Daily Create #tdc2700

When I first read the prompt for this daily create, I was a little bit confused. Never before had I used an artificial intelligence tool like this, and it was pretty interesting. At first, I typed in some generic words to feel out how the machine operated such as, “today,” and “After lunch,”. It was giving me some interesting paragraphs, but it was mostly just going off of the words that I had been using most frequently while writing on my laptop such as “blog” and “response.” Then I decided to type in something a little bit odd. Bananas coming out of my ears! Now that is a topic to start with alright. And I guess I found during research that there is a really long production. Who knew?

Selfi with Nelli

Me: “SAY CHEESE!” Nelli: “Cheese!! Where?” 

For this DS106 assignment,  I chose to pick an older picture with my golden retriever, Nelli, since I am not living with her right now. Nelli’s favorite snacks include (but are not limited to): strawberries, bananas, peanut butter, apples, carrots, ranch dressing, and cheese! She is seven years old and her birthday is on December 1st. She is the worst frisbee fetch player I have ever seen. Instead of returning it, she simply sits on it as to say, “I won human.”

Nelli was a gift from my brother on my 14th birthday. He was in Afghanistan and still wanted to make my day special. He named her after the Italian gun brand, Benelli. Her nicknames are endless and include: nell bell, smelly nelli, nellster, belly, and bellster. She is the sweetest girl in the whole world and her best friend is Dixie, my brother’s 2-year-old black lab. Although they each have their own bed, they choose to snuggle in one bed together. Their hobbies include swimming in the pond, rolling in the dirt, chasing squirrels, and ripping the squeakers out of toys (the ultimate goal).

What’s the Meme?

When making a meme, dogs always make for quality content. If someone doesn’t like dogs- well they probably don’t like memes or any other fun things (jk, cats are cool too!). The featured star in this meme is my brother’s dog, Dixie, my dog niece. Her favorite part about springtime is running around and finding dirt piles to dig in around our house. Prior to this picture being taken, she found her way into my mother’s prized flower garden- whoops! Dixie is a good girl, however, she definitely didn’t get a treat for this stunt. With this cute face though, how could you not still give her kisses on that dirty nose? 

I have used the app memetic before and it is fairly easy to maneuver. My friends and I actively participate in “memeing” each other in our group chat- in a friendly way of course! Although I do like the presets that the app can offer, I prefer to use my own pictures to make it more personal. 


Daily Create #tdc2694

When I read today’s daily create, I didn’t think that I would be able to come up with anything because I am currently living in a small apartment. It is limited to very many unique or interesting views that look less than earthly. As I started looking through my camera roll for some inspiration, I noticed that last night’s sunset was beautiful, to say the least. It then clicked that I could use something that was on earth, to answer the question, “Find a view of someplace around you that might be mistaken for anywhere but Earth.” I think this view is not only stunning but also not very common. I would say that this sunset was definitley, “out of this world.”

Daily Create #tdc2693

For today’s daily create, I took a little bit different of a route. I would like to start off explaining myself by letting you know that I wrote this tweet while I was hungry (usually not a good idea). The prompt asked what happens next after waking up from a 100-year nap. The first thought I had was obviously that I would be hungry. Then I thought, well how will people be eating food 100 years from now? 100 years ago I’m sure people thought of Ubereats, and that was a shocker. In the future, I am sure that we will be whipping up gourmet meals with the help of a 3D printer- and what better way to try it out then with a lobstah’ roll?

Daily Create #tdc2689

I found today’s @ds106dc interesting and it really took me a long time to think about before I could finally decide which aspect of my terribly messy life I would share with the internet. As far as detritus collections go, there is anything in this house from the collection of half lost pairs of socks to the “mystery cord bucket” that no one seems to ever return to after dropping off a cord that they just couldn’t remember where it came from (most are from old VHS boxes and such). I chose these teddy bears to expose myself with because the thing about them is the collection never really stops. It literally gets bigger every year. This is honestly a problem- please call my grandma and tell her to stop. This is not a practicle gift. At the same time though, it is interesting to look back and see that I have been collecting these bears since 1998- wow!



I want to make a few announcements regarding the Customizing ePortfolio I assignment.

First, Mikaela found out that I inadvertently put two due dates for it, May 24 and May 26. While I intended for it to be done by May 24 because I don’t like students to have lots of work hanging over the weekend, I also own my mistakes. I will not count the assignment as late if it is done by 11:59PM on May 26.

Second, at least a couple students are struggling to do that assignment because they’re confused about the DIFFERENCE between the course site and their ePortfolio site. Remember, we each have 2 logins to 2 different WordPress sites: ENG304 Site & ePortfolio.

  • ePortfolio site will be YOURUNEUSERNAME.uneportfolio.org.
  • My course site is, well, you know (michaeljcripps.com/summer2019eng30401)

Third, with the exception of the Forum work, ALL YOUR HOMEWORK will be done in YOUR ePortfolio. You make your blog posts on YOUR site. You customize YOUR site. You create pages on YOUR site to show your DS106 work. And more.

Now, I want to emphasize that we are all learning here, and making mistakes and getting confused is what learning and growth requires. I’m not bothered by some messiness as we move forward, and I encourage us all to trust in the process. By this time next week, you’ll have a stronger grasp of your ePortfolio.

Introductory Walkthrough Video

Welcome to English 304, Reading and Writing in Digital Environments!

There’s no way to describe how excited I am to see what you can do over the next six weeks.

Let’s get started with an orientation to the course and its components:

Note: The video below shows an earlier course theme; the actual content is accurate and remains current.