DS106 work Significant Objects

Beautifully painted and versatile Ceramic Pumpkin

Purchased a week before Halloween on the day of a full moon. This little pumpkin has the energy of spirits flowing through it. Wither the spirits are troublesome or not depends on you but this pumpkin has never lasted long in homes. But that doesn’t mean odd things don’t occur to the pumpkin its self.  When placed in water it floats when it should sink, placed on tables or other surfaces you’ll always here a “clUNK” or “THUD” at night to find it had fallen on the floor. With all these strange occurrences happening the oddest one, is the appearance of hermit crabs and other small animals in the pumpkin itself. This only happens at night and I capture this photo by staking out all night. Typically you can hear the noise of the animals scurrying around the room at night and find things amidst in the mornings; if you leave a hand or foot outside of the covers the creatures start to nibble and bite in hopes devour your flesh.


Rip Van Wrinkle Daily Create challenege

This is prompt was inspired because I want to try my hand at making a Gif, and While looking in my videos I saw this and thought how the bumblebee looked like it was running into the camera. The daily create challenge was about waking up after a 100-year nap. I figured that if fell asleep I would be in the woods and be woken up in a very ridiculous way. I love telling stories and often tell them to my siblings and friends, impromptu stories are my favorite as they hold so much potential. If I wasn’t an environmentalist I would have been a storyteller or novelist.
