DS106 Assignment: THE BIG CAPTION

After looking through the photos on the Boston website, I immediately had a caption idea for this photo. I felt like I related to this photo immediately, and feel that all STRESSED university students can relate as well, because let’s face it… we truly are all stressed. While this woman is holding onto the pole due to being stuck in a bad and windy storm, I felt this described my appearances during exam week. During exam week I typically have back pain due to my backpack being full of every book I own and having to carry them to and from the library daily….as I will be spending a solid 12 hours in the library! Also during exam week, I find myself putting off showering simply because I “do not have time”. This truly is a real university student issue. As for the sleep, it is lacking throughout the whole semester and not just exam week. The woman’s face in this photo shows she is stressed, tired, annoyed and feels like dying…similar to how university students feel during exam weeks. She is losing her balance, which is what I feel like during exam week as I have too much on my mind that I fail to even focus on walking… Anyone else?!



DS106 MEME-The Big Caption

This meme assignment instructed students to take any photo featured on the Boston Globe page, The Big Picture, and create a meme, transforming the meaning of the picture.  I chose a picture of a nursing graduate at the University of Massachusetts Boston.  As soon as I saw the photo, I was struck by the graduate’s emotions.  I could almost feel her relief and happiness that she had overcome one of the major hurdles of life.   As a student myself and as an employee working with students daily, I understand the struggle and determination it takes to make it to graduation.  At the same time though, I thought, “Now she is going to have to pay back her student loans!” We all know the state of student loan debt in the U.S. is bad:  Forbes.com cites that as 2019, about 44 million people in the U.S. as a whole owe a staggering $1.5 trillion in student loan debt.  It is a serious issue that we all have to contemplate, but as with all overwhelming issues, why not laugh a little about it?  To create this meme, I copied the picture in Word, saved it as a picture, and uploaded it to Meme Generator.   I added my text and took a screenshot, edited the screenshot in Word, cut out the annoying logo, and saved it as a picture to upload into WordPress Media Library.


DS106: Say It Like the Peanut Butter

Animated GIF

This GIF was taken from one of my favorite movies, Spider-Man! This was taken from the scene where Peter discovers his new powers and is using them for the first time. In this GIF he is attempting to use his web slinging powers to jump from building to building. A few seconds after this, he actually crashes into the wall when he gets to the next building. I thought this scene was important because it is where Peter is first learning and using his new abilities as Spider-Man. I was debating whether I should pull a scene from Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man or Tom Holland’s Spider-Man Homecoming. I finally decided on the original film adaptation starring Tobey Maguire. This was my first time making a GIF, and it was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. I made the GIF using giphy, a free website. I was able to choose multiple images to create a GIF slideshow, choose a video to trim, or add a URL from YouTube or Vimeo. I opted to use a link from YouTube since the clip I wanted to use was already on there. From there, all I had to do was choose how long I wanted the GIF to be, and which clip from the YouTube video I wanted to use. Making the GIF turned out to be quick and fun!


DS 106 Demotivate Yourself

This demotivational message took me a long time to create.  I don’t typically view many memes (with the exception of Office Space memes, which if you understand the context are the most accurate I have run across) and those aren’t usually demotivational in nature.  I believe that when you view a multitude of memes, like my daughters do on a daily basis, they are easier to design.  I knew from the beginning that I wanted to create this meme with an image that I had taken versus an image bank.  Therefore, this meme was created from a two year old picture of my daughter Cara, who is standing in front of a Justice League movie promotional cutout inside the Saco Cinemagic lobby.  Just as a reference point, each member of our family had a picture taken with the cutouts separately, posing seriously and heroically as if we were a team member of the Justice League.  However, when it was time to take Cara’s picture, she decided that her fragrant, buttery popcorn was more interesting than any superhero pact.  Who can resist freshly made popcorn?

That is what made this image stand apart for me and it makes me laugh every time.



DIS106 Work – Demotivate Yourself

Motivation and me have a very strange relationship. I want to get things done. I like being productive. It’s just that my brain will take that need for productivity and direct it toward something else. It’s like my brain demotivates me from doing an important task, say creating an art piece that I assigned to myself, and motivates me to do something else. It’s a very strange system.

This happens often. When I was in college and I had a big report that I needed to write, I would sit down at my computer for a few minutes… then I’d find myself getting up and walking over to the dorm kitchen to wash the dishes or reorganize the utensil drawer. Even at home, whenever I have a set goal, I find myself walking to the kitchen to do the dishes or start baking. I can’t say my family minds this, considering all the chores in the house that get done, but for my own personal goals it can be frustrating. 

… I can guarantee that is exactly what is going to happen tomorrow. There are dishes that need to be put away and I’m planning on baking a cake for my aunt tomorrow. 

~ Charlotte


DS106 MEME Assignment

Feelings… just pretend they aren’t there.

Sweep your feelings under the rug and pretend they don’t exist. That is the theme I was going for for this weeks meme assignment that focuses on demotivation. Most motivational posters would tell you to get in touch with your feelings and don’t be afraid to express how you are feeling.. so for my demotivational poster I want to encourage people to hide their feelings and ‘sweep them under the rug’… pretend that they don’t exist! It is almost like bottling up your emotions, eventually they will explode, or the messy pile of feelings will be exposed under the lumpy rug, but at least for now you won’t have to deal with them. As I sometimes tell myself: “That’s a future me problem” aka I don’t want to deal with what’d going on in the present, and I’ll let my future self deal with the issue. Although this tactic isn’t the healthiest, it at least buys you some time to figure other things out or just enjoy life despite whatever you are dealing with!




DS106: Demotivate Yourself


At first, I was a little stuck doing this assignment because I could not find any pictures in my camera roll that gave me inspiration. After spending some time scrolling, I came across this picture of a seal taking a nap, looking pretty tired and demotivated. This picture was taken last summer at a park in Niagara Falls, Ontario in Canada. Although the seal was very cute, this was pretty sad to see for a view reasons. The harbor and grey seals were kept in a very large indoor exhibit. The exhibit had its own auditorium, but the park no longer hosted shows with these seals. The seals were kept in a very large tank with hundreds of empty seats around them. Although shows are no longer offered, the park still allowed visitors to come up to the tank and view these seals. It was sad to see that the seals were clearly not given much attention. At my time in this exhibit, I saw maybe 3 other visitors, and no staff to oversee these seals. This exhibit (along with all the other exhibits in the park) were extremely run down, dirty, and outdated. I felt as if I stepped into a time machine that went to the 60’s. The seal in the picture seems to be extremely demotivated, and made me feel down and demotivated as well as I thought about the conditions this poor seal is kept in. I certainly will never be visiting this park ever again. To make this meme I selected a picture from my camera roll and sent it to my email so I was able to view it from my laptop. Then, I uploaded it to a a free meme-maker site (that can be found at https://imgflip.com/memegenerator). This site is very quick and easy to use. It allows the user to upload his or her own picture, or to scroll through previously made memes that other people have made.





DS 106: Demotivate Yourself

A sketchy drawing of a person sitting while holding a low detail video game controller. framed with a black background. In the background, there is text that says "Gesture Drawing attempt. 'There's no such thing as bad art!' - Art Professor".

I had some problems with this assignment in the conceptual stage. Most of the ideas I came up with were either too obscure, since they were based on personal inside jokes, or unfunny, since the text I came up with didn’t seem to work with the format of the meme. After looking at my photos for a bit, I came across this picture I made during a Drawing class I took for an art credit at my university. The drawing was for an assignment on gesture drawing, which Wikipedia says is the laying in of the action, form, and pose of a model/figure. Specifically, my professor wanted us to focus on the general shape and “emotion” of the figure, and to draw quickly. This resulted in this lovely picture I made of my roommate playing a videogame.
Sketchy drawing of a person sitting while holding a low detail video game controller.
My roommate and I thought this picture was so comically bad that I decided poking fun at it would be funny to do for this assignment. I used GIMP to format the picture to fit that of a demotivational poster. I had to do a bit of research to find the correct font to use for the meme since I wanted it to be accurate, and framed the picture with the black background and border before adding the text below the picture. The quote wasn’t said by my professor in relation to this art in particular, but she did say it towards the beginning of the class when explaining how she’d grade our work.


Demotivate Yourself

 For this assignment, we were asked to create a demotivational poster. In the past when I have seen these, they typically had a photo that made you shake your head and agree with the comment placed below it. I was scrolling through my photos to see if I had any photos that made me shake my head and question the context of the photo. This is the photo I settled on. A group of friends and I had just gotten back to campus from a night out and this is how a group of cars was parked. One thing that I’ve noticed, being in New England for school, is that New Englanders generally do not care how they are parked, just that they made it into the parking lot. I thought it was pretty funny that these cars belonged to college students who are out trying to further their education but they can’t park between the lines.  I used this website to make the poster.


DS106 – “Demotivate Yourself MEME”

This is currently the exact representation of my life (and face…). Recently, I have been struggling with finding the motivation to get my a$$ to the gym. From working long days to moving and a whole other endless tasks that are tied to growing up and being an adult (can I go back to being 10 years old and not having a care in the world?! Please…). However, something the demotivates me more, is seeing my friends at the gym and them asking me to join them when I have just walked through the door and graving a snack to be enjoyed on the couch. Creating these MEME’s are cracking me up. There is so much room for creativity that I have found them to be hilarious. For this MEME unlike the last one I did, I used a blank image that is a considered to be a “famous” MEME. The very first MEME I used my own picture and did not think it left an everlasting impression. Hence, why I deiced to the use a well-known image within the MEME world. I googled “Well-Known MEME’s” and found this one of Jim from the office and knew it was perfect for this assignment. You can click on the hyperlink to view the original image ( Image of Jim – Know Your MEME).I then took the image and saved it to my laptop and uploaded it to an online (free!!!) photoshop website. This website was called, “Pixlr Editor” (you can find it here: https://pixlr.com/editor/ )From here, I was able to add text to the image. After I typed out the text , it was easy to move the text around the image to place it directly where I wanted it. Once I was happy with the final image and MEME, I clicked ‘save’ and it was on my desktop waiting to be uploaded for this assignment!

