Daily Create #2723

Book: Warning, this story has an unhappy ending! I repeat, this is NOT HAPPY
Me: Nah it’s fine
Book: Ends on a sad, tearjerking note

Okay, I think we were all thinking it, but this is uncannily similar to the Surprised Pikachu meme, which is used as a reaction image paired with captions where a set-up leads to a predictable outcome that nevertheless leaves one surprised.

Seriously, the resemblance is astounding:

We all see it. 

I’m convinced this is what they did in ancient times. For instances where a set-up leads to a predictable outcome that nevertheless leaves one surprised, people in the old times carried a stone mask of that person just for that occasion. They had to do this for all reaction memes. 

Historians debunk me, I dare you.

~ Charlotte


Demotivate Yourself

As a toddler, you may put an immense amount of burden on some sort of toy or plaything. Then as you aged into a young child, those same toys didn’t seem to excite you as much. Instead, you turned to something even more, in my case it was video games. And although those interactions stayed similar as I aged, the amount of interest changed. The meme represents the changing of care from your first college party to when they’re just a dime a dozen. As you age and mature through the college ranks, certain things just don’t excite you any more or you simply don’t care about them the same way. Getting dressed up and going to a party is just one example.



The Big Caption

Knowing that the end of anything is inevitable yet still doesn’t seem to impact us as individuals until that end is in sight. When it comes to life, we all understand that one day we will eventually stop. Yet we still have to deal with the ongoings of everyday activity. Such is life. We as American citizens understand that in our society, the majority of students have a high school education and understand that there will come a point where that career is over. And yet we still enjoy our youth, as we should. This big captioned meme is the same interaction but at the college level. We enjoy the months that go by with typical tests and assignments but all sense of logic goes down the drain when that final assignment is passed in and you’re staring straight into the face of finals week.



DS106: The Big Picture

For this assignment, we were instructed to take a photo featured on The Boston Globe’s page, The Big Picture, and change the message of the image with your own caption. 

Honestly at first glance when I saw this image I had thought it was of some hockey player taking a dive at someone, not celebrating a winning goal(?, is that the term?), but this came to mind and I’m sticking with it, because the guy making that eight foot horizontal leap is such a mood. The prompt was to change the meaning of the image after all. Let us butcher memorable moments in sports, shall we?

But anyways, do you ever save some food in the future, be it leftover Chinese food or the last of those brownies you worked painstakingly on, only for it to disappear down the gullet of a family member who got to it first? The reply is usually something along the lines of “You should have eaten it sooner.” 

It’s a plight that many of my friends with siblings struggle with. I wish those of you who also fall victim to this curse luck.  

~ Charlotte



DS106 The Big Caption

For the DS106 “The Big Caption” project, we had to use any photo that has been featured on The Big Picture (http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/) and add a typographical text elements in a way that changes the message.  While scrolling through the website, I saw many options.  However, the photo of the woman holding on to a lightpost in the middle of a storm.  When I looked at the photo, I first noticed how calm the woman in the photograph looked.  However, when I looked at the captain, it stated “A woman held on to a lightpost amid very strong winds and rain that battered pedestrians in Copley Square on Jan. 24. (John Tlumacki/Globe Staff).”  I would have never thought that she was holding on to lightpost in order to keep herself from blowing away due to the strong winds.  It almost looks like she is posing for the photo with the way that she is standing.  I found the photo to be hilarious and immediately thought of one of the “Keep Calm and…” memes.  So, I decided to make my own “Keep Calm” meme and captian this photo “Keep Calm & Hug A Pole.”  I wanted to add color to the captain or background.  However, I felt as though the color made the post more hectic and less calm feeling.


DS 106: The Big Caption

A crowd in black graduation caps and gowns holding up blowup globes. The blue and yellow text at the bottom reads "Our defense against Flat Earthers".

In this assignment, we were asked to take a picture from The Big Picture and caption it with something that changes how one views the scenario. Below is the original image I edited from a set of the best photos in May 2019 that involved a college graduation ceremony.
A crowd in black graduation caps and gowns holding up blowup globes.
I originally thought of the idea for the caption because it reminded me of a documentary I saw about a Flat Earther convention a while back. The people attending the convention had globes similar to the ones in the photograph and they were using them to try and debunk why the Earth was flat. To my knowledge, most college graduates would agree that the Earth is in fact round, so I thought the caption was fitting. I put the image onto GIMP and added a text layer with the saying on it.

There was an issue with figuring out what color text would best stand out against all the black robes, so I took to the internet for answers. Through a few websites related to color design, I found the best colors to contrast were either a light blue/turquoise, light green, or yellow. I edited the colors on a segment of the text to see which color looked the best and decided on the blue. Originally, I came up with just the blue text, but there were some parts of the text that were hard to make out. I then thought it would stand out better if I outlined it with another color, which ended up being yellow. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find an option in GIMP to do that and any attempt I made to make that effect looked weird, so I settled on making another layer with the yellow and moving it over slightly to emphasize the letters. In the end, I think the caption and picture came out great.


DS106: The Big Caption

For this DS106 assignment, students were instructed to take any photo from The Big Picture featured on the Boston Globe website, and add a caption that changes the message of the picture. After spending some time looking through the various photos, I decided on this photo of the Red Sox winning the World Series. The Red Sox beat the Los Angeles Dodgers at Dodger Stadium in California in a 5-1 game. In the original photo, the Red Sox are clearly ecstatic over their win over the Dodger’s in the 2018 World Series. One of the players in shown jumping onto Red Sox pitcher Chris Sale with excitement. When thinking about a caption for this picture, the first thing that came to mind was finals. As we all know, finals week is probably one of the most stressful times of the school year. There is nothing more exciting than finishing your last final exam of the semester and finally getting to go home for the summer. I think this is something that all college students can relate to. After the last final exam of the semester all of the stress seems to go away, and it is like a big weight is lifted off my shoulder! This picture was made by using imgflip, which is extremely quick and easy to use!




DS106 MEME assignment “The Big Caption”


Who put her in charge?! For this assignment… we were instructed to take a photo from The Big Picture page from the Boston Globe. Next, we were then told to lay some typographical text elements in a way that changes the message. I sat with this photo for a while (it was my favorite & so very cute!) and I thought about the message I was getting from it. A little girl conducting a group of adults who are playing instruments. Therefore, the message is that she would not be standing before these adults if she was unaware of what her job entailed. SO… this leads to the text that I choose to use that changes the meaning. “Ah.. 5, 6, 7 & 8……Oops. I already forgot”. In my opinion this cracked me up because if you have ever spent any time around children (all I do), it is comical how their little brains work. They have the most incredible memories for certain things (recalling specific things). Yet, when asked to repeat something right back (what I can infer from this picture, that’s what they were most likely asking her to do) they struggle with completing the task successfully.

You can click on the hyperlink to view the original image ( Image of Little Girl) I then took the image and saved it to my laptop and uploaded it to an online (free!!!) photoshop website. This website was called, “Pixlr Editor” (you can find it here: https://pixlr.com/editor/ )From here, I was able to add text to the image. After I typed out the text , it was easy to move the text around the image to place it directly where I wanted it. Once I was happy with the final image and MEME, I clicked ‘save’ and it was on my desktop waiting to be uploaded for this assignment!


DS106 MEME The Big Caption

Two Minutes Before Best Buy Opens on Black Friday…

For this week’s MEME assignment, we had to take a popular photo and add words over top of it to change the meaning of the image. I chose a picture of the start line at the Boston Marathon but decided to take it out of the running context. I put the words “Two Minutes Before Best Buy Opens On Black Friday” over the picture because that is what it seems like when you go out in public on Black Friday. This “Holiday” consists of people gathering in huge groups outside of stores to see what deals they can get on marked down items. I am never one to take part in Black Friday festivities because of the large crowd, however, I would be willing to stand in this crowd to start the Boston Marathon, which I think is a bit strange I’d be willing to do one and not the other. Regardless, I thought putting these words over this picture was a bit comical, as Memes are usually meant for comedy purposes.



DS106 MEME 3


This Picture was Originally a picture of a girl who is graduating and is crying tears of joy as she is recognized for her overcoming so many obstacles on her way to graduate. I have turned this picture into a MEME that shows her crying as she is standing among her fellow graduates. The MEME reads “when you realize you have to start paying your loans”. This is one thing that is a downside for a lot of students  as they graduate from college. I thought it would be funny to put that sentence under a crying graduate to lighten the mood while we all begin to realize the fact that we are all going to have to start paying our student loans when we graduate.