GIF assignment 2


My family did not make home videos of us when we were young so I had to use a video I took when I was in France last summer with my dad. I made this GIF from a video I took of my dad in the Alps in France. We were on the border of France and Italy and we decided to take some cool pictures.  We were trying to take a jumping picture so it would look like he was jumping over the Italian Alps but it obviously did not work as well as we had planned. Now I just have a funny video of my dad jumping in front of the Italian Alps, so i decided to use it in my assignment today.

DS106 MEME 3


This Picture was Originally a picture of a girl who is graduating and is crying tears of joy as she is recognized for her overcoming so many obstacles on her way to graduate. I have turned this picture into a MEME that shows her crying as she is standing among her fellow graduates. The MEME reads “when you realize you have to start paying your loans”. This is one thing that is a downside for a lot of students  as they graduate from college. I thought it would be funny to put that sentence under a crying graduate to lighten the mood while we all begin to realize the fact that we are all going to have to start paying our student loans when we graduate.

Daily Create #tdc2707


Today’s daily create asked us to draw a picture that depicts the essence of an entire book. I chose to draw a picture of the hunger games. I think this picture does a good job capturing the essence of the hunger games. Katniss Everdeen is sitting in a tree where she sleeps her first night in the games. Above her is a little girl named Rue who becomes her friend and Katniss originally meets her when they are both in trees. At the bottom of the drawing there are other people walking around that are also in the hunger games. This group of people harasses Katniss the whole time so they are at the bottom of the tree to show that part of the book. The symbol at the top of the picture is the mockingjay pin Katniss wears on her outfit during the book and movie. It is also on the cover of the book.

Daily Create #tdc2706

Today’s DS106 prompt called for us to make a rule of our own. The rule I came up with was to “Be original and bring creativity into the assignments”. The famous cofounder of Apple once said, “Creativity is just connecting things”. Although this quote is short and simple, I think it can apply to this course. He thought that in order to be successful creatively, we need to think of all of the ideas that have come before us. Making connections and drawing from other ideas can be beneficial. It is important that we our ideas unique, and make them our own. To make this image I used a free program called “picfont”. This was my first time using this website, and it was relatively easy to use. I chose to use this website over others due to the fact that it did not put a watermark in the corner of the image. All I had to do was upload the image, and add the text I wanted. I was able to change the font of the text as well as the size and color. Although there are images out there with this same exact quote, I wanted to make my own. During the process, I learned how to use a new website!


DS106 Assignment: THE BIG CAPTION

After looking through the photos on the Boston website, I immediately had a caption idea for this photo. I felt like I related to this photo immediately, and feel that all STRESSED university students can relate as well, because let’s face it… we truly are all stressed. While this woman is holding onto the pole due to being stuck in a bad and windy storm, I felt this described my appearances during exam week. During exam week I typically have back pain due to my backpack being full of every book I own and having to carry them to and from the library daily….as I will be spending a solid 12 hours in the library! Also during exam week, I find myself putting off showering simply because I “do not have time”. This truly is a real university student issue. As for the sleep, it is lacking throughout the whole semester and not just exam week. The woman’s face in this photo shows she is stressed, tired, annoyed and feels like dying…similar to how university students feel during exam weeks. She is losing her balance, which is what I feel like during exam week as I have too much on my mind that I fail to even focus on walking… Anyone else?!



Daily Create #tdc2706

I thought that a canonical law of doing a  daily create was to always use memories for inspiration. Most of the daily creates that I have done are based off of memories that are recollected after reading each daily create for that day. I find that I have a lot of happy memories associated with the daily creates and writing about them has been enjoyable for me. I think that the purpose of the daily creates are to bring out our creative side and have fun with how we decide to interpret them. It’s always interesting to go through and see the different ideas that everyone has come up with and how they differ from your own. Perhaps the most difficult part of the daily creates is trying to put my interpretation into words, but usually the image I use helps tell the story.


DS106 MEME-The Big Caption

This meme assignment instructed students to take any photo featured on the Boston Globe page, The Big Picture, and create a meme, transforming the meaning of the picture.  I chose a picture of a nursing graduate at the University of Massachusetts Boston.  As soon as I saw the photo, I was struck by the graduate’s emotions.  I could almost feel her relief and happiness that she had overcome one of the major hurdles of life.   As a student myself and as an employee working with students daily, I understand the struggle and determination it takes to make it to graduation.  At the same time though, I thought, “Now she is going to have to pay back her student loans!” We all know the state of student loan debt in the U.S. is bad: cites that as 2019, about 44 million people in the U.S. as a whole owe a staggering $1.5 trillion in student loan debt.  It is a serious issue that we all have to contemplate, but as with all overwhelming issues, why not laugh a little about it?  To create this meme, I copied the picture in Word, saved it as a picture, and uploaded it to Meme Generator.   I added my text and took a screenshot, edited the screenshot in Word, cut out the annoying logo, and saved it as a picture to upload into WordPress Media Library.


DS106 #tdc 2706

DS106 #tdc 2706

The Daily Create for today was to “Tweet one law of #ds106 to add to its own canonical list”.  Daily Creates tend to make me nervous because I often have to work with applications I have never used, create a unique idea, and tweet it out to people that I have never met before.  The pressure is intense!  In the end, I find that I have to swallow my anxieties about what others may think as well as my own perfectionist tendencies.  I might not come up with the best ideas, but at least I am making an attempt.  Then I asked myself, am I having fun with this?  I keep viewing a Daily Create as a dreaded assignment.  So I thought that I should tweet out a rule that reminded us to have fun during the process.   Since I really enjoyed the GIF activity, I decided that I should implement one in my tweet.  I created my second GIF with GIPHY and this time experimented with some text and other features to customize it to my concept.  Originally, I was searching for a Three Stooges or I Love Lucy clip, but was unable to find a decent mixing scene.  Eventually, I found this clip from one of the Matilda movies and realized it had the “sprinkling” and “mixing” aspect I was looking for. Ultimately I did have fun with #tdc 2706 and will try to remember my own law moving forward!



Clet A Sign

Portal 2 Clet

For my Clet a Sign I decided that I wanted it to be original. So I looked up examples on one. I saw, some of a naked man holding a do not enter, some religious related ones, and so on. For this I wanted to make it not political and not have any religious factors in. So I sat back and thought about it. I thought why not a Rotary sign. There are a lot of things that can go wrong in those. So I came up with this Beauty.


As some of you may know, In the game Portal two, they jump through a lot of circles. With games as my main companion as a child, Portal is one of the classics. Right now he is just trying to get to the next level, the only way to do that? Jump through a Rotary.



Color walk timelines

This assignment asked us to go for a walk and document 5-8 iterations of a color. I wanted to try to find green things that weren’t just grass. I live in a suburban neughborhood so a lot of the green things are either grass or trees. My camera’s time and date are off as well. I promise I wasn’t out taking photos at 2 o’clock AM!

The timeline was difficult to make, but after watchign the instuction video and uploading all of my photos to flickr, I was able to get it into the timeline format that the promt suggested. It also took me a while to figure out how to get the timeline to show up on the page. I finally tried to add just the url of the preview similar to how I get my daily create tweets to show up on those pages.

