Daily Create #tdc2714

What I wrote for this tweet was actually not the first idea that came to my mind. When I saw that the prompt was asking about fruit travel, my very first thought was, “BANANA BOAT!” Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who thought this because a person had posted their creative banana boat response a few hours earlier. My second thought was how apples, not bananas, could be used as transportation. Worms are known in the cartoon world for always living in apples, and to transport is, of course they would have to fall from a tree.

What They Might Have Done in Social Media

Amelia Earhart is most famously known as an American female pilot who disappeared in attempts to fly over the Pacific, never to be seen again. In our history, she is a famous figure for aviation as well as women’s rights. While creating her Fakebook, I included some pictures of her as well as her birthday, hometown, and hobbies. Her posts on Fakebook are funny and I feel as though they fit what we see this historical figure as now. If Amelia Earhart has a phone with facebook on it back in the day, maybe she could have called someone when she disappeared or posted her coordinates for someone to come find her. That is by saying if she had wifi. 

DS106 MEME: The Big Caption

Fire Breathing Dragon Takes Hawaii!!! I adapted this image from the Boston Globe into a meme of a news report of the damage of a fire breathing dragon. In the meme, I included “angry dragon,” and “houses destroyed,” to really make the image seem real (just kidding). I think that the words I put on the picture really changed the message that the original picture was showing, which was the intent all along. 

Originally, the picture that I used from the Boston Globe was an Eruption of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano.  Although this is a catastrophic event, when I first looked at it I saw what appeared to be flames coming from a source. Of course, that source would only make sense if it was a dragon’s mouth. Right?

Home Video GIF


For this home video GIF assignment, I chose to share one of my most embarrassing (and painful) moments to date. This video was taken when I was 17 years old, by my mother while I was visiting my cousin’s house. My cousin had just saved up her birthday and Christmas money to buy a brand new hoverboard. I was excited to try it and they told me it was “not even hard to use.” Lies. I have never claimed to be the most athletically inclined individual, and I feel as though this GIF really showcases my lack of ability.  After the fail ensued, I must have lied on the ground with an ice pack for 15 minutes, moaning in pain. It is safe to say that I have never, and will never, put my tall lengthy body on a hoverboard ever again. End of story. 

The Daily Create #tdc2708

Today’s Daily Create was easy- no question about it. As soon as I saw that the prompt was to name your theme song, my mind went straight to “walking on sunshine.” I have a playlist on my Spotify called “Morning Happy Tunes,” and this is one of the first songs that plays on que. It is such a mood lifter and you simply have to dance while listening. If it wasn’t going to be this song, it most likely would have been a beyonce song of some sorts because, duh, powerful women and what not.

#ds106 #walkingonsunshine

Daily Create #tdc2707

Today’s Daily Create was interesting and definitely made me think. Thankfully, I had many books to choose from that I had read. As an English major, I took a class this past semester where I read a total of 8 novels, of which one was Alice in Wonderland. I really enjoyed reading the original text of such a well-known story. For today’s daily create, I am sad that I have completely butchered a sketch of what the novel reminds me of, but this is the best that I could do! I enjoy writing these daily creates and coming up with creative ideas to post for them.  #tdc2707

DS 106 Web: Color Walk Timeline


For the color walk project, I took a 20-minute walk through the UNE Biddeford campus and tried to look for the color purple. At first, I really wanted to choose green because it was a much easier color to find. Purple was more challenging, but I like the way that the timeline came out. While using the program, it took me a while to figure out how to properly edit the google spreadsheet as well as make the final product look professional. After playing with it for a while and watching some videos, I actually see myself using this software in the future for a project of some sort. It is an interesting design style- and definitely a little low budget, but I appreciate the various features of the program. The examples that they shared on their page were very impressive and looked very well put together. This was definitely a learning curve for me but I am happy that I finally figured it out.

DS106: Say it Like The Penut ​Butter


When the prompt said to pick a movie to make a GIF with, I immediately thought of Legally Blonde. In this movie, Reece Witherspoon has a very famous scene where she shows a group of ladies at a hair and nail salon one of her most famous tricks to get a man’s attention. This GIF shows her performing the so famous bend and snap, with the group of ladies. This is the most classic scene of this movie, in my opinion. I made this GIF using GIPHY. I liked this website because it made designing the GIF easy as well as had many options of what to add to the GIF once it was complete. 

Daily Create #tdc2701

For today’s Daily Create, I had to really… get creative. Clet is an artist who turns normal every-day sign designs into odd, yet interesting, pieces of art. Clet actually draws on the signs themselves, whereas I just edited a sign digitally. The sign I chose is one that I don’t really see a lot, but I do think that it is funny and has a lot of potential. When I look at the sign, I see a car swerving off the road. I thought to myself, why would a car swerve off of the road? If a bear was chasing them of course! I found this prompt a little harder than usual because the answer didn’t come to me at first, and I really had to think about how I was going to respond to this. I think that this option was unique.

Demotivating Meme

Sunday mornings can be hard. Social media platforms have even branded this Sunday morning sensation as “The Sunday Scaries.” This picture was taken while I was on a medical mission in Costa Rica. We were walking door to door to ask if anyone in the house would like to see a doctor. We had an entire medical staff with us were setting up a volunteer clinic. When we arrived on this doorstep, this small dog was sitting in a flower planter without flowers with a very sad look on his face. I gave him some banana and he cheered up pretty fast. This meme inspiration came from the look on his face while he is sitting in that flower pot, and I could only imagine why he was sitting there! I consider this meme to be very de-motivating. Nobody wants to end up in a flower pot without knowing how they got there.