The best cousin bunch known to man!


This assignment was very fun to partake in and I enjoyed the freedom associated with it! I immediately knew I wanted to incorporate my cousins for this assignment, as growing up it felt like we were the Brady bunch! We were always together while young, and ALWAYS causing some sort of trouble. While I wanted to get individual photos of everyone, I then decided these photos from our most recent outing at my nonno’s birthday party would be just as good. I chose to use these group photos as you can see us really interact and look like the happy, loving, crazy bunch we are! While we annoy each other to no end, we will always have each other’s backs. The photos show us hugging each other and our grandparents, and also some funny faces. We try to get a few group photos every event like this, as it is important to capture such memories, especially with our grandparents. I also included a photo of my nonna and nonno in the bottom corner, as they are the ones who started this whole crazy bunch and raised us all together!
I am so thankful for my cousins, whom have felt like my siblings all my life!


DS106 Assignment: TURN A GIF INTO A FIG:

This assignment has the potential for very humorous creations! I decided to look through my million videos on my snapchat (since I video tape EVERYTHING) to find a cool video to use for this assignment. I then found this video of me putting melted strawberry sauce onto my delicious cheesecake while on my cruise vacation in April! It looked so appetizing adding the sauce over the cake, and is even more appetizing in reverse! It is super cool in reverse as the sauce looks like it is magically floating back into the container! This assignment was fun to create, but now I am left starving and craving this dessert again! I have such a sweet tooth…




gif movie

One of my favourite movies is the movie ‘Hot Chick’. I have watched it a million times and can quote the whole movie. I think it is a funny and entertaining movie. This scene in particular is the first initial moment the character realizes she has became a boy overnight. She gets up in the morning to use the bathroom, surprised to see the changes. She then looks in the mirror, and well her face in this clip shows exactly how she was feeling! This was the first GIF I have personally made and I had some trouble creating it. I used an app on my iPhone called ImgPlay. I find it easier to use phone apps to create the memes and GIFs from this class. It is just easier to take the photo directly from my camera roll, which is accessible from the app, than transferring the image over to my computer and then making the appropriate modifications that way. Anyways, if you have not seen this movie I definitely recommend watching it! It is a great movie to watch to get a good laugh in.



DS 106: What’s the Meme

I had a lot of trouble figuring out what angle I should go for when doing this assignment. Do I use my own pictures or one I found on the internet? Do I base my meme off of one I know or make one up myself? After looking at all my photos from the past year, I came across one that I took of my roommate’s cat. She was sleeping on the couch while I was playing a game and she stuck her tongue out at one point, which I thought was cute and funny. Given how she looked and seemed really tired, I thought I would do a meme related to sleep. Since all of us know how tiring finals can be, I figured the meme would be extra relatable with that subject.

First, I put the photo in Gimp and cropped it to make the cat more centered. Then, I added another layer and put a black box at the bottom to make the text easier to read. I finally added the text on top of the box and changed the font type and size to fit the box nicely.

I had a few major challenges when it came to this assignment. Originally, I had made another meme that I thought would go well with this assignment, but I ended up scrapping it since the quality of the photo didn’t come out like I wanted when I went to post it. Since there was text in that photo, the quality was necessary to fully understand the meme. I was also super indecisive on which font would work best for this meme, as well as the wording of the text. I decided to go with a generic bold font so it was easy to read.
