Daily Create #tdc2703

Daily Create: #tdc2703

Catching the You-Fish

Today’s daily create, “Catching the You-Fish” is all about what could be used to lure me in as bait. Among my friends and family, I am known for having a notorious sweet tooth (this has been quite a pain in the past concerning dentist bills). Candy, chocolate, deserts, you name it. Recently, I’ve been trying my hand at baking deserts, and it’s been quite fun.

The above image is a red velvet cake I had baked for my aunt and mother’s birthday (you could call this a double daily create). I had visited a few of my friends yesterday and brought some with me, eating together beside an outdoor bonfire. I find eating sweets by myself enjoyable, but I find it moreso with friends sitting outside at midnight by a fire.






Too basic? I thought so too… yet, I did not post a picture of me drinking one of the many Starbucks coffee’s that I’ve consumed already this year. Anyways.. I embrace the “basic white girl life”(honestly… I have no shame). I do indeed enjoy a glass(or two) of chilled white wine. I will fall hook, line and sinker each time there is a freshly poured glass placed within my reach. So… angler, your odds of catching me, the “You-Fish” are pretty good if you follow my simple one step instruction. That is, 1:Wine!  This image I found in my camera roll from I believe last summer, since then, I have tasted several delicious crisp wines but this one… This one in particular really left an everlasting impression on myself. Now, since I am confessing some personal quality traits about myself, I must keep going and share that I am a total “judge the bottle of wine by it’s label”. YUP! I am. And if you ask me if the label has anything whatsoever with the taste of the particular bottle, I will tell you yes until I’m blue in the face. This bottle caught my eye at the grocery store and I just knew it needed to be sampled by yours truly the “You-Fish” Not only do I enjoy it’s label, I also enjoy the name, Seaglass! Happy sipping!

Daily Create #tdc2703: Catching the You-Fish

In today’s daily create, they ask us to imagine what bait or lure we would be caught with if we were a fish. I’m a huge fan of sweet things, like cake, ice cream, candies, and breakfast sweets, so I imagine if I was a fish, I would be caught with sweets. I went on Giphy for some inspiration. My main challenge was figuring out which specific sweet I should focus on for my daily create. A lot of the gifs I could find mainly focused on burgers and pizza, so I had to filter through that to get to gifs related to sweets. I ended up finding the perfect gif while looking, so I used it for the create. I liked it because I know Salem the cat can be sassy, kind of like me, and the gif of him eating the pancakes looked kind of funny to me. This may not be my most creative submission, but I thought it fit well with the prompt.
