Daily Create #tdc2725:


The final Daily Create of this class! This daily create was fun and got me thinking. I was unsure of what to name a group of animals, and what animal to chose. As I was thinking of a word I could use to describe a ‘group’, chickens were potent in my mind, so I knew I wanted to choose them! I then searched “a group of chickens” on google. I immediately came across this photo and the first thing I thought of is what a riot! I thus decided to go with a ‘Riot of Chickens’! I feel like chickens are definitely a riot, in the sense that they are crazy and full of energy. If you have every seen a group of chickens, they are usually running around within a fenced area, just running in circles. They always seem lost or hyper to me, which is why riot came into my head so quickly. I know someone who has about 10 chickens, and her stories about them are always crazy and funny, just like riots are! While chickens seem like a riot, I do have a slight fear of them. Whenever I have been around chickens, especially a group, I try to avoid them and get scared! Birds in general make me nervous sometimes, as I feel they are so unpredictable! You definitely cannot read their facial expression to get an idea of what they are thinking or going to do next!





MOVIE ds106


This movie includes a few of my favourite creations from the ds106 assignments! I have enjoyed this class because it taught me how to do some new things with technology, such as creating a meme. Creating a meme was definitely my favourite thing I have learned from this course! Memes are becoming so common and popular in today’s society, and they are used greatly as a form of entertainment. I always wondered how to create them but never dedicated the time to figure it out. This class provided me with examples of possible apps to download in order to be successful in creating memes. The app I chose to use is called “MemeGenerator” from the App store on my iPhone. It is very easy to use and creates excellent memes! I will definitely continue to use this app even after this class is complete, as memes are a means of communication and are fun to use with your friends; I am excited for my future meme creations! I also included my most recent ds106 assignment creation, me photoshopped into a photo from the past! I had a lot of fun with this assignment as it gave me a good chuckle. I will definitely be incorporating myself into more photos in the future as a means of entertainment as well! My video thus is dominated by a few of my favourite meme creations, and of course me photoshopped photo from the past! This class was truly unlike any class I have ever taken. I just had to take this class as a pre-requisite for Optometry school, which I am attending in August. I needed any English credit and I am beyond happy I came across this class! This is not your typical English course; it enables loads of creativity and expression, and is not simply just tedious essays like past English courses I have taken. I am happy to have completed this course, but I truly will miss blogging and the ds106 assignments.


Daily Create #tdc2720:



Spot the differences! This was a very fun Daily Create to participate in! It reminded me of my childhood, as I remember playing games of photos that had slight differences. I remember doing these at restaurants on the kids menu or in colouring books. It is always fun to reminiscence, I enjoy these little games, even at the age of 23! For my creation, I decided to take a photo of my couch. I then made five changes as subtly as possible. First, I removed the yellow light house on the coffee table. I then removed the remote control. In it’s place, I added a pair of reading glasses. I hoped that adding the reading glasses in the place of the remote would kind of trick people into not noticing the missing remote. I also added a cellphone as well. Finally, I removed one of the pillows. I hope that it was a bit challenging for you all to notice the changes! I figured that using ordinary objects that are not uncommon to be on a couch (ex: remote, glasses, cell phone), would aid in making noticing the changes more difficult. As if I were to add bananas on the couch for instance, it would have been immediately noticeable as bananas do not belong on a couch. That was my motive behind this! I hope you guys enjoyed!


Daily Create #tdc2715:


This daily create was tricky, having to choose between music and movies. Both of these are something I feel greatly enhances society and have a big impact in our world today. I love both of these and feel they have changed the world of entertainment for the better. When asked to choose between the two, I asked myself, which one could I live without? I then came to the conclusion that I listen to music was more often than I watch movies. While I love both, I feel the world would just be so quiet and boring without music. For instance, car rides would be silent without music on the radio. I feel like many emotions can be received from listening to music as well, just as watching a movie. I feel that more people have time to listen to music than to watch movies. Personally for instance, I rarely have time to watch a full movie since I am usually busy with school and work. But I find myself listening to music everyday, while at the gym, on my car rides, the background music at work, etc. I feel like music is more vital in today’s society and we would notice it’s absence way more than the absence of movies. This daily create required me to do some deep thinking, but ultimately, I am happy with the answer I have come to.


Daily Create #tdc2708:

NEVER SAY NEVER! This Daily Create was definitely one I wanted to partake in. I chose this song as my “theme song” for a few reasons. First, I feel that the lyrics of this song are motivational, and definitely words to live by. For instance, “Whenever you knock me down, I will not stay on the ground”. This lyric is incredibly important. We will all be knocked down in life, we will reach road blocks and have people put us down. We can not fall victim to this, we cannot give up because someone says we “can’t” do something. We should truly never say never, because we can accomplish anything if we put the work in to achieve it. I also chose this song because I feel it has a good rhythm and can truly hype anyone up… which should be the point of a theme song! Lastly, I am a sucker for Justin Bieber, and have always been a Belieber! But really though, no bias here, I feel we should all listen to this song as motivation each day.


DS106 Assignment: HOME VIDEO GIF

My home video is of course a video of my nonno! These were the good old days, when Nonno was still at home and I would eat dinner at his house every Thursday. I would always sit right next to him. In this home video, he was saying to me “You’re my girl”. I had to document this on video because the best thing I will ever be in this life is “his girl”. I am so thankful to have documented many memories as such on my phone, as I will always have them to look back on. This is one of the great things about technology; it is so easy to document things. I am always recording, snap chatting, or taking photos. I feel this is an important thing to do as it leaves us with wonderful memories such as this. This GIF assignment will be my favourite as it allowed me to reminiscence on a good memory from and old home video.


Daily Create #tdc2701

Upon reading the topic for today’s Daily Create, I knew this was one I wanted to take part in. I felt that there was a lot of room for originality in this daily create and was excited to come up with my own creation. I was unsure what sign to use but had a few ideas floating around in my head. I did a google search of “road signs” to refresh my mind of the street signs that exist but that I do not pay attention to (totally kidding). Once I seen this sign, I immediately chuckled thinking about how bothersome this sign is to me. It “bothers” me because I feel it is a ridiculous sign… I have yet to see a road that is this wavy, have any of you? Maybe Canada is better at constructing roads, but the curves shown on this road are obscure and no road mirrors this image. Immediately the “yellow brick road” from the Wizards of Oz popped into my head, as this is what the yellow brick road looks like! At this point I knew this was the sign I wanted to clet. Nearly everyone has seen this movie, HUNDREDS of times, and will thus be able to relate to this tweet immediately! Throughout the movie, all the helpers encourage Dorothy to follow the yellow brick road to receive all she is looking for in life. The yellow brick road was symbolized as a road for hope and comfort for Dorothy; two things I feel drivers need after seeing this sign consisting of an image of the most unsafe road!


Daily Create #tdc2699

When seeing the title for this daily create, I immediately started thinking of the times I feel the best at. I started looking through my camera roll on my phone and realized I am happiest when I am comfy and watching a good show! My friend bought me this “snuggle” for my birthday because she knows how much I LOVE napping and lounging around… it truly was the perfect gift! This is different than a “snuggie” which I am sure most of you have seen before. This is more of a sweater/dress that is basically a blanket! So for a “snuggle” you just put your arms through it and your back is left exposed, but for this “snuggle” you put it on over your head like a hoodie. It is beyond comfortable and I encourage you all to order yourselves one off of Amazon! Let me know your reviews on it… I promise it does not disappoint!


DS106 Assignment 2: SELFIE WITH YOUR PET:

A photo of me and the best dog, Spike.. missing you buddy.

When asked to post a selfie with a pet, this photo immediately came to mind. This is Spike. He was my grandparents pet but since I was always at their house, he felt like my pet too. I have never had any pets of my own, but Spike set the expectations incredibly high. Spike is no longer with us, but I was lucky enough to have his energy, barking, and kisses for thirteen years of my life. Spike was a toy poodle. He was such a smart dog, I feel I will never have a better, more loving dog than Spike. This selfie symbolizes just how loving he was…dealing with me smothering him all day long and making no fuss! I would always just lay like this with him and rest on him as if he was a pillow; even though I felt like I was going to break his 20lb body, he was still the most comfortable pillow. While Spike was known for his intelligence, he was always known for his barking. The whole neighbourhood knew when my grandparents were leaving for a walk because he would bark constantly for the first five minutes of the walk. Spike was very protective of my grandparents. Whenever I would hug them he would bark at me. While we complained about this unnecessary barking, I would love to hear it again. It is crazy how much pets become a part of the family. I love and miss you always Spiffy.


Daily Create DS106 TDC2689

The Daily Create for May 23, 2019 was to post a picture or describe a household detritus that I have. I took this as a space that is cluttered with belongings that have been there for a while, remaining untouched. Since I have just moved to Portland, I have boxes and bins in my bedroom of my new apartment full of my clothes and other various belongings. Instead of unpacking, they have been sitting in the corner of my bedroom. I have only gone through them to get what I need, although it would be easier if I were to just unpack. These bins and boxes are full of all of my belongings I deemed worthy enough to make the trip to Portland, although there is probably contents within the box that I do not need and they will end up remaining my household detritus.