Daily Create #tdc3041 – Let’s Do Some Colouring

This was pretty simple to execute. Nomadwarmachine put out the Daily Create and included a link to some Black and White images, with a charge to “do some colouring.” I grabbed the Harley patent application drawing. As I was dropping some color in using Photoshop and both the magic wand and paint bucket tools, I started imagining a biker on the Harley.

Shel Silverstein’s illustration that accompanies his poem “My Beard” immediately came to mind. I headed to Google, found the image, and grabbed it. Then I flipped it to fit the orientation of the bike, played around a bit with the eraser tool, and sizing to make adjustments to my bearded rider, the “Shel’s Angel.”

Not wanting to omit some credit for this remix of a historic patent application and great art by a truly gifted poet and artist, I also floated Silverstein’s signature in near the other signatures on the patent application. Naming the rider “Shel’s Angel” adds a bit more. And, of course, I date stamped the whole thing by adding in @ds106dc and #tdc3041 right below the “Fig. 1” text on the original image.


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