Daily Create #tdc2704

Daily Create: #tdc2704

Today’s daily create: Gif Your Favorite Thing.

Critical Role, the show were a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors sit around and play dungeons and dragons. No really, that’s the descriptor. Once a week, always a Thursday, my favorite gang of voice actors will sit at a table and stream their dungeon and dragons game for four hours. One would think it would be boring, but it’s actually very entertaining. Each player acts as their character, down to the mannerisms and voice (expected of literal voice actors).

I’ve always wanted to play dungeons and dragons. I had the opportunity for a quick game in high school, and I was hooked. One of my friends, who also plays, recommenced that I watch a show featuring some voice actors I knew of, specifically Mathew Mercer and Travis Willingham. In freshman year of college, with nothing to do, I sat down at my computer and looked up Critical Role on youtube, clicked on the first video, and then realized they were four hours long each and over 90 videos, so I quickly moved onto something else. 

Junior year of college however, with nothing to do, I looked back at it, and realized they had started a new campaign, this one at 45 episodes. Deciding that was doable, I started watching it in my free time, and I was hooked. The amount of passion these actors put into their characters, creating their personalities and backstories. This group of friends acting out their characters bonding and developing friendships. The wonderful story-line Matt Mercer weaved. I laughed when they laughed at their own antics, cheered when they cheered at a successful boss fight. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of watching it.   

I am currently at episode 64 of 66, two more episodes until I am caught up and can start watching the live-stream. I can’t wait!

~ Charlotte


DS 106: Color Walk Time Line

This assignment was an interesting one. They asked us to choose a color, take a 20 min walk, and take a few pictures with that color included. However, instead of taking a walk through nature, as seen in the example, I thought I’d take a walk through a nearby convention. I choose the color blue, since I love blue, and thought that it would be a unique color for this assignment.

My first photo was of this girl wearing a blue kimono, or traditional Japanese outfit. Next was a set of blue multi-sided dice. They had all sorts of blue dice, so it was hard to pick which I should take a picture of for this assignment. The next one features my friend and me in blue attire and was taken after being captured by Stormtroopers as part of a bounty hunting game. We got caught while I was buying a sword, so it was kind of funny having them stand and wait for me to pay before escorting us to “jail”. The nice thing about this booth was that the people were raising money for people with epilepsy. The “shame” was due to my friend jokingly saying my purchase was the reason for our capture. We also went to a panel, which is where I took a picture of my friend’s new toy fox and the blue screen at the front.

In this particular assignment, we were asked to use a website called TimeLine JS to compile all of our pictures into a “timeline”. I found it interesting that you could turn an Excel Spreadsheet into a nice looking timeline so easily and have some bit of customization involved. I did have some trouble figuring out where to put what information on the Excel sheet, but a quick look at all the spreadsheet helped with my confusion. However, I had some issues with embedding the timeline onto this post itself, even after looking online for the answers. Thankfully, a classmate had the same problem and found a solution that worked for both of us.


DS106: Color Walk Time Lines

Color Walk Timelines: Red

The goal of this assignment was to pick a color and take a twenty minute walk, taking photos whenever we came across our chosen color. I thought I had this finished yesterday, but I had misinterpreted the prompt (I’ll post what I had actually created soon). I had work early in the morning, so I was unable to take a long walk. Instead, I took a stroll around my yard, taking photos of my mother’s garden. Since red is her favorite color, I decided to focus on taking photos of the color red.

I enjoyed this assignment. I really appreciate my mother’s garden and the amount of time and effort she put into it. I can’t wait for the rest of the flowers and vegetables she planted to bloom and grow (I’ll have to take some photos for later), but for now, enjoy the early bloomers and various baubles that decorate my front yard.

~ Charlotte


Daily Create #tdc2704



For this daily create, I noticed that they posted about the discovery of the city of Atlantis. Immediately, my mind went straight to the popular disney movie, Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Growing up, that was definitely one of my all time favorite disney movies and maybe one of my favorites in general. The idea of finding a city that was known to be lost by so many people just really fascinated me as a kid. I know that it is not the most famous disney movie that there is out there, but I have always loved it and I have a special connection to the movie. So when seeing this tweet, I decided to find a gif of a scene from that movie. I wanted it to be a very significant scene, one that someone could look at and instantly know what movie it is from. I ended up going with the scene where they finally find Atlantis and at the bottom, the words say specifically “Welcome to Atlantis”. Overall, I really liked this daily create. It wasn’t as challenging as some of the other ones. There were ones throughout the week that I had absolutely no idea what to tweet about but this one seemed like something that would be right up my alley!



#ds106 Color Walk Time Lines



For this assignment, we were told to take a walk for twenty minutes and takes five to eight pictures of whatever color we wanted to. The color I chose is green. I just thought it was such a beautiful day out and there was so much green everywhere that I could see. The first thing I took a picture of was me and my dog. I took him out on a walk and there was a green bush next to him. The second picture was of a groundhog in the woods. There was green everywhere and I just thought that the picture was so cute. The third picture I chose was of a lacrosse game that was going on just down the street. Not only was there green grass everywhere, but their uniforms were also green. Then I went inside and took a picture of the first green thing that I saw, my house’s wallpaper. I love the type of green that it is. It has an old fashioned kind of feel to it. And the last thing that I took a picture of was a green M&M pillow that was in my living room because I think that it is a really cool pillow.



DS106 Color Walk Timeline


For this assignment we were supposed to pick a color and take a 20 minute walk snapping pictures of items we find of that color along the way. I am currently on vacation in Utah so I wanted to complete this assignment while hiking. I wanted to challenge myself with this assignment by picking a color that I wouldn’t normally find along a hiking trail. I could have picked blue or green, but I decided to pick orange and surprisingly I was able to find quite a few items of this color! I chose my top five favorite photos to upload to my color walk timeline. I found brightly colored orange moss on a rock, my friends new balance shoe and his water bottle were the color I was looking for as well. I also found another rock that was orange, and while I was sitting eating my snack, I snapped a picture of my extra toasted cheese its! Lastly, my friend snapped a picture of a woman and her dog because of the bright orange color the dog had on their harness. I had a lot of fun with this assignment, and I’m glad the friends I am with were so up for helping me find orange along our hike in the canyon!



Gif your favorite thing


This Post was hard for me to think about. I couldn’t give myself a definitive answer. Then It hit me! I REALLY like Iced Caramel Macchiatos, like they are amazing. I have gotten to like them so much that my summer roommate has an Espresso machine, and I feel like I use it more than her now.

I might have an addiction.


As A Kid I always Hated Caramel, and I was more into Mocha, But oooo boy, this really opened up my world. I also feel like too much Caramel, is never enough.


#tdc2705 #ds106

**Editors note, Realized my tweet was never added the GIF, so I had to re-Tweet it. Which sucks**

DS106: Color Walk Timeline

This assignment instructed us to take a 20 minute walk and to take 5-8 photos of a color of our choice. I decided to pick the color pink! All of the pink things that I came across on my walk were all flowers of some kind. I was able to find five different locations where there were pink flowers. To make this timeline I used Timeline JS, which was instructed in the prompt.  Watching the instructional “How to” video on their website, along with an additional YouTube video on Timeline JS helped a lot. I found that the “Preview embed” area was also extremely helpful. It took me a few edits to make the timeline look correct. The outline that Timeline JS provides was a little particular with blank spaces, but I finally got it to look correct after a few times. While doing this timeline I also made a Flickr, where I uploaded the photos for this assignment. I saw that the outline Timeline JS provided used Flickr, and gave it a try. I think that Timeline JS is a very useful tool, and could see myself using it in the future. It is fairly easy to use, and also free!


Daily Create #tdc2705

Today’s Daily Create asked us to present one of our favorite things via a GIF. I had so many troubles trying to attach an original GIF to my tweet, but I eventually figured it out… I think.

I love sitting by the water when I’m at school because it’s something I can’t do at home. The beach gives my friends and I a free place to go off campus. The video that the GIF was created from was taken during one of the insanely warm weekends at the tail end of April. A few friends and I rented some Zagsters and biked down to Fortunes Rocks Beach. Honestly, now that I’m home I miss the ocean and the beach, but when I’m at school I miss the mountains and the sunshine at home. I guess I get to live the best of both worlds, at least for a couple more years.


Daily Create #tdc2702

This Daily Create asked us to write something about becoming a parent or any other paradox. While I have no children of my own, I become a stand-in parent for all of the kids at my summer camp. For 9.5 hours Monday through Friday, I become responsible for about 60 children. I share this responsibility with other people, but after my 15 kids for the day are assigned to me, I become the person that is primarily responsible for their well being.  This job has opened my eyes to the reality of parenthood and responsibility. It has also made me more grateful for teachers, especially for those that have children of their own. Teachers are expected to teach a class full of children for 8 hours a day, some go home to their own children and continue to raise the next generation. There is a lot of responsibility placed on the shoulders of these teachers and every moment I spend with my camp kids, I gain more appreciation for all of the teachers and instructors I have had in the past.
