DS106: Say It Like The Peanut Butter!

Humming “The Eye of the Tiger”

When first reading the assignment description I thought that making a GIF would be difficult. To be honest, the most difficult part of this assignment was picking a movie scene that I loved and that others would recognize. I truly enjoyed this assignment and actually found it to be a lot of fun.

The iconic movie scene I chose was from the movie Rocky. In this scene, Rocky Balboa is running up the steps leading to the east entrance of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. In all of the Rocky movies you can find Rocky Balboa  running up these iconic steps and eventually a statue of Rocky himself is placed at the top of these steps, symbolizing his achievements. I remember watching all of these movies with my parents while growing up. After watching this short clip, I can’t seem to get “The Eye of the Tiger” song out of my head.

I definitely recommend to anyone who hasn’t seen these movies to bing out this weekend (after finishing all of your homework of course)..



DS106assignment Picture Timeline



<iframe src=”https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vS_28yJQXPlgZ4CrQvGaV-PvmJ1ikQYB9i0oHUj84XlUMyZPKf80ZKUdvqNH8hoVgjh_B_Su1j4kUZy/pubhtml?widget=true&amp;headers=false”></iframe>

I went on a walk with my sister and chose to focus of the color green. I love the color green and in Vermont there is a lot of green. I took pictures of green ferns, green leaves and grass. I also took pictures of a flower that was white with green leaves called lily of the valley.

DS106: Say It Like the Peanut Butter

For this assignment I chose to pick this very emotional scene from the Lion King as it is something that still makes me cry to this day. This moment in the movie is so pivotal as it marks Simba’s journey running away from his family as he believes he was the one who killed his father, Mufasa. However, spoiler alert, Simba’s crazy power hungry uncle Scar killed him. I can remember watching this and being so shocked because I knew Scar killed Mufasa but Simba did not. This scene is so emotional and just sad but it is so important to the rest of the movie. This assignment taught me to think about the scenes in Disney movies that are so important to the progression of the story. 


DS106 “WEB assignment”


Holy COW!!! I often find myself saying this after completing a DS106 assignment. It is pretty amazing how much technology is available to the common citizen (yes… I am considering myself a common citizen!) to utilize. I did not have a single clue that there was a platform that used Google Sheets to then create an epic Timeline. I would have to say, this assignment did stump me for quite sometime and I had to get up and walk away a few times because I was getting frustrated and figured out the I needed to in the end just SLOW DOWN and read the directions from start to finish. I was missing a simple step to cause me the errors. So let’s talk about the inspiration behind the color choice during my twenty minute walk. It resulted in having the two girls I nanny for choice! So.. if you were wondering what color a three and five year old want to go on an adventure looking for… it’s yellow. Yup! They couldn’t make it easy on me and say green?!? There is green everywhere you look this time of year. Well, I was up for the challenge, and my kiddos were ready for a nature walk searching for anything yellow! We found several road signs that were yellow. Additionally, we found a yellow fire hydrant and many yellow flowers! At the end of our color adventure, I am not sure who had more fun… me or the kiddos! We made it a race to see who could “iSpy” something yellow first! After my day ended with the girls, I headed back home to upload the pictures into Flickr. This was part was very straightforward! From here, I explored Timeline JR some. This is where I began to feel very overwhelmed. Once I spent time actually reading the instructions, it was SO easy! They spell out every step for you! Guess this was a good lesson to stop cutting the corners! Once I was finished, I found the embedded code and clicked on View within my post. In View, there was a place to “write” or copy and past ‘Source Code’. Once I placed it, my timeline showed up and this is when I said “Holy COW!”

Daily Create #tdc2703


Today’s Daily Create was asking us what kinds of bate someone would have to use if  we were a fish and they were trying to capture us. The most useful bate to catch me if I were a fish would be Boba tea. Boba tea is a dessert tea drink made in Taiwan that usually is made with a tea flavor as the base and sugar and milk if you want it to be milky. The best part is the Boba that goes in it. Boba is a pearl made of tapioca. Traditionally they are large tapioca pearls that are black so they show up in your drink. You drink Boba tea with a wide straw so you can suck up the pearls and chew on them as a snack while also enjoying your tea.

DS106: Say it Like The Penut ​Butter


When the prompt said to pick a movie to make a GIF with, I immediately thought of Legally Blonde. In this movie, Reece Witherspoon has a very famous scene where she shows a group of ladies at a hair and nail salon one of her most famous tricks to get a man’s attention. This GIF shows her performing the so famous bend and snap, with the group of ladies. This is the most classic scene of this movie, in my opinion. I made this GIF using GIPHY. I liked this website because it made designing the GIF easy as well as had many options of what to add to the GIF once it was complete. 

DS 106: Say it Like the Peanut Butter

Koe No Katachi GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

I’ll admit, when I first saw the name for this prompt, I was utterly confused as to what this assignment involved. Thankfully, the description quickly remedied that confusion. The prompt asks us to create a gif from our favorite or least favorite movie that embodies a key moment. I had a bit of trouble deciding what exactly my favorite movie was, but after I found it on Netflix recently and rewatched it, I decided this film fit the criteria exactly. This movie is “A Silent Voice”, which is a film about a deaf girl told mainly from the perspective of one of her past bullies, who is the guy shown in the gif. Throughout the film, he exhibits symptoms of anxiety disorder, which is symbolized by him putting his hands over his ears to block out the situation he is in. I picked this moment to gif because it’s a parallel to all those previous moments and is also the point in the film where he really grows as a character. I started by finding a clip of this moment on Youtube, which was easy once I used the right keywords. I didn’t realize until I saw the clip that the moment I wanted to gif was actually two separate clips, so I had to decide which of the two clips I found was better. I then uploaded the clip onto GIPHY and cut down the clip to the moment that I wanted.





Too basic? I thought so too… yet, I did not post a picture of me drinking one of the many Starbucks coffee’s that I’ve consumed already this year. Anyways.. I embrace the “basic white girl life”(honestly… I have no shame). I do indeed enjoy a glass(or two) of chilled white wine. I will fall hook, line and sinker each time there is a freshly poured glass placed within my reach. So… angler, your odds of catching me, the “You-Fish” are pretty good if you follow my simple one step instruction. That is, 1:Wine!  This image I found in my camera roll from I believe last summer, since then, I have tasted several delicious crisp wines but this one… This one in particular really left an everlasting impression on myself. Now, since I am confessing some personal quality traits about myself, I must keep going and share that I am a total “judge the bottle of wine by it’s label”. YUP! I am. And if you ask me if the label has anything whatsoever with the taste of the particular bottle, I will tell you yes until I’m blue in the face. This bottle caught my eye at the grocery store and I just knew it needed to be sampled by yours truly the “You-Fish” Not only do I enjoy it’s label, I also enjoy the name, Seaglass! Happy sipping!

Daily Create #tdc2703: Catching the You-Fish

In today’s daily create, they ask us to imagine what bait or lure we would be caught with if we were a fish. I’m a huge fan of sweet things, like cake, ice cream, candies, and breakfast sweets, so I imagine if I was a fish, I would be caught with sweets. I went on Giphy for some inspiration. My main challenge was figuring out which specific sweet I should focus on for my daily create. A lot of the gifs I could find mainly focused on burgers and pizza, so I had to filter through that to get to gifs related to sweets. I ended up finding the perfect gif while looking, so I used it for the create. I liked it because I know Salem the cat can be sassy, kind of like me, and the gif of him eating the pancakes looked kind of funny to me. This may not be my most creative submission, but I thought it fit well with the prompt.
