Daily Create #tdc3055

For my first Daily create, I decided to take this prompt in a little bit of a different direction. Although I love music, I am not musically gifted in any way, and after hours spent at the computer, I was not happy with any of the results I was getting mashing two different songs together. Then I had the idea to take one song, and mash it together with audio of characters in a movie saying famous/memorable lines. I have been having movie marathons during quarantine, and one main one I have gone through is films in the Marvel cinematic universe. I decided to take the Avengers theme song and mash it with clips from the various films of characters saying memorable lines. It was a fun task, but it was definitely time consuming! I used iMovie and ended up being pretty content with the final product. However, my video was too large to upload to twitter, so I recorded my computer screen with my iPhone while I played the video through quick time player. However, Twitter didnt like that either. It said my file could not be processed. Then I had the idea to upload the second video I recorded to Youtube and then share the link on Twitter. That seemed to work! Not ideal of course, but at least I was able to share it.

Instead of mashing up two songs, I mashed up the Avengers Theme song w/ audio clips from MCU films. Alas, my video file was too large, and the video I recorded of my screen didn’t upload, so here is a youtube link of that second vid instead… https://t.co/x28QA6cVpA

#tdc3055— MorganaQ_UNE (@MorganaqUne) May 25, 2020

