Daily Create #tdc2725:


The final Daily Create of this class! This daily create was fun and got me thinking. I was unsure of what to name a group of animals, and what animal to chose. As I was thinking of a word I could use to describe a ‘group’, chickens were potent in my mind, so I knew I wanted to choose them! I then searched “a group of chickens” on google. I immediately came across this photo and the first thing I thought of is what a riot! I thus decided to go with a ‘Riot of Chickens’! I feel like chickens are definitely a riot, in the sense that they are crazy and full of energy. If you have every seen a group of chickens, they are usually running around within a fenced area, just running in circles. They always seem lost or hyper to me, which is why riot came into my head so quickly. I know someone who has about 10 chickens, and her stories about them are always crazy and funny, just like riots are! While chickens seem like a riot, I do have a slight fear of them. Whenever I have been around chickens, especially a group, I try to avoid them and get scared! Birds in general make me nervous sometimes, as I feel they are so unpredictable! You definitely cannot read their facial expression to get an idea of what they are thinking or going to do next!




Digital Story Compilation

Today’s ds106 assignment is a callback, literally: Make a video compilation of some of your favorite things you’ve made from ds106. 

Being an artist, I’ve always tried to incorporate some of my drawings into these assignments and daily creates. Therefore, I’ve uploaded all my drawings and paintings I’ve made in the ds106 assignments. 

Here we have my responses to Draw With Scissors, I Feel So Good, What’s in your ToastColor Walk Timelines (when I misunderstood the assignment), and Beginning and End.

I thought it would be challenging to create a video compilation, but it wasn’t. I simply created a powerpoint slideshow of my works and exported my slideshow into a video. It was a fun little assignment, bringing up memories of when I was making these drawings and paintings. 

~ Charlotte 


Daily Create DS106 TDC2725



For my final Daily Create, I renamed a group of penguins. I googled what they are usually called when they are in a large group, and those names were actually pretty great: a colony, a rookery, and a waddle. I liked going with a grouping that started with the letter ‘p’ because I thought it flowed well, so I chose parade. A parade usually consists of large groups of beings in one location, or forming an assembly line marching somewhere. I picture the little penguins all shuffling along in a little line, getting to their final destination slowly but surely. I think “parade of penguins” fits pretty well! However, I still like that they are collectively called a waddle, I think that makes them even cuter (if that was even at all possible).

Daily Create #2723

Book: Warning, this story has an unhappy ending! I repeat, this is NOT HAPPY
Me: Nah it’s fine
Book: Ends on a sad, tearjerking note

Okay, I think we were all thinking it, but this is uncannily similar to the Surprised Pikachu meme, which is used as a reaction image paired with captions where a set-up leads to a predictable outcome that nevertheless leaves one surprised.

Seriously, the resemblance is astounding:

We all see it. 

I’m convinced this is what they did in ancient times. For instances where a set-up leads to a predictable outcome that nevertheless leaves one surprised, people in the old times carried a stone mask of that person just for that occasion. They had to do this for all reaction memes. 

Historians debunk me, I dare you.

~ Charlotte


DS106: The Forrest Gump Project

Today’s assignment was to find a historic photograph and place yourself into the scene using photo editing software, just like Forrest Gump.

My secret is out guys. I’m actually an immortal time-walker. I can’t believe they caught this picture of me. 

I’ll admit, I was worried about this project. I’ve had zero experience editing photos (unless you count using drawing apps), but I was able to do it easily thanks to this website called Pixlr that I saw some other blogs use. After that, it was all a matter of picking a historic image and a picture of my self to insert it into. 

My chosen photo is an image of Times Square, taken in 1947. I’ve never been to time square, present day (0r past, obviously), but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to walk the streets of certain cities before they became as big as they are today. Here’s the original image.

~ Charlotte


DS106 IMAGES assignment, The Forrest Gump Project



Yea… no biggie. Just me and my best buddies hanging out next to a U.S Air Force fighter jet. My arm is around a Civil War Veteran who I got to spend celebrating his 107th Birthday at the Eglin Air Force Base (1955). This veteran’s name is “Uncle Bill” Lundy, who is claimed to be the very last living Civil War Veteran. Pretty cool huh?! I think so too. According to Rare Historical Photos, “The plane pictured is North American F-100 Super Sabre. The F-100 flew extensively over South Vietnam as the air force’s primary close air support jet until being replaced by the more efficient subsonic LTV A-7 Corsair II. The F-100 also served in other NATO air forces and with other U.S. allies. In its later life, it was often referred to as the Hun, a shortened version of “one hundred”.”

I will have to say, this was the most challenging DS106 assignment yet. I am assuming that it was the last one assigned because of the challenge. However, I did not give up, maybe just walked away from my laptop from time to time to then revisit my work to final complete it. I found this image on Rare Historical Photos and I thought the story was very cute. I also was trying to find a photo where I could try and make my hack job of a photoshop look realistic. I am terrible at photoshop and give those who have the skills all the credit in the world. Once I was able to use the Lasso Tool on Pixlr, I was able to then size the image of myself. After I got the correct sizing, I saved the image and then once it was on my laptop, took the image and made it black and white. After that, I was happy with it enough to upload it here! Enjoy!


Daily Create #tdc2722

Before high school, I spent my summer vacations in and out of the library with different books. Throughout high school, I had books assigned to me and I barely made time to get through those books. This summer, my life is consumed with 40-55 hour work weeks on top of summer courses. I have a line up of books I want to read next but I haven’t had the time to sit down and relax with a book. Work and summer courses are over on August 9th. After that, I plan on reading a book or two before I head off for my next semester. Now I just have to pick which book is next on my read list.


Daily Create #tdc2721



The feeling of this being my last “mandatory” or assigned Daily Create was definitely melancholy. To say the least, this Daily Create prompt was a great one for the last one for this class. The prompt said, “Art can change the world. Think of posters calling the people for action. For good things or for bad things. Show us some art you think changed the world for some time.” I am a firm believer that over the past six weeks I have grown to have a whole new appreciation for art with a technology and digital focus. I was spending time looking for a piece of art that I have taken a picture of that I felt “changed the word” and aside from the slightly inappropriate   and provocative  pictures of let’s say “street art”, I did not think it quite met the requirements. However, I did come across this magnet that I took a picture of. This magnet is hanging on my parents fridge. I think it should be on everyone’s fridge or something that everyone looks at before starting their day and going out into the world. I consider his words to be a piece of art, as well as how it is displayed on a magnet. Therefore, I think that this piece of art can really change the world, one person at a time.


Daily Create #tdc2720:



Spot the differences! This was a very fun Daily Create to participate in! It reminded me of my childhood, as I remember playing games of photos that had slight differences. I remember doing these at restaurants on the kids menu or in colouring books. It is always fun to reminiscence, I enjoy these little games, even at the age of 23! For my creation, I decided to take a photo of my couch. I then made five changes as subtly as possible. First, I removed the yellow light house on the coffee table. I then removed the remote control. In it’s place, I added a pair of reading glasses. I hoped that adding the reading glasses in the place of the remote would kind of trick people into not noticing the missing remote. I also added a cellphone as well. Finally, I removed one of the pillows. I hope that it was a bit challenging for you all to notice the changes! I figured that using ordinary objects that are not uncommon to be on a couch (ex: remote, glasses, cell phone), would aid in making noticing the changes more difficult. As if I were to add bananas on the couch for instance, it would have been immediately noticeable as bananas do not belong on a couch. That was my motive behind this! I hope you guys enjoyed!


Daily Create #td2720


This tweet made it clear that the same types of activities one would do during their childhood start to have the ability to become more and more complicated. It can also speak to the realm of responsibility that each age group tends to have over time but really speaks to the simplicity in the childish games. In this particular picture, I only see about two differences but I am pretty sure there are plenty more to discover.