Home Video GIF


For this home video GIF assignment, I chose to share one of my most embarrassing (and painful) moments to date. This video was taken when I was 17 years old, by my mother while I was visiting my cousin’s house. My cousin had just saved up her birthday and Christmas money to buy a brand new hoverboard. I was excited to try it and they told me it was “not even hard to use.” Lies. I have never claimed to be the most athletically inclined individual, and I feel as though this GIF really showcases my lack of ability.  After the fail ensued, I must have lied on the ground with an ice pack for 15 minutes, moaning in pain. It is safe to say that I have never, and will never, put my tall lengthy body on a hoverboard ever again. End of story. 

The Daily Create #tdc2708

Today’s Daily Create was easy- no question about it. As soon as I saw that the prompt was to name your theme song, my mind went straight to “walking on sunshine.” I have a playlist on my Spotify called “Morning Happy Tunes,” and this is one of the first songs that plays on que. It is such a mood lifter and you simply have to dance while listening. If it wasn’t going to be this song, it most likely would have been a beyonce song of some sorts because, duh, powerful women and what not.

#ds106 #walkingonsunshine

Daily Create #tdc2708


“Friends” is a late 1990s, early 2000s show about these roommates who have different episodes and adventures together that show the intimate relationships between roommates. They, like most television shows, have a theme song. One of the most recognizable theme songs according to different blogs and online forums has a clapping sequence in which you clap 4 times, quickly in a row. The joke within the tweet is that if an individual doesn’t know the theme song, they must be living under a rock.

Daily Create #tdc2707

Today’s Daily Create was interesting and definitely made me think. Thankfully, I had many books to choose from that I had read. As an English major, I took a class this past semester where I read a total of 8 novels, of which one was Alice in Wonderland. I really enjoyed reading the original text of such a well-known story. For today’s daily create, I am sad that I have completely butchered a sketch of what the novel reminds me of, but this is the best that I could do! I enjoy writing these daily creates and coming up with creative ideas to post for them.  #tdc2707

DS106 MEME assignment “The Big Caption”


Who put her in charge?! For this assignment… we were instructed to take a photo from The Big Picture page from the Boston Globe. Next, we were then told to lay some typographical text elements in a way that changes the message. I sat with this photo for a while (it was my favorite & so very cute!) and I thought about the message I was getting from it. A little girl conducting a group of adults who are playing instruments. Therefore, the message is that she would not be standing before these adults if she was unaware of what her job entailed. SO… this leads to the text that I choose to use that changes the meaning. “Ah.. 5, 6, 7 & 8……Oops. I already forgot”. In my opinion this cracked me up because if you have ever spent any time around children (all I do), it is comical how their little brains work. They have the most incredible memories for certain things (recalling specific things). Yet, when asked to repeat something right back (what I can infer from this picture, that’s what they were most likely asking her to do) they struggle with completing the task successfully.

You can click on the hyperlink to view the original image ( Image of Little Girl) I then took the image and saved it to my laptop and uploaded it to an online (free!!!) photoshop website. This website was called, “Pixlr Editor” (you can find it here: https://pixlr.com/editor/ )From here, I was able to add text to the image. After I typed out the text , it was easy to move the text around the image to place it directly where I wanted it. Once I was happy with the final image and MEME, I clicked ‘save’ and it was on my desktop waiting to be uploaded for this assignment!


DS106 WEB assignment 2





Pocahontas was a Native American woman from the Tsenacommacah region of Virginia. She was known for her relationship to James Town and John Smith. she was Born in 1569 and died in 1617. If Pocahontas had these online tools during her time, she may have been able to talk to people online and communicate long distances. When she was captured and held hostage by the colonists she could have used social media to contact her family or to call for help. She could have been rescued if she had been able to contact her community.









Daily create scene that book


I just finished this book that a friend gave me for my birthday. It’s her favorite book and one of mine as well, this book is a series and I’ll now be buying and read the whole series lol. The realness of the characters is striking and the images that Maggie paints with her words makes the book play like a movie in your head.

DS106 MEME The Big Caption

Two Minutes Before Best Buy Opens on Black Friday…

For this week’s MEME assignment, we had to take a popular photo and add words over top of it to change the meaning of the image. I chose a picture of the start line at the Boston Marathon but decided to take it out of the running context. I put the words “Two Minutes Before Best Buy Opens On Black Friday” over the picture because that is what it seems like when you go out in public on Black Friday. This “Holiday” consists of people gathering in huge groups outside of stores to see what deals they can get on marked down items. I am never one to take part in Black Friday festivities because of the large crowd, however, I would be willing to stand in this crowd to start the Boston Marathon, which I think is a bit strange I’d be willing to do one and not the other. Regardless, I thought putting these words over this picture was a bit comical, as Memes are usually meant for comedy purposes.



DS106 Assignment: HOME VIDEO GIF

My home video is of course a video of my nonno! These were the good old days, when Nonno was still at home and I would eat dinner at his house every Thursday. I would always sit right next to him. In this home video, he was saying to me “You’re my girl”. I had to document this on video because the best thing I will ever be in this life is “his girl”. I am so thankful to have documented many memories as such on my phone, as I will always have them to look back on. This is one of the great things about technology; it is so easy to document things. I am always recording, snap chatting, or taking photos. I feel this is an important thing to do as it leaves us with wonderful memories such as this. This GIF assignment will be my favourite as it allowed me to reminiscence on a good memory from and old home video.


DS106 Assignment: Colour Walk Time Lines

http://<iframe src=’https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/timeline3/latest/embed/index.html?source=12IUtaXqQAteBcqYqfay6EEFvp2Wul8cJkxGxDGNruZg&font=Default&lang=en&initial_zoom=2&height=650′ width=’100%’ height=’650′ webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen frameborder=’0′></iframe>

On my 20 minute walk in my neighbourhood, I observed the colour grey. I was surprised at how many different items I seen that were grey! I enjoyed taking this walk as I love to get exercise. This assignment forced me to look around and take in my surroundings. In today’s society, I often fall victim to being sucked into my phone; and as such, am unaware of what is around me. This was a relaxing and enjoyable walk.. I am thankful I finally had a nice day as it has been raining daily!
