Daily Create #2719

Draw with Scissors

This daily create is pretty self explanatory. We’re supposed to draw with scissors.

Okay, I know it’s not completely a scissor drawing, but this is something I really wanted to try. It’s a type of drawing where you sketch a person and cut out their clothing. Then you hold the drawing up to some sort of background, whether it be a curtain or background scenery. You take a photo, and the sketch person’s clothes now have the pattern of whatever background you choose. It’s pretty cool and fun to do. I recommend you try it and see what clothing patterns you can make.

~ Charlotte


DS106: Remix Guinness Book Of World Records

Remix Guinness Book Of World Records

So this assignment is to remix a guinness book of world records webpage. Pick any record you want and somehow remix it. Here, we see the world record for most hamburgers eaten in three minutes. I saw this and laughed at my instinctual thought, so here it is.

This is actually the guy in your math problems. You know, the random ones that make you tilt your head and wonder when this would ever happen in real life. Like, Johnny has 19 bottles of dishsoap, and if he gives half away, and buys two more, how many dishes can he wash? You’re left wondering why he has so many bottles of soap in the first place, but you were in elementary school and the teacher scolded you for talking during the test. One of those questions, but instead of Johnny having dish soap, his name is Takeru Kobayashi and he has twelve hamburgers that you wonder if he’s going to share any of them, and the question is how long it takes for him to eat them all.

The answer is three minutes.

~ Charlotte



DS106: We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch

So here’s the story.

I’ve never watched anything from the Brady Bunch. I didn’t want to fix a few photos together, and decided to do my own drawing instead. Those included are my family members: my mother, my father, and my brother. And our three cats: Rosie, Colby-Jack, and Cuddles. And the ghost that probably lives in my house. I have an old house.

This was just a quick sketch. I got home from work a few hours ago so I was a bit tired to focus too much on this. I may revisit this and make a revised version.

~ Charlotte


Daily Create #tdc2715:


This daily create was tricky, having to choose between music and movies. Both of these are something I feel greatly enhances society and have a big impact in our world today. I love both of these and feel they have changed the world of entertainment for the better. When asked to choose between the two, I asked myself, which one could I live without? I then came to the conclusion that I listen to music was more often than I watch movies. While I love both, I feel the world would just be so quiet and boring without music. For instance, car rides would be silent without music on the radio. I feel like many emotions can be received from listening to music as well, just as watching a movie. I feel that more people have time to listen to music than to watch movies. Personally for instance, I rarely have time to watch a full movie since I am usually busy with school and work. But I find myself listening to music everyday, while at the gym, on my car rides, the background music at work, etc. I feel like music is more vital in today’s society and we would notice it’s absence way more than the absence of movies. This daily create required me to do some deep thinking, but ultimately, I am happy with the answer I have come to.


Daily Create #tdc2716


This particular tweet was interesting to research. As it turns out, a Norwegian island, due to its time zone and relationship with daylight, or lack thereof, wants to become the worlds first time-free zone. At first, I was curious to wonder why taking away the concept of time would help any area on the globe. A global system that runs on the clock would cease to interact in a timely manner with an area that has no time. But then as I thought about it more, the amount of time you would then have to accomplish your daily tasks and goals would become boundless.



DS106 Work: Turn a GIF into a FIG

Turn a GIF into a FIG

Find a video clip or shoot one yourself, and then make it playback in reverse over and over again as a GIF. Try to find a situation that is absolutely mind-blowing when played backwards.

I didn’t have any ‘mind-blowing’ scenarios recorded on my phone (or many videos recorded to begin with), but I felt it was ideal to pick a personal video rather than a clip from the internet. 

This FIG isn’t mind-blowing by any means, but I fondly remember when it happened, and the video is just as cute backwards as it was forwards. It’s of one of my lovebirds, Lemon, who, for some strange reason, decided to start swinging his head back and forth. I don’t know why, but it was the cutest thing I’ve seen him do. He was grooving just for fun. 

This FIG took a bit to create. I had to reverse the video and create a fig from it on ezgif.com/maker, but for some reason WordPress doesn’t like gifs from that website, so I had convert my fig into a video, and upload that video to giphy to turn it into a fig/gif that WordPress would accept. It was very annoying and complicated.

~ Charlotte


Daily Create #td2715


As I am a very avid music listener, I can’t help but notice when one of my favorite artists is involved in some other type of art that I am also a fan of. Movie production has been a part of Donald Glover’s professional repertoire for a while, starting with his comedic introduction as well as show appearances on “Community” the tv show. I compare him in a way to the famous Will Smith, who obviously being apart of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air show, also had a few very popular songs in the 90s. Same with the rapper, “50 cent”.




Daily Create #tdc2713

Two Show Mashup

Today’s daily create is to think of two shows that have a common thread. Maybe the same actor appeared in two different shows. Do a mashup of the shows using the commonality.

This isn’t necessarily following the prompt, but it was a funny thought. Chris Hemsworth played a role in the Marvel Universe as Thor and in Ghostbusters (2016) as Kevin. Can you imagine if they had been one in the same? Think about it. An abnormally handsome man who does not know how telephones work, or what doctors even do. Spends time with female scientists and somehow manages to never get hurt from anything that happens to him? Secretly-a-god intern. It’s perfect. 

Maybe Thor needed to work undercover because spirits were escaping Hel. Maybe he needed to get a job. Whatever the motivation, it’s hilarious to think about. 

Even more so when you realize Ghostbusters and Captain America: Civil War came out during the same year (2016), and most likely he knew what was happening with the Avengers and decided, “I’ll let them work it out.”

~ Charlotte 


Daily Create TDC2713 DS106

Patrick Warburton

For today’s Daily Create, I decided to make an image that showed two characters that have both been voiced by Patrick Warburton. The scene is from Emperor’s New Groove, where he voices Kronk. I photo shopped Joe from Family Guy (poorly) into the image because I thought it would be funny! I am a huge fan of Warburton’s acting and I think he has a great voice to play animated characters!

Two Show Mashup

#tdc2713 #ds106

I know this kind of resembles a MEME but I tried my best not to. Today’s Daily Create had us think of two shows that had some type of a common thread. The same actor could have appeared in two different shows, and movies, things like that. We then had to make a mashup of the two shows using the commonality.

For my choice, as you can tell, I picked Samuel L. Jackson. For my images I chose one of Nick Fury holding a gun from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Jules Winnfield also holding a gun from Pulp Fiction. Obviously the commonality is that they are both holding a gun, In this case at each other!

