
What’s on your toast?

In short? Cheddar, that’s it. I usually don’t have toast for breakfast but when I do, I make sure I have some sort of protein on it.

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What’s on your toast?

In short? Cheddar, that’s it. I usually don’t have toast for breakfast but when I do, I make sure I have some sort of protein on it.

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Daily Create #TDC2692

I did the daily create titled “What’s In Your Toast”.  For the daily create I chose a gif that displayed a slideshow of different toasts with different kinds of topping on them.  I chose this gif because toast is one of the things I eat in the morning when I don’t have all that much time to get ready.  To make my day easy, I quickly pop the toast in my microwave and pick out a combination of toppings for it (usually whatever I can find in my fridge).  Today, I have a hard time choosing what I wanted for breakfast and I made two different kinds of toast.  One contained sunflower seed peanut butter, bananas, raspberries, and honey.  The other toast contained cream cheese and avocado.


Daily Create #tdc2692

Today’s DC is “What’s in your toast?”. Ironically, I had toast that morning, but I decided to sketch it out instead. I usually spread raspberry jam on my toast. This, obviously, was just a quick sketch with a pencil that took me about two hours to complete. I think the biggest challenge when drawing this was the shading on the jam jar. Looking at it now, I can see spots where I can improve, particularly matching the shading of the jar and the cover so they are more aligned. I tried to convey the foreground and background on the jar, as well as it’s curvature. A little tip about drawing spherical shapes: It doesn’t simply go from dark to light in the presence of a light source. There will also be a core shadow, which is a dark band that is visible where light and shadow meet.

That’s all for today, thank you!


Daily Create #tdc2692


Doesn’t this just want you to make breakfast all day long! If only the process of making avocado toast looked as effortless as this GIF makes it seem. There is nothing more enjoyable than making some delicious avocado toast, sitting on the back porch overlooking the beautiful Casco Bay while enjoying a warm cup coffee. Yes… Summer my friends is here! There is always something special about the mornings that I have always enjoyed. The quiet time of reflection maybe spent over some sort of carb (yes.. I would die without carbs). Today, my “toast” has in store a busy day, spent with friends and family!  As I spent time reflecting on how I wanted to express my “What in Your Toast” daily create, and when my eyes fixated on this GIF from talent Al Boardman, I couldn’t exist to borrow his creation. Not only has it perfectly described what I wanted to convey, it has given me inspiration for my own creation next week!

Daily Create #tdc2692

For this DC I thought “Whats in your toast?” was a really interesting question. I couldn’t quite think of what toppings would be interesting or would make sense. But as I was getting ready to leave for work I thought of how toast is such a comfort food, I mean it’s literally so easy to make with just a piece of bread and butter but it’s still so good. I began to think metaphorically about this question instead of literally to find what or where was my “toast”. I came to the conclusion that my toast is my house. It is the place where I grew up in and have so many memories in. When I am away at school I sometimes feel myself wanting that comfort of my home and my family. Also toast was always something my mom would make for me whenever I was sick and had to stay home from school.  This daily create allowed me to think critically as well as creatively about the deeper meaning of toast.


Daily Create #tdc2692


The daily create for May 26th was all about toast! Unfortunately, I did not have toast for breakfast this morning so I was unable Tweet out a picture of my own toast. Since I did not have my own toast, one of the first things that came to mind was a scene from one of my favorite shows, That ’70s Show! In this scene, all of the main characters are sitting in a circle, and someone mentions toast. Although, they do not mention it in the same context as Fez (the character in the GIF) thinks. Fez is persistent that someone makes toast and eventually blurts out “Where’s my toast you idiots!”. I did struggle to think of something for this daily create at first, but I was eventually able to think of something with a little humor. This GIF was already conveniently made by someone previously. I was able to find this GIF on Twitter via GIF Tenor!
