DS106: Turn A GIF Into a FIG

Turning this GIF into a FIG was much easier than I thought! To make this GIF I used ezgif to reverse it. It was super quick and easy, and I even had other options to choose from for effects. To make this “FIG” I chose a video that I found on my laptop, trimmed it down, made the original gif, and then reversed it! This FIG was taken at Thunder Hole in Acadia National Park. Thunder Hole is a small inlet of carved rocks where the waves come crashing through. When the water is forced out, it almost sounds like a clap of thunder, hence the name “Thunder Hole”. If you wait for the right weather and tide, it looks like you can get some great pictures here. My roommates and I were lucky enough to come here on a sunny, clear day. It was my first time visiting Acadia National Park and seeing these high waves was pretty impressive. Acadia National Park was extremely beautiful, and I highly recommend that people visit if they are able! Overall, making this “FIG” was pretty fun, and it was interesting to make something different than the normal animated gifs we’ve been creating throughout the course.


Daily Create #tdc2705

Today’s Daily Create asked us to present one of our favorite things via a GIF. I had so many troubles trying to attach an original GIF to my tweet, but I eventually figured it out… I think.

I love sitting by the water when I’m at school because it’s something I can’t do at home. The beach gives my friends and I a free place to go off campus. The video that the GIF was created from was taken during one of the insanely warm weekends at the tail end of April. A few friends and I rented some Zagsters and biked down to Fortunes Rocks Beach. Honestly, now that I’m home I miss the ocean and the beach, but when I’m at school I miss the mountains and the sunshine at home. I guess I get to live the best of both worlds, at least for a couple more years.


Rip Van Wrinkle

This is prompt was inspired because I want to try my hand at making a Gif, and While looking in my videos I saw this and thought how the bumblebee looked like it was running into the camera. The daily create challenge was about waking up after a 100-year nap. I figured that if fell asleep I would be in the woods and be woken up in a very ridiculous way. I love telling stories and often tell them to my siblings and friends, impromptu stories are my favorite as they hold so much potential. If I wasn’t an environmentalist I would have been a storyteller or novelist.

ds106dc ds106assignment.