Daily Create #tdc2702


As a child, you never really see your parents as actual people. They’re typically just beings who give you food and don’t let you eat cookies whenever you please. However as you grow and you start to understand the real world and you go through school, find friends, enjoy other beings that look, talk and think like you, those same people that fed you… are still feeding you. It’s not until you have your own ball of mush called an infant that you realize the cycle has started again. This helps some parents with their patience as they understand that this ball of joy will continue to be as annoying as it is until it itself has another child to parent.



#TDC2702 The Man In The Mirror

Today’s Daily Create challenged us to write something about becoming a parent or any other paradox and since I’m not a parent, I’ve decided to write a paradox.

Growing up, I’ve always been told that I ‘butt heads’ or don’t get along with people who have the same personality as me. I suppose this is where I can use the ‘opposites attract’ punchline and say that it all makes sense to me, but it doesn’t. Why do I not get along with people most like myself? I like the person that I am and I think that I am a good person but why is looking in the mirror at another person who shares my candor a trigger for bad behavior. Perhaps it is how we developed this personality, the experiences that we’ve gone through or maybe we are fighting over the roles we play in society. Either way, this has become a paradox of my life that I have yet to figure out and I wonder if anyone feels the same.


Daily Create #tdc2702


A child or teen rebelling is pretty much every parents worst nightmare. A lot of parents  try to keep their children on a really tight “leash”, meaning they have a  lot of rules and curfews for their kids so the kids do not fall out of line. However, this actually does the opposite. Making a lot of rules for your kids and telling them “no” more than any other response, actually makes the child want what ever you are saying no to, more. The things that they are not allowed to do because you said so, all of a sudden become much more exciting now that it is not allowed. As humans we like to test limits and push boundaries, like a lot of other animals. Breaking rules or finding loop holes are perfect examples of how we has humans like to push our boundaries.


tdc2701: edit a traffic sign

So I did, digitally of course! I tried to make it look as realistic as possible… I saw a sign that was like staaaaaahp once in real life, but can’t remember where. I got the idea from passing a truck on the highway with its bumper having the same message written on it and image of the wizard behind it, but for now, this is good enough 😀


Daily Create #tdc2701

Upon reading the topic for today’s Daily Create, I knew this was one I wanted to take part in. I felt that there was a lot of room for originality in this daily create and was excited to come up with my own creation. I was unsure what sign to use but had a few ideas floating around in my head. I did a google search of “road signs” to refresh my mind of the street signs that exist but that I do not pay attention to (totally kidding). Once I seen this sign, I immediately chuckled thinking about how bothersome this sign is to me. It “bothers” me because I feel it is a ridiculous sign… I have yet to see a road that is this wavy, have any of you? Maybe Canada is better at constructing roads, but the curves shown on this road are obscure and no road mirrors this image. Immediately the “yellow brick road” from the Wizards of Oz popped into my head, as this is what the yellow brick road looks like! At this point I knew this was the sign I wanted to clet. Nearly everyone has seen this movie, HUNDREDS of times, and will thus be able to relate to this tweet immediately! Throughout the movie, all the helpers encourage Dorothy to follow the yellow brick road to receive all she is looking for in life. The yellow brick road was symbolized as a road for hope and comfort for Dorothy; two things I feel drivers need after seeing this sign consisting of an image of the most unsafe road!



Bad Decisions

I decided to go a little old school with my Daily create. I thought what am I going to do for this demotivational meme. While I was thinking I typed in thinking meme into my google search bar. Then I came across this lovely photo of Jimmy right about to get deep into thought. I brought the image into my Paint function ( does anyone else use this, its on Windows, I feel like it’s really unpopular…) and used my Magic select function. From there I cropped out Jimmy’s Front door, because who needs them. I then thought about what would go really good with thinking. Then it hit me. Food. As a college student we are always conscious about which food we get and how much. Or, we could be like Jimmy here and have other choices.

For my other images I did the same process with Jimmy. I pasted the photos into Paint, Cropped them, and sized them. After my images were all set I Blacked out a Polaroid sized section in paint, and Filled it in Black. I added a 2D Rectangular shape in the middle and filled it in with white. From there I added the Pictures and placed them accordingly. My next thought was what to put in the eye catching Bolded word. What better than Adulting, and when the bad decisions started happening.

**Side-Bar: I am not implying that Jimmy goes shopping and buys Wine. That would be bad.**

#tdc2701 #ds106 ds106dc


DS 106 Demotivate Yourself

This demotivational message took me a long time to create.  I don’t typically view many memes (with the exception of Office Space memes, which if you understand the context are the most accurate I have run across) and those aren’t usually demotivational in nature.  I believe that when you view a multitude of memes, like my daughters do on a daily basis, they are easier to design.  I knew from the beginning that I wanted to create this meme with an image that I had taken versus an image bank.  Therefore, this meme was created from a two year old picture of my daughter Cara, who is standing in front of a Justice League movie promotional cutout inside the Saco Cinemagic lobby.  Just as a reference point, each member of our family had a picture taken with the cutouts separately, posing seriously and heroically as if we were a team member of the Justice League.  However, when it was time to take Cara’s picture, she decided that her fragrant, buttery popcorn was more interesting than any superhero pact.  Who can resist freshly made popcorn?

That is what made this image stand apart for me and it makes me laugh every time.



DIS106 Work – Demotivate Yourself

Motivation and me have a very strange relationship. I want to get things done. I like being productive. It’s just that my brain will take that need for productivity and direct it toward something else. It’s like my brain demotivates me from doing an important task, say creating an art piece that I assigned to myself, and motivates me to do something else. It’s a very strange system.

This happens often. When I was in college and I had a big report that I needed to write, I would sit down at my computer for a few minutes… then I’d find myself getting up and walking over to the dorm kitchen to wash the dishes or reorganize the utensil drawer. Even at home, whenever I have a set goal, I find myself walking to the kitchen to do the dishes or start baking. I can’t say my family minds this, considering all the chores in the house that get done, but for my own personal goals it can be frustrating. 

… I can guarantee that is exactly what is going to happen tomorrow. There are dishes that need to be put away and I’m planning on baking a cake for my aunt tomorrow. 

~ Charlotte


DS106 MEME Assignment

Feelings… just pretend they aren’t there.

Sweep your feelings under the rug and pretend they don’t exist. That is the theme I was going for for this weeks meme assignment that focuses on demotivation. Most motivational posters would tell you to get in touch with your feelings and don’t be afraid to express how you are feeling.. so for my demotivational poster I want to encourage people to hide their feelings and ‘sweep them under the rug’… pretend that they don’t exist! It is almost like bottling up your emotions, eventually they will explode, or the messy pile of feelings will be exposed under the lumpy rug, but at least for now you won’t have to deal with them. As I sometimes tell myself: “That’s a future me problem” aka I don’t want to deal with what’d going on in the present, and I’ll let my future self deal with the issue. Although this tactic isn’t the healthiest, it at least buys you some time to figure other things out or just enjoy life despite whatever you are dealing with!




Daily Create #tdc 2701

Today the Daily Create #tdc 2701 challenge was encouraging people to be inspired by Clet Abraham, an artist in Italy.   He transforms ordinary street signs into artistic masterpieces.  This theme coincided perfectly with our Lethem reading, where he writes about artists taking universal signs (or items) from culture and displaying them in a different context, so I knew I had to accept the challenge!  I decided to go with a “Share the Road” sign format and after thinking for a bit what people argue about sharing the most, it came to me…the remote!  I first attempted to create my own sign design, but after a bit searched for a company that actually created custom street signs.  I put my verbiage in their application, took a screenshot, saved the image, and added it into Word.  I then searched for a non-copyrighted image of a remote, colored it in Paint, and merged the two images in Word and voila’!  Actually, this task took me a lot of time and was frustrating, but in the end, I definitely was satisfied with the result.
