Daily Create – #tdc3046 International Family Day (5/15)

I immediately knew I wanted something “around the table” for my daily create. The family dinner is an anchor point for me. It’s long been a place and time for conversation, checking in on the day (and on life more generally), and, of course, dining.

The question: What might work? Should I grab a family “birthday” photo and post as a meme? Hmm. Then I started thinking about family sitcoms. That 70s Show quickly came to mind, but there’s too much angst and traditional gender/familial role stuff going on there. Besides, their kitchen table is almost always too small because it’s a sitcom.

The Addams Family then came into focus for me. After a bit of work, I settled on a dinner-table scene and got busy making a GIF.

It’s not bad. I’m pretty pleased with the way the cuts more or less seamlessly create an infinite loop GIF.

There’s always some sibling thing going on around my home. Mostly, it’s pretty innocent, but this scene captures the potential for things to go bad. The parental gender roles in the GIF, the father-son dynamic, and the meat cleaver capture so much about family – and provide plenty of opportunities for commentary/critique.


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