Daily Create #tdc3061


Here is my new band and album cover! You’ve heard of the Cars, now introducing, the Cats! I had a lot of fun with this Daily Create 🙂 #ds106 #tdc3061 pic.twitter.com/a9PKsh0In4— MorganaQ_UNE (@MorganaqUne) May 30, 2020

You’ve heard of The Cars… now here is The Cats!

I had a lot of fun with today’s Daily Create! I started my process by scrolling through my iPhone, perusing the list of artists that I own music by. Nothing was really jumping out at me until I came to The Cars. My grandfather loves classic rock and he is the one who got me hooked on the genre at a young age. His favorite bands are The Cars, the Eagles, and Queen. Right when I read The Cars artist name, I knew changing the r in Cars to a t could be fun! So, the band The Cats was born! The album cover I decided to go with was their complete greatest hits album because I felt it had strong potential to be “cat-ified”. My first thought was to put photos of cats playing instruments in the tiles, however, I wanted to stay true to the original cover and replace the human hands with cat paws. I brought the album cover into photoshop and found some cute cat paw photos on google. I then used lots of layers and tools such as the lasso and paint tool to remove the human hands and replace them with the cat paws. I had a lot of fun messing around with this idea in photoshop and I’m pretty happy with the result. The thing I love about these daily creates is you never know what you’re going to do on any given day. I would have never guessed I would wake up this morning, log onto Twitter to check the daily create, and several hours later be creating a classic rock album cover with cat paws.
