Daily Create – #tdc3043 “It’s Alive!”

I was at something of a loss when I saw this one. I thought about the sourdough starter in the refrigerator, but it’s not really doing much in there right now. Over coffee and breakfast, as I finished the paper and started into the crossword puzzle, it occurred to me that the puzzle was coming to life. “It’s Alive.”


  • Take phone from pocket.
  • Open camera app.
  • Take picture.
  • Share to Twitter with #tdc3043, @ds106dc, and @eng304cripps.
  • Load it into page for ePortfolio, with explanation about inspiration/idea, tool used, etc.
  • Make sure I have the “ds106dc” keyword at the bottom.
  • Done.

And then I noticed I hadn’t read the prompt closely. It called for a POEM! Oops. Lesson learned. Here’s a poem:

It’s Alive!

Peering through the puzzle clues,
Pouring soymilk over Cheerios,
Poring over the rows and columns,
Penning answers with a Bic Round Stic,
Pondering a proper create for #tdc3043,
Proclaiming, eventually, “It’s Alive!”

Not all Dailies need to involve lots of image/text manipulation. I’m glad I did this one without making a meme, editing an image, or turning a video clip into a GIF.


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