The Dog Cast


Per my last English class, English 304, with Dr. M J Cripps, in the summer of 2019, we were given an assignment that expanded throughout the entire semester worth of learning. In this assignment, we were given complete freedom to develop a topic for a blog to work on. In total, we had to give at least two posts in each of the next five weeks of classes and could do it in a written format, video format (VLOG), or any other way we could think of. For me, I decided to make a Blog Roll, called the Dog Blog.

From doing this we learned how a blog platform functions, whether that is by writing posts that work within the “blog genre”, or even how we could have shaped our writing style into what a professional/successful blog would look like. Now that I am almost out of my door of UNE I wanted to leave a mark on it like no other. So, Instead of just leaving this as a Blog I am going to be making them into a series of podcasts, which I have so cleverly named, the Dog Cast. Get it? Its a dog podcast – Pun 100% intended.

I decided on doing a podcast series on this information so that it not only branches out to those who want to read more but, I am making it more accessible. Most people will generally listen to the music of some kind, something where it just plays in the background while they focus hard on work. For me, making this Blog into podcasts opens up the market for someone to go in and listen to my story with my own voice. The first five episodes will be below, please click on “The Dog Blog” to see rest of series.

The Dog Blog Conversation on all things service animal-related as well as my personal experience of living with my ailments.

    Feed has no items.

Doing this project, I used my iPhone Xs. Usually, for podcasts, people use a real microphone and go into recording booths. Sadly, due to the current pandemic, I do not have that luxury. However, if given that chance to do this podcast again I would have happily re-done it in a professional setting. I ended up not using my phone’s regular audio recorder, instead, I dabbled into both Audacity and Garageband.

To start with, I will record each episode on Garageband. From there I will transfer the data to Audacity which is a form of medium that I am the most comfortable with. I will use Audacity to do my minor audio edits on each podcast. From there I will go back to GarageBand and add my sound effect and background sound. I am choosing to do it this way because again, I am most familiar with Audacity for recording and editing, but, I am knowledgable in how to layer sounds using Garageband. Additionally, Garageband gave me the ability to add additional sound effects that Audactiy could not.

Since I am doing it all locally, I went ahead, grabbed a cut of coffee, and let it begin. Instead of sitting there holding my phone, I used a Bluetooth operated microphone so that the diction and clarity were persistent. Once all of these podcasts are edited, I will be adding in other background sounds as well as intro and outro music. My reasoning for making this blog into a podcast is so it makes it easier for someone to listen too while doing other things. This way my story is getting heard in a manner that is easiest for both I and the listener.

For this podcast, I choose to do it in one setting by taking breaks in-between each post.  This way it could give me time to add a blank space while editing and give the listener a chance to take in the information they just heard. The day I recorded it ended up being quite windy outside, but, when layered with the ocean sounds it blends in for a natural-sounding effect. I, of course, also had Bella with me while I recorded. After all, her opinion on this matters the most.

Art can change the World


The Best way to change the world is to escape into another. I would love leaving this world and traveling to Rapture. Rapture is a place where everyone is the same, treated the same, and there are no issues.


Disappearing into the World of Bioshock is one that is a natural tradition for me. I would like to play it when I was little, but ended up getting to afraid of the game and ended up hating it. Now that I am older I can see that there is nothing scary about it and it really is an enjoyable game. This may not be what is exactly asked for for the daily create but I feel like it helped my world into a better place. I learned to conquer my fears.

#ds106dc @ds106dc #tdc271 @eng304cripps


Spot the Difference

Katy Perry

I felt again like a kid. I had remembered this page from some gossip magazine where they added emoji’s into Katy Perry’s dress. So, similar to that page, I took Katy Perry and made her into my spot differences. There are indeed 5 differences in this. All of them are on her person. The difference in size and how she is flipped do not count in this!

If you need any help with this, please leave a comment on here and I will help you out! Other than that, Please enjoy!


#ds106dc @ds106dc #tdc2720  @eng304cripps


Draw with Scissors

Release the Inner Child

  1. Grab your scissors.
  2. Grab a newspaper or disposable text.
  3. Cut and make people.
  4. Take a pic and share your art out.

I am all on top of this daily create. Honestly I love arts and craft. I am just a 21 year old living with a child dream. Regretfully the only recycled paper I could use is the one from my Medical Sociology class from my first paper in that class. #sorrynotsorry . I also had really fun making this, I didn’t expect much from it, but Honestly really fun. If I could just do arts and crafts for my job I would love it. Alas, I love Aquatic animals more. I am also really proud of this. To do it I first made the Cut out of the people, then through he cant have nothing come out of his hands. So with my sticky notes I made a Fire ball and angled this just right.


#ds106 @ds106dc #tdc27139 @eng304cripps


Krug and my ePortfolio


Right on my home page I have that this is a student’s work page. Since Schooling really is all I have been doing for the past 16 years, I though it was only right to put “a Students’s life” at the top of my page. As for my menu’s I find them easy to use. Each one is equipped with a page that, incase you accidentally click on the wrong one, will lead you to a page with links that bring you to where you wanted to go.

Visual Hierarchies
For my porfolio I think that the font size is good. I have been using a size 14/16 type of deal. My headers are typically 16, where my information is usually 14pt. I think by having the font larger, but not so large is the best thing to have. I also think that by not having a continuous photo in the background it is better for the eyes to focus on the words in each post rather than the image. Because of this I went with a simple light blue background that isn’t so bad for the eyes.

Make Clickable Obvious
My links on my page are very easy to tell. They are made into another color, giving them the appearance of “maybe I should click on this”. In some cases if the change of color is not visible to me, I will go in and edit the text’s color to a navy blue (following with my ocean color theme) and will , sometimes, make it bold. This type of difference in coloration, makes it pop out, just like it does in my first Blog post.

Format Text for Scanning
In regards to scan-ability I believe that it is easily readable. Since I have my home page set up as a welcome page, instead of a content page, I think it is easy to follow and see which parts the reader would like to view. For my posts I do like to have it as broken up as I can while maintaining the flow. Sometimes I’ll add an image, a horizontal line, or even a bolded header that signals a separation.


I really like that when a link is inserted into the text the text changes color. I know sometimes its underlined but for myself it’s much easier to see a different font color and I really appreciate that our eportfolios have this feature. I know that I really need to mix up my font types and my font colors but sometimes I worry that It’ll all look like a mess if I do that so I tend to stay traditional (boring).
I love how your blog is set up. Navigation is really easy and I am able to tell where everything is at a glance. I also like how you’ve set up your actual blog page, including links to each post instead of every post on your blog page. It’s inspired me for reformatting my own blog.



If you’re worried about your ePortfolio looking boring, I suggest doing what Charlotte is doing and get a color scheme and stick to it. For example, If you are trying to be minimalist you could have White background, black text, underlined/ bolding links. Or if you’re looking for more color you could stick to the blue family, or the green family. I wouldn’t recommend a yellow, or a red because red is seen to make people angry when they see it, and yellow would be too hard to see. Then once you have your scheme of colors just start from the darkest shade, and work your way down to a lighter one. For example, Black for the text, Dark blue for Links, A lighter blue for Headers and stuff like that. Or even however you want to do it! that is the amazing thing about ePortfolio’s is that they are your own creations!



Well thank you! I think how my blog is set up is quite functional that way it isn’t too clustered. I actually have my Blog on my page down in two forms, so the reader can easily find it in both ways. I have my Latest Post – ENG304BLOG and I have my page, which I think you are talking about, where I have them in a list form. I am happy it inspired you, I know that you were having a page and a half issue going one, so that makes me happy!

Two Show Mashup

#tdc2713 #ds106

I know this kind of resembles a MEME but I tried my best not to. Today’s Daily Create had us think of two shows that had some type of a common thread. The same actor could have appeared in two different shows, and movies, things like that. We then had to make a mashup of the two shows using the commonality.

For my choice, as you can tell, I picked Samuel L. Jackson. For my images I chose one of Nick Fury holding a gun from Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Jules Winnfield also holding a gun from Pulp Fiction. Obviously the commonality is that they are both holding a gun, In this case at each other!




Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These

#tdc2711 #ds106 

For my Aunt and Uncle parties were their main act of fun. Since they raised me I would always be there. They taught  me how to prepare for them, how to be a nice host, how to make sure all the guests are happy and well fed. Making sure that everyone was happy was the greatest feeling I could have ever felt.


When I am older and have the money for it I want to be able to have a large enough kitchen and dining area so that I can Host people the way that I know how too. Just do a way to make everyone happy, and make sure they have a good time.


I feel like making other people happy I can be happy.



Nguyen’s Framework and My ePortfolio


What did you learn through the process of creating the ePortfolio that you did not know before?

When I first started my ePortfolio in Fall of 2016 I didn’t know at all what to expect from it. I thought of it as some way to have a place to upload our information from class. I thought it was similar to Google drives. Then I got more comfortable with it and played around with it a lot. I got to know the system. Through this learning process I found out how to edit pages, make a post, separate a Menu from other Pages, make a home page. I never thought I would know how to do these types of things. But after time, and getting familiar with it, I realized that it is way more that just a Google Drive.

How do you view your past differently after creating an ePortfolio?

After creating the ePortfolio I can see my past work from when I made my first post. With this Class I have implemented more of the functions that the ePortfolio has to offer, for an example this reply section, I never would have through that I could use one of these on this platform. With this platform I can go back and see my past work a lot easier than I could on another system. I fell like by having this it is a nice, clean way to have my work laid out.



Comparing the portfolio to google drive to me now sounds like a far-fetched comparison, but like you, when I first started using this platform I had nothing else to really compare it to besides drive! Seeing past work from this class as well as other classes is always so interesting to me. For example, when I look back at my freshman year English course and see a response that I made about how social media is impacting our minds, I feel as though I would respond very differently now! Do you feel this way as well?


Watters and ePortfolio


Think about Watters’ argument for DoOO, and consider the things Nguyen finds happen to students in ePortfolio. Offer us some interesting thoughts as you consider the relationship between Watters and Nguyen.

Watters’ argument for having a DoOO is a really good idea. I stand behind it. By providing students and staff with their own domain students and staff can see first hand how digital technologies work instead of sitting in a classroom and having a lecture on how it works. As Watters put it “They can think about how these technologies shape the formation of their understanding of the world – how knowledge is formed and shared; how identity is formed and expressed”. by doing my work online it really is letting me have a space of my own where there are so many support tools to help me understand something when it is confusing.

Then again, I would also have to agree with Nguyen when he said “Most of the literature addressed [in] ePortfolios [has] tradition, focusing on knowledge and skills. This study will contribute to the existing literature by offering instead student learning experience within [the] ePortfolios”. I feel like by keeping all of our information in one place neatly organized in a way that everyone understands is better than having everyone on a single folder and we wont know who’s stuff is whose.


I completely agree with you on the fact that creating a domain for students is a great idea. I stand behind it as well. I like that it puts less stress on the grades and focuses more on actually getting the students to learn.


Burtis and DoOO


Think about the work you’ve been doing in this course, the argument Burtis is making in her report on what’s happening in the Digital Pedagogy Lab at UMW, and Nguyen’s ideas about the value of ePortfolio. Write.

I can definitely see where she is coming from when she says the UMW way is to “Provide students with the tools and technologies to build out a digital space of their own”. I really like the power to be able to have the choice and decisions on what I can say and what I can do on here. I really like how I get to customize and design my page as my own. This really makes me feel more comfortable on the site. I really feel like by exploring more into the ePortfolio world, as well as the Codecademy we , as students can really learn to love and appreciate all website developers brought us.



I love that we picked out the same quote from Burtis because I found it really connected back to our class. Through our ePortfolio’s we have been able to create a digital space and with the help of Codeacademy actually know how put one together. This has been a really rewarding experience and I now appreciate more when I go and look something up on the internet because I know the time it took to create that. Do you feel like everyone at some point in their college or professional careers should take the time to create an ePortfolio and go through something like Codeacademy? Should people understand and appreciate more how digital spaces are created as we have done in class? Interested in your response!