Daily Create #tdc3059

I thought today’s daily create was a special one as we as creators are able to put our own hometowns out on the spotlight. It’s good to acknowledge our roots and pay the respect that they deserve. Even if it’s in a fun quirky Postcard format. I enjoyed going out into my town trying to find a landmark that could pose as my postcard.

In the end, I chose to focus on my town’s main office as it’s a hot-spot for the Turner public. While taking the picture I did get a couple of funny looks but was quick to take the photo and assemble what I needed. I’m not sure if people are more irritable than usual since we’ve been dealing with all this heat and the corona business. The town office is certainly an interesting place as they cater to wide variety of things. My town is quite small so this town office definitely suites our little community.

While making this postcard I used Indesign and a photo I had taken earlier in the day. I used 4 boxes to create the green border around the original image and fit the main text underneath. All in all this took me about 15-20 minutes to complete the postcard.
