
What’s on your toast?

In short? Cheddar, that’s it. I usually don’t have toast for breakfast but when I do, I make sure I have some sort of protein on it.

ds106 tdc2692

DS106 meme

ds106assignment: what’s the meme?

My old high school just finished renovating and so all the “got milk?” posters are gone. This is tribute to the time when I didn’t have to worry about my safety.

DS106assignment meme

DS106 meme

ds106assignment: what’s the meme?

My old high school just finished renovating and so all the “got milk?” posters are gone. This is tribute to the time when I didn’t have to worry about my safety.

DS106assignment meme

DS106 Images

DS106 assignment: images

Say hello to my little friend!

This is Sindri, a now-11 yr old Icelandic Sheepdog (icie). This was taken as I watched a horror movie. I’d accidentally squeaked during jumpscare scene and he ran across the house and jumped into my lap. He kept trying to lick my face and block my view of the TV. They say pets can’t see screens but I beg to differ…

DS106assignment images

DS106 TDC2693

DS106 TDC2693 5/27/19

What happens after a 100yr nap?

Well, not eating for 100 yrs has taken its toll… since I do not have the nutrients to sustain my body, my soul has left. I have been turned into a zombie, age 121 yrs. My house has been dismantled by the Earth’s tectonic plates shaking and now I’m literally the walking dead.

Daily Create #tdc2694


When I first read this daily create topic this morning, I had no idea if I would be able to make a post about it. I have spent my whole day being very aware of my surroundings, looking around for any areas that seemed like they could be from a different planet. I went to quite a few places today and could not find anything. It was not until I was sitting on my couch completing my other assignments that I looked on my coffee table and seen the basket of stitched balls that is considered a “centre piece” for the table. Right then I realized that could act as a perfect landscape for an unknown far away planet. To top it off, there was a toy spider already in the basket (my little cousin was over this weekend). I was able to then note that this sequinned spider was the prettiest of it’s kind and the only inhabitant on the planet. Who knew a centre piece on your table that has been there for years could make up such a good story?!


What’s the Meme?

When making a meme, dogs always make for quality content. If someone doesn’t like dogs- well they probably don’t like memes or any other fun things (jk, cats are cool too!). The featured star in this meme is my brother’s dog, Dixie, my dog niece. Her favorite part about springtime is running around and finding dirt piles to dig in around our house. Prior to this picture being taken, she found her way into my mother’s prized flower garden- whoops! Dixie is a good girl, however, she definitely didn’t get a treat for this stunt. With this cute face though, how could you not still give her kisses on that dirty nose? 

I have used the app memetic before and it is fairly easy to maneuver. My friends and I actively participate in “memeing” each other in our group chat- in a friendly way of course! Although I do like the presets that the app can offer, I prefer to use my own pictures to make it more personal. 


DS106: What’s the Meme?

When making a meme, dogs always make for quality content. If someone doesn’t like dogs- well they probably don’t like memes or any other fun things (jk, cats are cool too!). The featured star in this meme is my brother’s dog, Dixie, my dog niece. Her favorite part about springtime is running around and finding dirt piles to dig in around our house. Prior to this picture being taken, she found her way into my mother’s prized flower garden- whoops! Dixie is a good girl, however, she definitely didn’t get a treat for this stunt. With this cute face though, how could you not still give her kisses on that dirty nose? 

I have used the app memetic before and it is fairly easy to maneuver. My friends and I actively participate in “memeing” each other in our group chat- in a friendly way of course! Although I do like the presets that the app can offer, I prefer to use my own pictures to make it more personal. 
