Daily Create #tdc2702

This Daily Create asked us to write something about becoming a parent or any other paradox. While I have no children of my own, I become a stand-in parent for all of the kids at my summer camp. For 9.5 hours Monday through Friday, I become responsible for about 60 children. I share this responsibility with other people, but after my 15 kids for the day are assigned to me, I become the person that is primarily responsible for their well being.  This job has opened my eyes to the reality of parenthood and responsibility. It has also made me more grateful for teachers, especially for those that have children of their own. Teachers are expected to teach a class full of children for 8 hours a day, some go home to their own children and continue to raise the next generation. There is a lot of responsibility placed on the shoulders of these teachers and every moment I spend with my camp kids, I gain more appreciation for all of the teachers and instructors I have had in the past.


Daily Create DS106 TDC2702


Since moving into my new third floor apartment with my golden retriever Casey, I am abruptly woken up at 6 am (or earlier) to take her out to the bathroom. Because I live on the third floor, I really have to hurry to get her downstairs to avoid an accident. I think this is probably just a preview to what being a parent of a human will be like.. getting woken up at all hours of the night to take care of someone else. I chose this gif to go along with my tweet because it’s exactly how I feel when Casey is standing over my face, heavy breathing and barking in my face. I just want to hide under the covers and ignore her, but as a parent I know that I am responsible for her and when she wants to go out, she gets to go out. Even if we are getting up at 5 am to do so…