Daily Create #tdc2725


I thought that this was a great Daily Create to end on. It was fun and not difficult at all and we really got to be creative with it! I really liked the whole concept of renaming a group of specific animals. I liked the theme of having the name of the group match the name of the animal. That was the only difficult part of this assignment was thinking of the name. At first, I was thinking of a flock and I was going to do a flock of ferrets because ferrets start with an f. But then the word cluster came to mind and I knew that I wanted to use that word instead. And the first animal name that I could think of that started with a c was cat. And so, I looked up different cat gifs and my favorite one was by far the Taylor Swift one. It is her sitting with a large group of cats. At first, I could find any gifs that had more than two cats in it. That was also a challenge because the whole point of this assignment is to use a group of animals. This gif was the first one that I saw and I thought that it was too funny not to use! I enjoyed this so much and it was a great way to finish off my time of tweeting Daily Creates!



DS106 Work: Turn a GIF into a FIG

Turn a GIF into a FIG

Find a video clip or shoot one yourself, and then make it playback in reverse over and over again as a GIF. Try to find a situation that is absolutely mind-blowing when played backwards.

I didn’t have any ‘mind-blowing’ scenarios recorded on my phone (or many videos recorded to begin with), but I felt it was ideal to pick a personal video rather than a clip from the internet. 

This FIG isn’t mind-blowing by any means, but I fondly remember when it happened, and the video is just as cute backwards as it was forwards. It’s of one of my lovebirds, Lemon, who, for some strange reason, decided to start swinging his head back and forth. I don’t know why, but it was the cutest thing I’ve seen him do. He was grooving just for fun. 

This FIG took a bit to create. I had to reverse the video and create a fig from it on ezgif.com/maker, but for some reason WordPress doesn’t like gifs from that website, so I had convert my fig into a video, and upload that video to giphy to turn it into a fig/gif that WordPress would accept. It was very annoying and complicated.

~ Charlotte


DS 106 Turn a GIF into a FIG

Turning a GIF into a FIG

I know what you may be thinking, but these are not trick birthday candles!  This FIG is a labor of love and exasperation!  Yesterday, I had already designated this assignment as a piece of “cake” (groan), but it was one of my most challenging so far.  Although boasting of its reverse GIF option, the GIPHY app would not process my GIF properly when I uploaded it, even when I ensured that the movie file was within their size specifications.  So, after some experimentation and Googling to no avail, I eventually downloaded the ImgPlay app hours later.   ImgPlay allowed me to upload a GIF with the reverse action.  However, it was not that easy…the application did not provide a url to embed inside of WordPress.  It only offered to share the GIF via different social media platforms.  So I saved the GIF that ImgPlay had processed on my laptop,  then ran it through GIPHY in order to obtain the url to imbed.

I was hoping to add a bit more footage in the video showing Cara blowing out all of the candles, but due to file size, I resorted to a shortened version.  I thought it the whole effect looked really neat, as if she was blowing fire and lighting the candles.


Turn A GIF Into A FIG

In this gif, the original video is a prank on regular mall goers, and a manikin is actually a real person in disguise. If you get too close, you’ll be sure to be reminded to keep your eyes open and attention on your surroundings. As it gets reversed it becomes humorous as it looks like a regular person is attempting to attack the manikin.



Turning a gif into a fig

Fig GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

For this assignment, we were tasked with finding a video clip and then make it playback in reverse over and over again as a GIF. The challenge was finding something that is mind-blowing when played backward. I decided to take a previous video I had filmed during my family’s new year celebration. I love videos of fireworks backward. Unfortunately, I only had one video of fireworks so I had to make this one work if I wanted to keep that idea. To make the gif I found the original video which was taken on Snapchat and I edited it to play in reverse. I saved the new video to my phone and uploaded it onto the website I used, giphy.com. Very few edits were made on giphy, I just had to figure out how to frame the gif. I think this one worked out really well! The timing works out just well enough to where the break in the loop doesn’t interfere with the video at all and it seems fairly smooth.


DS106: Turn A GIF Into a FIG

Turning this GIF into a FIG was much easier than I thought! To make this GIF I used ezgif to reverse it. It was super quick and easy, and I even had other options to choose from for effects. To make this “FIG” I chose a video that I found on my laptop, trimmed it down, made the original gif, and then reversed it! This FIG was taken at Thunder Hole in Acadia National Park. Thunder Hole is a small inlet of carved rocks where the waves come crashing through. When the water is forced out, it almost sounds like a clap of thunder, hence the name “Thunder Hole”. If you wait for the right weather and tide, it looks like you can get some great pictures here. My roommates and I were lucky enough to come here on a sunny, clear day. It was my first time visiting Acadia National Park and seeing these high waves was pretty impressive. Acadia National Park was extremely beautiful, and I highly recommend that people visit if they are able! Overall, making this “FIG” was pretty fun, and it was interesting to make something different than the normal animated gifs we’ve been creating throughout the course.


DS106 “Turn a GIF into a FIG”


Talk about some crazy core strength to do a reverse flip to the top of a massive snowbank! I have really enjoyed creating these DS106 assignments because they give me a great excuse to spend countless minutes (ok.. sometimes hours) scrolling through my very large amounts of fun photos and videos I have. I once have said before that I am the “crazy” one in the family who records or captures everything. I love looking back to photos and being transported to the exact moment in time. This video (now FIG – reserve GIF) was taken two winters ago. I was filming my cousins jumping off the snowbanks while they were attempting front flips. I guess this was the “cool” thing for boys aged 8,10, and 12. They had come up to visit for the weekend and the first morning we woke up to a fun surprise!! So much fresh snow!! Of course we spent all day playing and building snow forts. Creating this DS106 assignment was not all that complicated. I took the video which was originally taken normally and then uploaded it to iMovie. From here I was able to reserve the whole clip. I saved it to my desktop and uploaded it to GIPHY. It was here that I was able to crop the duration of the clip to make it the perfect FIG! After that, you all know the drill by now… I copied the link to my clipboard and created a new page and clicked ‘add media’. It has now been almost five weeks of doing this and crazy to compare how easy it feels to how overwhelmed I felt the first assignment.

DS 106: Turn a GIF Into a FIG

Reverse GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

While making a regular gif can be easy, making a gif that goes in reverse, or a FIG, is a challenge in and of itself. I rose to that challenge in this assignment and think I pulled it off pretty well. I started off by sorting through my videos to see if there were any I thought would look cool in reverse. That’s where I came across this clip, which is from my study abroad trip to Morocco. Our class had an emersion day in Rabat, where we visited various sites, such as this restaurant where we had traditional tagines and mint tea. Anyone that’s had Moroccan mint tea knows how tasty it is (it helps that they add LOTS and LOTS of sugar), and that there’s a whole process to making and serving it. So when our wait staff came out and gave us this little show, we were all pretty amazed. The only way it could be cooler is if they somehow made the tea pour backwards into the teapot, which is why I decided to do so for this assignment.

A silver colored platter with three glass cups, a sugar bowl, and a teapot. Tea and mint leaves are in the cups. There is blue table cloth underneath the platter.

From the couple of times I’ve used Giphy before, I knew I couldn’t reverse a GIF in their editing feature, so I had to get a bit creative. I opened up Premiere Pro and got to figuring out how to reverse the clip I had. This was my first time using the software, so I had to look up some tutorials on this. I then trimmed the video to my desired length and was ready to export it. This is where I ran into some trouble. I saw that there was
Because of how far away I was when taking the shot, the image quality wasn’t the best and was even worse by the time I exported the file, so I tried exporting it as a video. After a bit of trial, error, and googling, I finally came across a video that was of good quality and would be accepted by Giphy and WordPress. I uploaded the video onto Giphy and finally embedded the GIF onto this post. Despite the frustration, I thought this assignment was pretty fun and definitely made me learn a thing or two.

Photo by LinsFood


DS106 Assignment: TURN A GIF INTO A FIG:

This assignment has the potential for very humorous creations! I decided to look through my million videos on my snapchat (since I video tape EVERYTHING) to find a cool video to use for this assignment. I then found this video of me putting melted strawberry sauce onto my delicious cheesecake while on my cruise vacation in April! It looked so appetizing adding the sauce over the cake, and is even more appetizing in reverse! It is super cool in reverse as the sauce looks like it is magically floating back into the container! This assignment was fun to create, but now I am left starving and craving this dessert again! I have such a sweet tooth…



Say It Like The Peanut Butter


This scene is from the movie “The Matrix”. Originally produced in the 90s, a movie that has been popular for a while as its views on reality are controversial but its action scenes are intense and amazing. This scene specifically is the point in which the main character, Neo or Mr. Anderson, has a choice to make about his situation. To either take one pill and return to the life he has known and the choice to believe whatever he wants to believe or to take the other pill and see the reality he actually lives in. Morpheus, the character in the gif, is the main believer of this prophesy that Neo is an essential part of and is offering him these choices in the forms of pills. I decided to put a filter on the gif to further illuminate the purpose of this scene which is to understand that the reality we all believe to be concrete, isn’t “real” at all.

“And I can show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

