ds106 – Selfie w/ Pet

Winter and I enjoying the Outdoor Sunshine

This mound of fluff is my dog “Winter.” Winter is a Bernese Mountain dog and turned five years old around the beginning of May. He is a big cuddler and enjoys tons of attention. Although he may look like a goofball I think he is one of the smartest dogs around. Winter is a really good listener and I swear he can understand the things we say to him. It’s only a matter of time before he starts talking back!

Winter was sort of a surprise for my family as just before we had him we had a female Bernese Mountain dog named Della. Della passed away during the end of my first-year of college. A short while after her passing my mother went out and picked up this big guy. Winter was the mutt of his litter but that didn’t stop his unique shine.

When originally picking up Winter, he had actually fallen through a nearby barn’s floorboards. Where the owners then had to fish him out from under the barn. Once they brought him up to the surface he was covered in dust and debris. But still just being a enjoyable little puppy he didn’t care nonetheless.

With the recent stay-at-home order it’s given me plenty of time to connect with Winter. I enjoy bringing him outside and soaking up this wonderful weather we’ve been having. It’s been good to get out and enjoy some sunshine while also playing with my dog. Although Winter does give me some trouble I think he’s a really good friend.
