Daily Create #2719

Today’s daily create was actually pretty fun! I went on a search for some old magazines we had in the house. This reminded me of an activity I might have done in school years ago in kindergarten or first grade. Instead of making multiple people with the scissors, I decided to include a shark. There are tons of misconceptions and myths about sharks. One of these misconceptions is that sharks are “maneaters”. This couldn’t be father from the truth. Sharks do not eat humans for food. From a shark’s perspective, humans look a lot like seals or other prey.   I wrote one of my recent blog posts on shark finning, so I thought it would be fitting to include one in here. Also, sharks are just great in general. I have to admit, both the person and the shark are looking a little rough. I think I may prefer drawing with pencils or crayons rather than with scissors..


Daily Create #tdc2719: Draw With Scissors

This daily create was one of the few ones I did that didn’t involve much technological use. We were tasked with creating a piece of art using only scissors and some paper. I knew I wanted to do something somewhat simple since it’s hard to cut good details with the regular scissors I had. After thinking about what I wanted to do for a while, I eventually decided on doing a scuba diver with fish swimming around them. I figured for the scuba diver that I wanted the flippers and mask to be distinct from the person so it was more clear what was going on, so I decided to use distinct colors and base the mask design off of old scuba masks.

PsBattle: This person in an old fashioned diving suit from photoshopbattles

Thankfully, my parents haven’t taken out the paper recycling yet, so I had plenty of paper to choose from. I decided on a newspaper for the body, since it was a neutral color, and green from a flyer for the mask and flippers. I also drew the mask on to be more realistic. On the same flyer was some blue, so I cut out some bubbles to add detail to the art. I then picked out another flyer and cut out some tiny fish to complete the work. I put them on a piece of printer paper to get the background. For the Twitter caption, I thought it would be interesting to use the double meaning of “swimming with the fishes”, so I did that as well as make a reference to the fact that my art was made with scissors.


Daily Create #tdc 2719

Daily Create-Draw With Scissors

I think this was one of the oddest daily create challenges so far.  Students were instructed to “draw with scissors”; in other words, grab scissors and paper to cut out shapes of people.  It’s been a long time since I cut out paper dolls.  I unfortunately did not have any disposable text.  Our family doesn’t subscribe to any magazines or newspapers; we have gone paperless.  We didn’t even have junk mail around (recycling day was just Thursday).  So, instead, I was forced to use regular printer paper.  However, I tried to make my people interesting by using some oddly shaped scrapbook scissors.     The scissors actually made some great waves for hair.  I set my curvy gingerbread people on a table mat to help them stand out better in my picture.
