff. I then thought that as long as I enjoy what I am doing and do it correctly, it doesn’t matter if my work may look simple to people. I decided to draw shapes because I like the way that an outline of a shape looks. The only difficulty I had with this assignment was the initial thought of not being able to do it. Like I said, art is not my thing so I thought that I might have to skip this daily create. But after thinking about it more, I decided that it could be a fun thing to do and it is definitely something different than what we have done with the past daily creates. Overall, I had a lot of fun with this assignment and I hope that we get the opportunity to incorporate more art into our daily creates!



DS106 We’re The Real Life Brady Bunch

For this DS106 assignment, I decided to create a collage of all of my family members. In this picture, I have included my dad, my mom, myself, my sister who is a little under two years younger than me, and my brother who is six years younger than me. Some people would say that I don’t have that many people in my family, while others would say that there are so many of us. I believe that I read somewhere that the average family size is four people: two parents and two kids. According to that standard, my family is above average in size. And this doesn’t even include the animals that we have in our house. We also have two cats and a dog. My mom always complains that there are just too many people in our house, pets included. And like I mentioned, for some people this really isn’t a lot of family members. However, living in a house with this many people can become quite hectic. Overall, I really enjoyed making this collage of my family. Creating anything that has to do with my family is always a very fun experience for me because it is not something that I often do but I had a lot of fun with this!



DS106: We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch

So here’s the story.

I’ve never watched anything from the Brady Bunch. I didn’t want to fix a few photos together, and decided to do my own drawing instead. Those included are my family members: my mother, my father, and my brother. And our three cats: Rosie, Colby-Jack, and Cuddles. And the ghost that probably lives in my house. I have an old house.

This was just a quick sketch. I got home from work a few hours ago so I was a bit tired to focus too much on this. I may revisit this and make a revised version.

~ Charlotte


DS106 Brady Bunch Assignment

The Payten Bunch

I decided to do the Brady Bunch assignment and create the famous sitcom theme opening with one of my dogs Payten. I thought it would be comical to do 8 pictures of her because she has the most expressive faces. I titled it “The Payten Bunch” because it is just a bunch of pictures of Payten. She is a doberman and we never got her ears docked, so she looks a bit funny with the big ears always sticking out in different directions, but I think that it makes her look less intimidating, as is usually the case with this breed. I remember when I was growing up I would see the Brady Bunch and I always liked the introduction to it, so I am just imagining what it would be like if it was just a bunch of Paytens popping up on the screen instead of the usual cast.



DS106 IMAGES- We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch

We’re the Baker Bunch!

After some consideration, I decided to work on the Brady Bunch assignment.  Most of my family members aren’t around this week, so the “That 70’s Show Circle” project was out!  As you probably noticed, I couldn’t resist the last name alliteration, so I went with it.  I struggled with the amount of people/dogs versus the spaces available.  We have four dogs in the family and I wanted them all represented.  I eventually settled with adding a small Baker Bunch sign in between the squares, rather than in the middle. 

This project was fun to put together.  I would say the most difficult piece was deciding which pictures to add and trying to get them to a similar scale.  In order to create the entire piece, I used a combination of BeFunky Collage Maker, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Paint.  BeFunky was a great application to work with.  I was able to easily resize my photos within the collage and flip the photos, as I wanted to mirror the Brady Bunch effect where some people are looking around the square.   I took a screenshot when complete, pasted it into Word, and cropped it down.  I also used Word to recreate the Brady Bunch lettering/font as much as possible. I was able to screenshot the picture again to include the sign and saved it as a jpg.  


DS106: We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch


Here’s the Basantes Batch! In the left upper corner is my younger brother, Evan. He usually does not like to smile for many pictures, so the closest one I found is this one where he still looks semi-serious but is giving a half-smile. Beneath him is a picture of me at Old Orchard. Beneath me on the lower left corner is my betta fish, Nicholas. One of my roommates and I got him at the beginning of the spring semester, and he’s still sticking around! It’s no secret that I love all things marine-related so having him around isn’t so bad. In the upper right corner is a picture of my dad. He’s looking a little less serious than my brother in that picture.. Below him is a picture of my aunt’s Yorkie, Dante, who we all love! There was extra space in the collage for another picture, so I decided to add him in. And finally, on the lower right corner is my mom. To make this collage I used a free app called “PicCollage”. I downloaded a few other collage apps at first, but did not like them because they all had pre-designed layouts. I settled on PicCollage because it allowed me to arrange the photos in the manner that I wanted. I was also able to add text in the middle and choose from a variety of different fonts. I did not need to edit it in from my laptop or anything. The only thing I was not a fan of is the watermark in the corner. Unfortunately, I would need to pay to go “pro” to remove it. Overall, it was pretty fun getting to create my own “Brady Bunch”!
