DS106 Say It Like The Peanut Butter

Image result for grease gif

This assignment was a little challenging because I have so many favorite movies that it was hard to just choose one. I ultimately decided to use a Grease gif because this one, I feel, really encapsulates the essence of the movie. It is the scene where they have the dance contest within their school dance. You have the two main characters, Sandy and Danny, closer to the front and then the rest of the crew in the back. I just think this is such a great scene because it has a fifties feel to it with how they are dressed and how they are dancing. It just shows the audience what that time was like back then. And obviously the song ‘Born to Hand Jive’ helps with the setting. I also really like how all of the characters in this movie are all here in one big scene; dancing and singing together which is what this movie was meant to showcase in the first place. This scene is like one big fifties dance party with all of the cast involved. Grease was made to be this great fifties musical movie and I think that this scene is the complete package for that.




Daily Create TDC2703 DS106



I have recently become obsessed with all things plant related. I love to stop in at Lowe’s down the street and see what they have for plants, and my collection has started to grow quickly.. especially since I found the clearance section where I can get a plant and a cute pot for a price range from $0.25-$9.00! This past weekend I got two new plants, one was $0.50 and the other was $3.00. I also helped my mother plant her garden this past weekend, which took approximately 5 hours. I like to think I have a green thumb and that I will be able to nurse my two new plant-babies back to health. I keep them on my windowsill, as these two plants like direct sunshine, so it was easy when I was scanning my bedroom for inspiration for what would hook me if I were a fish in the ocean and a fisherman was trying to catch me. I can’t pass up a clearance deal, regardless if its plants or clothes, and I especially can’t pass up trying to rescue a neglected plant.


This was one slippery fish. While making this GIF, I wanted to use something that was personal and would make me laugh! This is my boyfriend, Nick, letting a fish slip out of his hands. I found that putting three separate images together to make the GIF was much more simple. I used EZ Gif.com to make this animated GIF. I posted it on twitter because this site couldn’t handle the size of the file. I can’t wait to send this to him! 

DS106 ANIMATED GIF “Say It Like Peanut Butter”


For this DS106 assignment, we were asked to find a scene (either the most favorite or least favorite) and make it into a short (very short) animated GIF. I did not take me long to think of the exact animated GIF that I wanted to create. We’re the Millers is a family favorite that has now been turned into a Thanksgiving and Christmas Tradition. I know…. sounds strange doesn’t? I was trying to remember how long this has been a tradition, and I think that it started when this movie first came out in 2013! Holy Cow… I feel old. Anyways, it is always watched by my family during Thanksgiving and Christmas. It isn’t even a question.. I decided to crop this scene to this very movement because it is one of my all time favorites. Additionally, there is so much that you can interrupt just from 0.8 seconds! First let’s look at Scottie P. The smirk ought to mean that he is up to no good. Clearly, if her got a tattoo that was spelled “ragrets”…. And then to Casey. Arms crossed and entirely unamused by her fake parents questioning Scottie P and his intentions. I felt like this was such a common “first -date” encounter with meeting the parents! To go about making this animated GIF, I had to find the short clip on YouTube. Here is the original: Scottie P “Sup Dog”. I then used a third party website to download the clip to my laptop as a .mp4 file. This website was called: YouTube Downloader. After the clip was on my laptop, I had to trim the clip in order to upload it to GIPHY. Once it was on GIPHY, I was able to select the scene I wanted and adjust the duration of the clip. I deiced 0.8 seconds was ideal to portray all that I wanted for this DS106 assignments. After I was done, I was able to copy the link and embed it into my post.


Daily Create DS106 TDC2702


Since moving into my new third floor apartment with my golden retriever Casey, I am abruptly woken up at 6 am (or earlier) to take her out to the bathroom. Because I live on the third floor, I really have to hurry to get her downstairs to avoid an accident. I think this is probably just a preview to what being a parent of a human will be like.. getting woken up at all hours of the night to take care of someone else. I chose this gif to go along with my tweet because it’s exactly how I feel when Casey is standing over my face, heavy breathing and barking in my face. I just want to hide under the covers and ignore her, but as a parent I know that I am responsible for her and when she wants to go out, she gets to go out. Even if we are getting up at 5 am to do so…




gif movie

One of my favourite movies is the movie ‘Hot Chick’. I have watched it a million times and can quote the whole movie. I think it is a funny and entertaining movie. This scene in particular is the first initial moment the character realizes she has became a boy overnight. She gets up in the morning to use the bathroom, surprised to see the changes. She then looks in the mirror, and well her face in this clip shows exactly how she was feeling! This was the first GIF I have personally made and I had some trouble creating it. I used an app on my iPhone called ImgPlay. I find it easier to use phone apps to create the memes and GIFs from this class. It is just easier to take the photo directly from my camera roll, which is accessible from the app, than transferring the image over to my computer and then making the appropriate modifications that way. Anyways, if you have not seen this movie I definitely recommend watching it! It is a great movie to watch to get a good laugh in.



Daily Create #tdc2702

I was eager to participate in today’s Daily Create as I have always enjoyed paradoxes. I find them interesting, funny and motivational. Since I am not a parent myself, I chose to write about another paradox that all students can relate to. Particularly for students in this course and summer courses, this tweet is intended to aid students in their studying. Summer courses are always more challenging than any other courses. It is incredibly hard and depressing being indoors studying when the sun is shining through your windows. Also in the summer, everyone else is typically doing fun things, such as tanning, swimming, going on vacation etc.; this causes students to be even more unmotivated in their studies. As such, I find this tweet as a useful reminder to keep going and stay focused. While studying can be exhausting and draining, we must remind ourselves of the bigger end goal. Hard work most definitely pays off, and if we put the work in we can achieve anything! I am taking this course right now because I require it as an elective for optometry school which I will begin in August. While this is supposed to be my summer since I already have my undergraduate degree, I have to complete this class. It is frustrating at times that I was not aware that I needed an additional english in my undergrad, but I just keep reminding myself that it will all be worth it in the end.

Creative Borrowing


Do Lethem’s examples and his point here challenge your thinking about creative borrowing? Why or why not?

I don’t think Lethem’s examples he gives are there to challenge my thinking. I think he is bringing them up to try and get me to think. When he says “appropriation mimicry, quotation, allusion, and sublimated collaboration consist of a kind of sine qua non of the creative act…” (61). I don’t think this is true. I think that our ideas are our own ideas. If someone were to have stolen them then that is not right. For the example of the Simpsons, I do think what they talked about was trying to bring a point out. How one creator saw someones idea and then shaped it into their own. I think that Creative borrowing shouldn’t happen. But if I say that then there goes the entire POP industry. If you didn’t know, all the pop songs we hear are so catchy, because they are all the same. Here’s why.



I see your point about pop songs, but I don’t think creative borrowing shouldn’t happen. I think its important to draw inspiration from other people and what they make. As an artist, creative borrowing is something I would consider an important skill. Even the great masters such as Vincent van Gogh, Shakespeare, and George Lucas creatively borrowed from other peoples’ work (references in my own post on this discussion forum). Maybe it’s poorly done with pop songs and how they all sound alike, but creative borrowing can still lead to new and creative ideas from other ideas. It’s a skill you hone by copying the techniques of those before you.



I see where you’re coming from. When I thought of Creative Borrowing I thought that they were taking their entire Idea, and claiming it as their own. But, you have just changed my mind. Like you said about the songs, Yes they all sound similar ( in their own respective ways) but they are all different.

Creative Borrowing


Do Lethem’s examples and his point here challenge your thinking about creative borrowing? Why or why not?

I don’t think Lethem’s examples he gives are there to challenge my thinking. I think he is bringing them up to try and get me to think. When he says “appropriation mimicry, quotation, allusion, and sublimated collaboration consist of a kind of sine qua non of the creative act…” (61). I don’t think this is true. I think that our ideas are our own ideas. If someone were to have stolen them then that is not right. For the example of the Simpsons, I do think what they talked about was trying to bring a point out. How one creator saw someones idea and then shaped it into their own. I think that Creative borrowing shouldn’t happen. But if I say that then there goes the entire POP industry. If you didn’t know, all the pop songs we hear are so catchy, because they are all the same. Here’s why.



I see your point about pop songs, but I don’t think creative borrowing shouldn’t happen. I think its important to draw inspiration from other people and what they make. As an artist, creative borrowing is something I would consider an important skill. Even the great masters such as Vincent van Gogh, Shakespeare, and George Lucas creatively borrowed from other peoples’ work (references in my own post on this discussion forum). Maybe it’s poorly done with pop songs and how they all sound alike, but creative borrowing can still lead to new and creative ideas from other ideas. It’s a skill you hone by copying the techniques of those before you.



I see where you’re coming from. When I thought of Creative Borrowing I thought that they were taking their entire Idea, and claiming it as their own. But, you have just changed my mind. Like you said about the songs, Yes they all sound similar ( in their own respective ways) but they are all different.

Choosing a CC license


How do ideas in Lethem’s article inform your thinking about Creative Commons licensing? Be sure to engage specific details of CC licensing found in the assigned reading from the CC website.

Lethem’s article began by expressing the different ways in which another creator can just take and edit the words that were done by someone else. He went on to say, “I found myself searching for the line “all mankind is of one volume” instead of “all mankind is of one author, and is one volume””. This goes to show that by changing the answer – what he searched – just a little, he would have been able to find it’s original author. Later on in the Article he brings up the episode of the Simpsons that touched on the topic of copy right laws. This correlates to the CC licensing because, in their sections on “what our licenses do” it says they are looking to “forge a balance inside the all rights reserved copyright law where their tools can give everyone -individual creators to large companies and institutions- a simple, standardized way to grant copyright permissions to their creative work”. When discussing the policies of copyright vs. plagiarism it is always best to try and find the copyright. With the CC it is an easier way for people to be allowed to share their ideas, and legally have the other person covered if they so choose to use it.


I liked hearing your thoughts on this topic. Copyrighting can be a very touching subject, and a lot of people can be fined a lot of money for not following these rules quite right. When you begin to talk about “changing the answer,” do you think that this is kind of like a loophole? I also agree with you and like that you bring up, “When discussing the policies of copyright vs. plagiarism it is always best to try and find the copyright.” This is a great way that people can still share their ideas, and still, legally be in the clear.



I wouldn’t say them changing the answer is a Loophole for them to not have to copyright. But it is an Idea that I am sure many people do. They simply change the words around, ever so slightly, and then its their work now. I guess after writing my response I do see it as a loophole. I know that no one likes being sued so changing the words a bit, would save millions.