DS106: Color Walk Time Line

I decided to find all things red on my outdoor excursion through my yard and neighborhood. I found many more red things than I was expecting and the result is the timeline seen above. I chose the red because it isn’t a color normally seen in nature and I wanted to make it a bit more challenging for myself. Many of the red things I found were faded due to being left out in the conditions all year long but I still decided to use them because their original color was red. I hope you enjoy my timeline!


Daily Create #tdc2705

Today’s daily create prompt was to “Gif your favorite thing”. I decided to gif my favorite marine mammal, a seal. Seals are very intelligent, and I find them to be extremely interesting. They are able to communicate with each other by making clicking noises and live on a carnivorous diet. There are over 30 species of seals, with the elephant seal being the largest. I used gipfy to create this gif, using a clip from a youtube video. The clip I used for the gif can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7hOqOGFDP4. My favorite thing about using giphy is that it is free! Also, it does not leave a watermark in the corner unlike some other gif creator sites and apps. There were lots of different videos and clips on YouTube of seals doing funny/interesting things, so it was a little hard to pick one. I decided to go with a clip of a video where the seal appeared to be going in a circle while swimming in one place.




Daily Create #tdc2703

Daily Create: #tdc2703

Catching the You-Fish

Today’s daily create, “Catching the You-Fish” is all about what could be used to lure me in as bait. Among my friends and family, I am known for having a notorious sweet tooth (this has been quite a pain in the past concerning dentist bills). Candy, chocolate, deserts, you name it. Recently, I’ve been trying my hand at baking deserts, and it’s been quite fun.

The above image is a red velvet cake I had baked for my aunt and mother’s birthday (you could call this a double daily create). I had visited a few of my friends yesterday and brought some with me, eating together beside an outdoor bonfire. I find eating sweets by myself enjoyable, but I find it moreso with friends sitting outside at midnight by a fire.



DS 106 Web: Color Walk Timeline


For the color walk project, I took a 20-minute walk through the UNE Biddeford campus and tried to look for the color purple. At first, I really wanted to choose green because it was a much easier color to find. Purple was more challenging, but I like the way that the timeline came out. While using the program, it took me a while to figure out how to properly edit the google spreadsheet as well as make the final product look professional. After playing with it for a while and watching some videos, I actually see myself using this software in the future for a project of some sort. It is an interesting design style- and definitely a little low budget, but I appreciate the various features of the program. The examples that they shared on their page were very impressive and looked very well put together. This was definitely a learning curve for me but I am happy that I finally figured it out.

DAILY CREATE #tdc2703/4



Well… today, the Daily Create seems to be MIA. Oh well, I can still play along with the terms of a missing Daily Create and my most beloved missing “bait”. Something that an angler could use very easily to entice  me, is my sweet sleeping angel Khloè. I love this dog, more than I think should be allowed. Boy… do I spoil her rotten. I am…. look at that FACE!!!! The reason why I wrote missing “bait” is because I don’t get to see her everyday. She lives with my mom and dad, and I live in a tiny apartment where she is too big to even fit in the door. Therefore, this addresses the “limited location” aspect of my tweet. I do my best to visit her (as well as the rest of my family and dogs too!) as often as I can. I am actually headed to see her as soon as I get out of work – I am so excited! Making this Daily Create, I sure did have my fun with it. I had to think of a creative way to address the MIA Daily Create and something that lures me in greatly that is missing. Don’t panic, she’s not missing (at least last I knew she wasn’t!!) Missing or not having direct access to is how I am taking a spin on this creation today! I found one of my most favorite pictures of Khloè, and uploaded it to “Wanted Poster Creator” I was able to make edits to the text around the image, such as the reward amount and the name listed! This was very fun and unique. After that it was a simple download to my desktop and upload onto Twitter!


DS106 WEB-Color Walk Time Lines


The DS106 WEB-Color Walk Time Line project instructions stated to select a color and then take a 20 minute walk, while taking pictures of objects of that color.  I took my walk on Friday morning, which was glorious weather-wise.  Although there were colors of purple and pink (mainly lilacs and rhododendrons) throughout my neighborhood, I chose the less vibrant color-white.  I think that as a whole people tend to overlook items that are white because we perceive the color to be mundane.  So I took the time to re-open my eyes and focus on observing the white objects, which contrasted extremely well with the vast amount of green colors in the environment.  Besides typical flowers, I found rocks, architecture, and garden ornaments and attempted to capture their images in different ways.  I encourage you to take a stroll with me by viewing my timeline and take a look for yourself…

As you can see, I did experience an issue with the process though.  I was able to get the hang of the Google Spreadsheet rather quickly once I viewed a YouTube instructional video and generating it from Timeline JS.  However, once the embed code was produced my major issue was importing the timeline into WordPress.  After a couple hours of troubleshooting, I unfortunately had to hyperlink the timeline to my page.


Say it like the peanut butter

I love The Lion King so thinking of a movie for this project wasn’t that difficult. I chose the scene from the song “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King” because I think it captures the movie the best. Simba was forced to grow up quickly and I think the fake mane around him shows that. While this isn’t the most pivotal scene, I think the song really highlights how unprepared Simba was to step into the role of King.

I don’t really make gifs that often even though I use them all the time in my text conversations and on social media. This project allowed me to do some trial and error with the production of gifs and I enjoyed it. I used giphy.com to produce my project.


DS106: Say It Like The Peanut Butter

Say It Like Peanut Butter: Thor Ragnarok

Honestly, I was dreading this assignment. Mostly because I didn’t know how to make a gif, but now that I’ve done it I’m glad I’ve learned. I had to think back to all the movies I’ve seen, which ones I’ve enjoyed, which characters I enjoy, etc.

I’d have to say, one of my favorite scenes is from Thor: Ragnarok, directed by Taika Waititi. This is the scene where Valkyrie was introduced, an iconic bounty hunter who used to be a valkyrie of Asgard and turned to alcohol and bounty hunting to escape bad memories. It’s a very humorous scene, Valkyyrie initially introduced as a drunk, only for her to get up and be a badass and, literally, blow everyone away. Her characterization is an interesting take on the Han Solo archetype, something we rarely see in movies for women characters (which is a shame). With Valkyrie, there isn’t a romanticization of the Han Solo archetype. The movie goes out of its way to show the negatives too. Yes, it’s badass, but it’s lonely.

For creating this assignment, I used a clip from the movie Thor: Ragnarok and clipped my chosen segment with giphy.com.


DS106: Say It Like the Peanut Butter

Animated GIF

This GIF was taken from one of my favorite movies, Spider-Man! This was taken from the scene where Peter discovers his new powers and is using them for the first time. In this GIF he is attempting to use his web slinging powers to jump from building to building. A few seconds after this, he actually crashes into the wall when he gets to the next building. I thought this scene was important because it is where Peter is first learning and using his new abilities as Spider-Man. I was debating whether I should pull a scene from Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man or Tom Holland’s Spider-Man Homecoming. I finally decided on the original film adaptation starring Tobey Maguire. This was my first time making a GIF, and it was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. I made the GIF using giphy, a free website. I was able to choose multiple images to create a GIF slideshow, choose a video to trim, or add a URL from YouTube or Vimeo. I opted to use a link from YouTube since the clip I wanted to use was already on there. From there, all I had to do was choose how long I wanted the GIF to be, and which clip from the YouTube video I wanted to use. Making the GIF turned out to be quick and fun!



I was dreading this DS 106 project, but after creating my first GIF I can now say that I am addicted!  I would love to experiment and make a dozen more (if I didn’t have so much homework).  Honestly, I didn’t know how easy the process was to create one; it is the time involved finding the clever angle that sets one back.  One of my favorite movies is The Phantom of the Opera.  At first I was looking for something humorous, but when I took the movement portion of the assignment in account, I realized that one of the most pivotal moments of the movie is when Christine unmasks the Phantom, revealing his scars and his soul.  I decided to use that scene as the inspiration for my first GIF creation. I realize that the movement within this GIF was supposed to be minimal, however an unmasking does involve quite a bit of motion.  Nevertheless, I tried to whittle away as much as I could.  I also thought it was important to show a tiny reaction from the Phantom.  For this assignment, I first tried using GIFs.com.  I found that after completion it stamps its logo on the GIF, so I scrapped it and restarted using giphy.com. which worked just as easily without the annoying branding.
